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i love to.fucked by strangers

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Started by #311850 at 18,Oct,12 07:59
Does.anyone like strangers?about me i searching.for stranger when.i think i feel

Similar topics: 1.Wife fucked by by stranger!   2.getting fucked   3.Fuck me please? Can anyone help with my fantasies? Xx   4.My fantacy❤️   5.Sex in a car.  

New Comment

By ChicagoRed at 06,Jul,24 18:30 other posts of ChicagoRed 
When I was younger, I was quite monogamous. As I got older, I began to play, swing and become more adventurous. Sex with total strangers is exhilarating in a very unique and exciting way. But even in those scenarios, I at least need to briefly get to know and feel out a new partner (at least 30 minutes) before the clothes start coming off AND with the option of being able to decline without any hard feelings if I don't feel right or good about the situation.

By #715400 at 29,Jun,24 08:38
Yes please I love meet men on doublelist and let them use and abuse me like the faggot sissy I am a dirty nasty worthless poppers sniffing slut getting butt fucked and choked

By SexyboytoyzMtl at 09,May,24 08:48 other posts of SexyboytoyzMtl 
OMG yesss always without condom ITs my condition and i like IT when they are old or when they really dont care about me and you go with him and feel the stress but you just want to be fuck by this Guy and let him fuck you violently or even beat you up or tie you up

By #704641 at 25,Mar,24 14:16
I do it all the time I meet men on and gay bars and I let them butt fuck me and use me and abuse me with no rubber I love it

By #703011 at 26,Feb,24 08:11
I want to be trying fore the first time to be fucked
by an old stranger man.

By #690553 at 19,Feb,24 16:40
I love it when I used to go to sex parties

It’s just the feeling of how are they going to handle me that turns me on 🥰

By #704641 at 18,Feb,24 23:21
Hell yes of course I love posted posts on doublelist. Com cross dressing and let men come over to my house and I sniff poppers and let them use me and abuse me fuck my throat and butt fuck me and choke me with no rubber

By #545468 at 06,Feb,19 15:17
Absolutely. NSA sex can be the best sex out there. Get a guy through CL (when yu could) or grindr or squirt or at the gay beach is awesome. I find it's great finding out new things that I can use with my boyfriend at home

By #545840 at 09,Jan,18 04:08
yes I love getting fucked by. stranger's i post on Craig's list and meet lots of men and let them fuck me in my ass with no rubber it feels so good let them use and abuse me as a submassive little slut cock whore cum dump
By #482237 at 10,Jan,18 19:24
dangerous, chupete,,i wouldn't be able to,,,they would ban me from my swingers group

By #294721 at 10,Jan,18 15:35
Nothing wrong with hooking up with strangers

By #485312 at 19,Feb,16 23:08
lve fucked strangers, its a given at an orgy or gangbang, every fuck has its merits and l think l prefer fucking strangers that fucking friends that youve known for ages, at least its not uncomfortable when you run into the later, fucking friends has many strings and l strangers you dont have to face again if you dont want to..*lix*
By #311947 at 07,Jan,18 00:58

By #311947 at 07,Jan,18 00:57
Anonymous sex is so fun. be safe, be smart, ... but it is a turn on

By #539433 at 06,Jan,18 04:39
Where can I find one
By Dev01 at 06,Jan,18 05:28 other posts of Dev01 

By cardinal at 19,Feb,16 19:26 other posts of cardinal 
(walks out the door with fishing gear)
By Dev01 at 06,Jan,18 04:23 other posts of Dev01 

By #545840 at 06,Jan,18 04:02
hey i love it i post on Craig's list and meet lots of men and let them fuck my ass with no rubber it feels so good

By cumaddik at 19,Jul,14 14:41 other posts of cumaddik 
I do love sucking off and getting fucked by strangers Huge turn on for me!

By #467291 at 19,Jul,14 00:53
I often frequent public conveniences for the opportunity of a chance encounter with another man.

By #461043 at 26,May,14 15:38
Hell yes I love it Ifind gguys on Craig's list and adult friend finder and I alone find men I meet 3 or 4 guys a week some time more , sometimes I just suck their dick ans sometime I let them fuck me and most of time about 80 percent of the time no condom iam cock whore slut i love big dick
By bella! at 26,May,14 22:05 other posts of bella! 
Oh wow, you are a prize!
By Rose at 27,May,14 02:05 other posts of Rose 
By bella! at 27,May,14 02:49 other posts of bella! 
Rose, you should read his earlier post.

By #218130 at 18,Oct,12 08:14
No, I don't. I don't play with fire. "don't stick your dick in a hornets nest and expect not to get stung". Just my humble opinion, not judging anybody

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