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Started by #235609 at 23,Oct,12 00:08
I have never met on cl in person with someone. I set up 3 meetings with different sexy daddies but i flaked on them because i got scared. Anyone done it? Any tips?

Similar topics: 1.craigslist   2.CraigsList, Yey or Ney?   3.CRAIGSLIST HOOKUPS!!!!! places to find locals interested in fooling around?   5.Anyone else find it loads harder to hookup as a bottom than being top?  

New Comment

By #304590 at 23,Oct,12 15:54
The person you respond to could be police. Not my cup of tea.
By WristThick at 23,Oct,12 17:05 other posts of WristThick 
And so what? It's not a crime to solicit sex on the internet or anywhere else. It's only a crime if you offer to pay money for it, or someone asks for money in return for it. Unless it's for porn

By #242452 at 05,Nov,12 15:10
Great! I hope he's in uniform, so I can satisfy some of my fantasies!
By kebmo at 19,Feb,18 05:34 other posts of kebmo 
I met my best cock sucking friend on Craigslist. He's a cop. Even cops like to suck cock. Here's my blog story about how we met 4.5 years ago. I am the only guy he's sucked....except for the threesome with Andy. See photos. Brad LOVES to suck cock and he also loves my camera. /blogs/16796.html
Warning: May cause

By kebmo at 19,Feb,18 05:29 other posts of kebmo 
I met every guy in the photos on my profile through Craigslist. I wrote a blog story about how to safely meet guys there and posted it on my profile. This is it: /blogs/33992.html

By #549726 at 18,Feb,18 22:55
I love meeting me on Craigslist I have been doing for 3 years now and never had a bad experience I love meet lot of men and sucked a lot of dick and let a lot of men fuck me I am a criag list whore

By #332336 at 19,Dec,12 15:50
CL is great for meeting people but you have to be patient and very specific. Men lie something awful. Especially about their looks, weight and dick size. If they won't send recent pictures, don't meet them. Period. That's the first red flag. If you have to drag information out of them, forget it. If they are vague about what they want to do, forget it. With experience you will learn how to spot the bullshitters and flakes. A lot of guys will go through all the steps to meet and then go silent on you. They never intended to meet, just fucking around. Block those guys so they can't fuck with you again.
I've met some very good people on CL, some are good friends now, but met a lot of screwballs too. Just be careful.

By #204254 at 05,Nov,12 11:35
OK everyone, lets put Craigslist in perspective...
If you want to get laid, where do you go? Craigslist!
There are going to be flakes and freaks on any site you go to, thats the way it is. Lets also remember that it is free to post or reply to a post on Craigslist, so this will draw in some shady people,
Craigslist is doing us all a favor by keeping these personal ads on their website and not charging us to use them, if you don't like it don't go there. And stop being haters.
I for one have had plenty of good connections on the site, and will always go back for more.

By dickisgreat at 23,Oct,12 16:04 other posts of dickisgreat 
Are you talking about your own reaction and comfort level for meeting people, or are you talking about what to look for in the CL ads, what to say in the emails, etc.?

'Coz those are different things: your own feelings, vs. a simple how-to

By #147052 at 23,Oct,12 14:01
Never met anyone off of CL...lots of flaky folks very careful about who you allow into your life.

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