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ever had a massage with a happy ending

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Started by #269409 at 26,Oct,12 12:41
Got one thee other day for my birthday was very relaxing and hot the person that gave me the massage was naked and that just made me very horny

Similar topics: gspot to massage your own prostate   3.How man days can you go without ejaculating?   4.Massage parlor/Happy Ending stories   5.Anyone ever gotten a professional “massage”?  

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By Horrorbear at 06,Nov,24 18:03 other posts of Horrorbear 
Would love one, never tried it but keen

By wycowboy at 06,Nov,24 15:05 other posts of wycowboy 
Every time I went for a scrub and rub in Japan

By lovetolickyou at 05,Nov,24 22:56 other posts of lovetolickyou 
I haven't done the happy ending message yet but I'm thinking about it. A while back, I went for a series of acoustic shockwave treatments that are designed to stimulate blood vessel development in the genitals. You have to be clean shaven to do it and the treatments were done by a really pretty girl about 30 years old. She's handling your cock and balls and working all around from above your cock down through your crotch to the end of your perineum right next to your ass. I loved it and have been thinking since then about the massage thing. Also thinking that before I do any more soundwave treatments, I'm going to skip shaving and go get waxed.

By hungduck2004 at 04,Nov,24 01:01 other posts of hungduck2004 
Got a nice slow sensual handjob with lots of edging and frenulum play from a cute latina girl. I came so hard it nearly hit the ceiling

By Lik2play at 03,Nov,24 18:34 other posts of Lik2play 

By Jamie at 10,Oct,24 21:27 other posts of Jamie 
Like to be massage inside and outside

By Smoothsilk at 10,Oct,24 18:12 other posts of Smoothsilk 
I like Asian women and I like handjobs, so yes I have had MANY!

By #307054 at 26,Oct,12 18:17
Answered an add on craig's list for a massage. Went to the place and this buff guy had me lie face down naked on his massage table. He proceeded to massage my back legs and ass. so hot when his fingers slid into my crack and played with my balls and ass. his cock grazed my hand and arms as he fingered my ass so I took it and caressed and stroked it. He then had me turn on my back and he rubbed my teasingly for 30 minutes before he started stroking my cock and sucking it. I spread my legs for him and he pulled out a huge butt plug and filled my ass with it as he stroked me. I had him move closer and I sucked his cock at the same time. so hot feeling his cock grow hard in my mouth as he fucked my face. I came so hard. He came in my mouth a few seconds later. I am hard just thinking about it.

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