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Anyone ever gotten a professional “massage”?

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Started by #505564 at 06,Feb,18 01:54
Has anyone ever gotten a happy ending massage I’ve been wanting to get one lately and want to know some tips for getting one. Is half hour not enough time? Do they do prostate? How legal is it? Are they worth it?

Similar topics: gspot to massage your own prostate   3.Prostate massage   4.Prostate massage   5.Anyone paid for a professional "Dom"?  

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By nekekal at 06,Nov,24 18:10 other posts of nekekal 
I have. In Austin Texas. Three levels of massage. Sensual. Deep tissue. Full body. Only on.the full body would they touch your cock. Full body costs more and takes longer. Not much longer. By the time they get done with a sensual massage, my cock was hard and dripping pre cum, so in very little time I was shooting cum. It was great.

By Lik2play at 03,Nov,24 18:36 other posts of Lik2play 
Yes it was great. I go about once a month full body deep tissue massage

By PITBULL at 12,Oct,22 00:29 other posts of PITBULL 
I have recently had a professional massage. Before the massage, the masseur asked which part of my body is sensitive. I told him my ass. When he was doing my ass I got a boner. It was 1-hour massage.

By #680768 at 12,Oct,22 00:06
Many many times. Almost an addiction. I have met some very nice girls. Some have been extra friendly as well. One in particular would have sex with me for free. Lost track of her during pandemic. She was a real sweetheart.

By #522126 at 07,Feb,18 07:10
I had a Tantric/prostate massage,90 mins.well worth it,long and slow,very sensual,came a bucket load of cum and got to lick her clit.Expensive but worth it.She did my Wife as well,massaged her pussy untill she came.
By #505564 at 07,Feb,18 17:50
Where did you do this/find the person?

By notnow at 06,Feb,18 19:57 other posts of notnow 
Go to Bangkok , loads of places like that there .
By #542930 at 06,Feb,18 21:25
When I am in Bangkok I go to a massage place in a shopping centre. It is half the price compared to What Pho & air conditioned as well. I have had 1/2 an hour but 1 hour is even better.

By leopoldij at 06,Feb,18 11:53 other posts of leopoldij 
Talking about legality, why the fuck should getting a hand job be illlegal? If someone is willing to pay and someone accept the money and pay their taxes, I don't see why this should be illlegal.
--------------------------------------- added after 90 seconds

[The misspelling of the word "illlegal" was on purpose. It is censored.]

By #201030 at 06,Feb,18 02:31
yes, yesterday. a half hour is plenty if you mainly want a hand job. you'll most likely just get a back rub maybe arms and legs. a sensual light touch tease as you're on your stomach is nice. a little ball and hole play. then...roll over for a little touching then that happy ending. each will do her own thing so prostate is a maybe. worth it? kind of. it's kinky and always good when you get a hand job. you can pay for more: oral, fingering her, etc. you can even pay for "full service". fucking. now...... legal? fuck no.
By #505564 at 06,Feb,18 03:30
It seems to be very obvious as to what goes on in those places

By #521857 at 06,Feb,18 02:46
At the birthday of me and my friends we were partying in Montrйal and you know after a day of chain smoking joints and splifs and some heavy drinking we said why not? but just before we went 2 cops in uniform ran into the xxx asian massage place. Still wondering what it would be like

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