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Started by #310163 at 30,Oct,12 18:06
Recently i have uploaded some pictures and on many occasions, my points had been deducted for something, I cant understand why?

Please see the following logs...

-3 points for uploading of the j9a1r2va1byi pic (upload limits exceeded) - Oct 30, 10:30
-3 points for uploading of the 1zd2mt9ejk8i pic (upload limits exceeded) - Oct 30, 09:59
-3 points for uploading of the jfnz31ks5dqi pic (upload limits exceeded) - Oct 30, 09:57
-3 points for uploading of the kfdx3hpyx4jr pic (upload limits exceeded) - Oct 30, 09:57
-3 points for uploading of the ft1amf4ov8kd pic (upload limits exceeded) - Oct 30, 09:56 30, 01:00
-3 points for uploading of the 8wgc7738w46b pic (upload limits exceeded) - Oct 29, 12:16
-3 points for uploading of the uikvzwv3gj99 pic (upload limits exceeded) - Oct 29, 11:43
-3 points for uploading of the pjiifgw8ilwc pic (upload limits exceeded) - Oct 29, 11:42

Similar topics: 1.MEGA posters   2.Points log   3.Emma Watson's pussy   4.Deducted points for comments   5.Points deducted to 0! Why?  

New Comment

By bikev at 31,Oct,12 12:57 other posts of bikev 
Just keep loading them. Your cock is fantastic. I would love to be able to get to know it better and swallow your hot thick cum.

By bella! at 30,Oct,12 20:56 other posts of bella! 
The explanation was provided with each 3 point deduction made. Seriously, you didn't understand why? I'm sure you're quite proud of your dick, it looks unique and soooo different from all the other members that post here however think about it, in less than 3 weeks you've uploaded 308 dick pics!?!?! You need a new hobby.
By #297360 at 30,Oct,12 21:17
Quite right, i have 10 pics of my dick and have already run out of ideas.

I am open to sugestions on what to do for my next 290 pics
By bella! at 30,Oct,12 21:46 other posts of bella! 
I noticed that the pics you speak of seem to include your left hand. Try taking 10 pics that are your dick with your right hand. I'm sure your dick will look really different.......
By #297360 at 30,Oct,12 21:52
my god your right, I shall get to work at once!!!
By bella! at 30,Oct,12 22:11 other posts of bella! 
Glad to help you move beyond this creative slump you seem to be having.

By #297360 at 30,Oct,12 18:26
quote from the site rules

" Uploading pics may also cost points. This happen if you have over 300 pics in your profile or if you are uploading too much pics in a short time (more than 12 in 1 hour). Private and temporary pics do not count."
By #218130 at 30,Oct,12 20:34
You are spot on, he has 312 pics. He should consider deleting some of the not so popular ones

Adult Discussion Forum