Recently i have uploaded some pictures and on many occasions, my points had been deducted for something, I cant understand why?
Please see the following logs...
-3 points for uploading of the j9a1r2va1byi pic (upload limits exceeded) - Oct 30, 10:30
-3 points for uploading of the 1zd2mt9ejk8i pic (upload limits exceeded) - Oct 30, 09:59
-3 points for uploading of the jfnz31ks5dqi pic (upload limits exceeded) - Oct 30, 09:57
-3 points for uploading of the kfdx3hpyx4jr pic (upload limits exceeded) - Oct 30, 09:57
-3 points for uploading of the ft1amf4ov8kd pic (upload limits exceeded) - Oct 30, 09:56 30, 01:00
-3 points for uploading of the 8wgc7738w46b pic (upload limits exceeded) - Oct 29, 12:16
-3 points for uploading of the uikvzwv3gj99 pic (upload limits exceeded) - Oct 29, 11:43
-3 points for uploading of the pjiifgw8ilwc pic (upload limits exceeded) - Oct 29, 11:42

I am open to sugestions on what to do for my next 290 pics
" Uploading pics may also cost points. This happen if you have over 300 pics in your profile or if you are uploading too much pics in a short time (more than 12 in 1 hour). Private and temporary pics do not count."