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Started by bella! at 09,Nov,12 14:35  other posts of bella!
Do you realize that in less then 8 weeks, 2012 will be just a memory? Yeah, who knows if 12/12/12 will be the end of the world but I remain optimistic that I will be here for the 13th. For many, the next few weeks will involve many unique holiday celebrations. There is such diversity with our SYD/SYC friends and I wonder if you celebrate, how you celebrate and what might be a tradition in your family. Perhaps you could share how you decorate or a favorite recipe or two....

Thanks for your input!

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New Comment

By gradurgaur at 09,Nov,12 23:52 other posts of gradurgaur 
my family and i allways go and put candles on graves of those that have left us.only 2-3 hours before christmas holaday so those that have gone have some beautiful light going into the holadays..and it lock so amasing to see all those candles lighting up those dark night in iceland...
By bella! at 09,Nov,12 23:59 other posts of bella! 
What a beautiful tradition!

By #267458 at 09,Nov,12 15:15
im hiding from my family and spending the christmas with my gay friend and we are going to have hot sex and just get on with life ... we have to love gardening and not christmas and cocks
By bella! at 09,Nov,12 17:42 other posts of bella! 
Hiding is good too. Since I travel so much every day to and from work, I enjoy staying home and doing my thing. Sometimes the Stouffers red box meal is just right. Hey, can you explain what you mean by gardening? Thanks!

By #265360 at 09,Nov,12 17:22
I will start with Thanksgiving. The whole famliy makes ther special dish and we all go to one home for the day. Mine is sausage stuffing. "No pun on words"
By bella! at 09,Nov,12 17:38 other posts of bella! 
Love, love, love stuffing. Our traditional stuffing is lovingly prepared by my mom however, I was introduced to sausage in the stuffing and it is soooooo DELICIOUS!

By #11431 at 09,Nov,12 14:56
yep , we are not religious , but I count Christmas as my real holiday. A chance to stock up with goodies & lock the doors for a week of self indulgence. I will of course be stuffing the turkey and making mince pies but not a lot else .. just plain lazyiness. Just hope its not as cold as the last 2 years.
By bella! at 09,Nov,12 15:00 other posts of bella! 
Thanks! You embrace the holidays like many others!

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