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2015 summer holidays ?

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Started by #465054 at 13,May,15 14:04
country or the city where you plan to vacation in this year?
What also wonder why you prefer?

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New Comment

By #485312 at 25,Oct,15 02:37
It's feeling like summer is here in Oz, l spend mine up the country usually *lix*

By #465054 at 26,May,15 07:30
who is want go turkey ??

By Ravioli_Max at 20,May,15 01:56 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
We might go tour Alcatraz next month.

Also she wants to go visit her family (mom and dad) for the 4th of July out of state, and watch fireworks being set off.

And she wants to go back to downtown San Diego come Halloween...wants to see the Ripley's Believe It Or Not exhibit in Balboa Park if it's still even there.

Let's see, what else...she wants to take the Amtrak train to make our way over to the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles any old time.

And we want to go to Vegas and NYC someday.

As for Christmas, again, she wants to visit her family out of state for that.

And she wants to see Lake Merritt.

By #390153 at 19,May,15 18:51
Im going to be in maspalomas from the 17th sept for two whole weeks , cant wait to walk in the dunes with a hard on . I went 7 years ago but took my teenage kids .so this time im going to be making up for it
By boy at 19,May,15 21:39 other posts of boy 
Will be there at the end of August and then again in winter.
My wife and me enjoy the sexy atmosphere in the dunes and have already been there many times. Really a great place!

By pifad at 18,May,15 15:57 other posts of pifad 
I will be going to the beach as often as possible on weekends and hanging with the guys in the gayborhood during the week
By bella! at 18,May,15 16:05 other posts of bella! 
Is that a new word, gayborhood?
By pifad at 18,May,15 16:58 other posts of pifad 
Nah. It's where we hang
By bella! at 18,May,15 17:06 other posts of bella! 
Alrighty then!
By pifad at 18,May,15 20:09 other posts of pifad 

By #465054 at 18,May,15 08:26
not go holidays???

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