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What makes a good cock pic??

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Started by #319122 at 09,Nov,12 22:59
I know that lighting and the background need to be good. But, beyond that, what makes a good cock pic? What is the best angle?

Similar topics: 1.What makes a good dick?   2.What makes a cock look good?   3.Does my little dick make you feel bigger?   4.What makes a dick "good looking"?   5.What makes a great pic?  

New Comment

By #269409 at 13,Aug,13 13:00
When my cock is in the pic

By #416899 at 13,Aug,13 08:43
visit my page.

By #124665 at 27,Mar,13 05:54
Variation and creativity. Don't post the same pic over and over..

By #6568 at 26,Mar,13 17:41
I think you need a plain(ish) background and even (but not bland) lighting......Then, you need to be able to keep the focus sharp (this is the biggest defect of pix on SYD by far)

As far as "angles" and composition and other aesthetics;....decide what is the feature or aspect you want to show and comcentrate on that until yo get a good shot. The 'Rule Of Thirds' can help;......imagine the frame is divided into thirds in both dimesions thus fiving 9 equal rectangles,.....the 'strong' parts of the frame are on these lines and the key poiints are where the lines cross.

[deleted image]

This shot is one of my most successful,.....all of the above info is in this shot, focus, reasonable lighting, not bad composition, no confusing background details, 'strong' points of thirds used etc
By #124665 at 27,Mar,13 05:53
Well said

By CreativeOne at 27,Mar,13 05:01 other posts of CreativeOne 
The Best picture are Outdoor pics on a nice sunny day ! Mostly because the lighting is perfect plus , it's more fun to take nude pics in the great outdoors !

By #164428 at 27,Mar,13 01:59
What makes a good cock pic? A good cock!
By CreativeOne at 27,Mar,13 04:22 other posts of CreativeOne 
Good one Steffi !

By #201155 at 26,Mar,13 17:31
I know I'm biased, but I was quite proud of this one!

[deleted image]

By #147052 at 26,Mar,13 15:07
1. a good camera
2. a good cameraman
3. a fun time

By #146802 at 25,Mar,13 19:35
is mine good pics?

By boc at 10,Nov,12 00:37 other posts of boc 
I am not sure. Take a look at mine and tell me if they are good pics.


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