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Started by #159671 at 07,Dec,12 04:01
Similar topics: 1.Filtering. 2."Blue Under-lined Words" 3.HELP! Are you good with words in the bedroom? 4.Lets have the censoring taken off the words please Admin 5.Words you DISLIKE New CommentComments: |
2 ****
3 ****
4 ****
5 ***
6 ****
7 ****
That covers the big ones.
Lemme test some words here:
underage? u n d e r a g e
scat? s c a t
rape fantasy? r a p e f a n t a s y
sleeping? s l e e p i n g
sleep? s l e e p
drunk sex? d r u n k s e x
beastiality? b e a s t i a l i t y
pissing? p i s s i n g
blood? b l o o d
children? c h i l d r e n
brother? b r o t h e r
sister? s i s t e r
force? f o r c e
incest? i n c e s t
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that's wierd, it took all of them! Even **** and sleeping!
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It didn't this time, maybe it works with a ? or ! after it!
sleep? ****! ****
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It seems to not know what a ? is for. I can say I will ****? with an ****? ****? like my ****? but only if I use question marks stuck on the end.
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I give up, I don't know what the fuck is going on!
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oops I just saw it on the list below
And check #5 above.
Don't ask me how I got these words spelled without it being deleted...
--------------------------------------- added after 16 hours
illegаl legаl
--------------------------------------- added after 275 hours
secrеt fоrce
--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours
well... let me give you hint... it recognizes only English words and letters....
Aaaiiieee, but the copy-pasting from franзais did not work.
Aaaiiieeee, my Mac is down right now, and changing keyboards in Windows is much more difficult, it appears.
OK, another try: blццd
Ha! I got it. Thanks.
Perhaps this then: Canadian гape seeds are used to make canola oil. ?
a sibling of yours, both sexes: **** ****
the supposed opposite of love: ****
(well the opposite of love is actually indiference)
and that word you call folks that are older than ten but not yet twenty: teen
what about that 'special' wine like thing from france: champagne?
anybody know of other words?