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horny at work

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Started by #338530 at 03,Jan,13 15:58
Great stories have me all worked up at work right now. Surrounded by office cubes and tempted to whip out out? Anyone get down with it at work/get caught?

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By #662360 at 27,Apr,23 07:21
I quite often jerk one off at work. I’m in open plan and watching the leggy miniskirts around me, treating me to an occasional upskirt panty peep gets me hard. So I head for the men’s restroom, lock myself in a stall and get it out like this. [deleted image] Then I add a few more semen stains on the wall to the many me and other guys have left there before.

By #685138 at 23,Dec,22 15:20
Me at work today.
[deleted image]

By smiley at 12,Aug,14 16:55 other posts of smiley 
This was in public cubicles, almost got caught with a semi...

By #285354 at 12,Aug,14 10:14
I used to from time to time. I was always able to find a place that minimized the risk of someone catching me off guard. I work out of my home now. It's a whole lot easier when feel the urge.

By #174339 at 11,Aug,14 07:12
horny as always

By leopoldij at 11,Aug,14 00:49 other posts of leopoldij 
I used to masturbate even when I was working in a cubicle.

By #338530 at 03,Jan,13 18:02
Whipped it out at work..[deleted image]
By 3fdfd at 09,Aug,14 08:36 other posts of 3fdfd 
other guys at work like it ?

By #269759 at 04,Jan,13 02:45
I jerk off at work at least once a month... never been caught yet. Once i did leak a lot of pre cum, but i was wearing dark pants and no one noticed.

By #303909 at 03,Jan,13 20:17
This was at work when I was left alone in camp...

[deleted image]

By #102374 at 03,Jan,13 16:10
You bet. I'm so fucking horny right now. I have a wet spot on my pants from the precum leaking. May have to just get up and go to the restroom and jackoff. Maybe someone will see when I

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