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Started by leopoldij at 11,Apr,14 17:07  other posts of leopoldij
I'm at work.
I'm horny.
My cock is hard.
I'm not alone in the office.
What should I do?
Does this ever happen to you?
How about the ladies? Do they ever get horny at work?
[deleted image]

Similar topics: 1.jerking off at work   2.caught peeing in my office by one of my female work fellows...   3.does cock exercise work   4.horny at work   5.Jacking off at work  

New Comment

By qhaos at 16,May,14 16:40 other posts of qhaos 
sure happened to me! here's the proof!

[deleted image]
By leopoldij at 16,May,14 20:15 other posts of leopoldij 
Nice. What kind of work do you do?
By qhaos at 17,May,14 13:13 other posts of qhaos 
i'm a butcher!
By leopoldij at 17,May,14 13:15 other posts of leopoldij 
oh! be careful!!!

By #460403 at 17,May,14 01:59
Sure it did! But I always used to cancel out the time of me playing with myself from the time sheet!
By leopoldij at 17,May,14 09:26 other posts of leopoldij 
Very honest.

By bella! at 16,May,14 20:23 other posts of bella! 
Many offices have "casual Friday" but what's going on with all that red, blue and green plaid? Are you in pajamas or are you a golf caddy?
By leopoldij at 16,May,14 21:14 other posts of leopoldij 
Just a t shirt

By #303133 at 16,May,14 16:01
What should you do?
How about actually doing the work they are paying you for instead of playing with yourself like a damn monkey?
By leopoldij at 16,May,14 20:15 other posts of leopoldij 
Sometimes I get lucky and get a habdjob from the girls at work.
By #303133 at 16,May,14 20:31
As expected, you sort of missed my point.
By leopoldij at 16,May,14 21:13 other posts of leopoldij 
I don't know what your point is, but my point is to cum, very handjobs, blowjobs, and fuck. As much as possible.

By #455630 at 16,May,14 18:08
I often wear a vibrating ring while I'm working carefully switching on and off. I have cum in my pants often though

By leopoldij at 16,May,14 11:19 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm now at work.
I'm masturbating.
I'm uploading pics of my cock.
Check my page.

By #358797 at 11,Apr,14 17:20
If I get rather horny at work, I tell them I have to shit and go fondle myself in the bathroom. Lol.
By leopoldij at 11,Apr,14 17:42 other posts of leopoldij 
Do you really do that? I'm touching myself at my desk.
By #358797 at 11,Apr,14 18:22
Yeah.... If I absolutely can't deter my focus, which has happened on more than one occasion. The distraction of having a swollen clit and a drippy hooha isn't easy to deal with where I work.

By #53773 at 11,Apr,14 20:02
Must be fun to tell everyone you are going to shit
By #358797 at 11,Apr,14 20:24
I have no shame. Hearing me say things like "I gotta shit" or "That fart burnt my asshole" is quite common. They don't suspect anything. Lol.
By leopoldij at 12,Apr,14 01:06 other posts of leopoldij 
I wish you told them something like "gotta go to the restroom because I'm dripping".
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

I got hot and pulled pants down.
[deleted image]

By #364688 at 16,May,14 04:32
I think they do........

By leopoldij at 13,May,14 21:21 other posts of leopoldij 
i need to cum when working, every day. what should i do?

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