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This girl at work

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Started by #518816 at 18,Dec,16 18:11
There's a new girl at work who's all over me! She's said some crazy things to me and had even asked to see my dick!

The thing is though is that she's freshly married and with a k!d ! I also work with her! She's beautiful and I've got a semi pretty much all day, but I'm not that kind of guy!

I'm not the type to come in between a family like that. Over lust. I'd feel terrible!

Not only that but of we did do something at work and we got caught or she got upset over something and lied about me, I could get fired!

There's a saying; "don't shit on the table you eat at"

But damn it all I have to do is say the word and she'll grab it! This has been going on for 3 weeks! I've been so f-ing horny!

The struggle is real.. I'm also virgin so knowing I could get it that easy is killing me. I didn't know I had such dick control!

I don't think in gonna do it. Too many negatives outweigh the positives. Not worth it.
Just wanted to know what you guys think!

Similar topics: 1.ever have a lapdance make you cum?   2.jerking off at work   3.horny at work   4.Jacking off at work   5.Need Help .... VERY IMPORTANT !!!!  

New Comment

By #510409 at 23,Dec,16 11:43
The chances are is that the second you do anything she will drop you right in the shit.My advice is stay well away.
By leopoldij at 24,Dec,16 00:07 other posts of leopoldij 
Nonsense. You can't say that this is what will happen. Depends on the situation and it's not that likely. Besides, without a bit of risk what's the point of life?
By phart at 24,Dec,16 23:29 other posts of phart 
Now that he is gone I can't check his profile to see where he is. But if in the US, workplace sexual harassment will get you in the slammer faster than murder 1 it seems. It can also involve lawsuits and so forth to. Which a good sum of money from a lawsuit would go along way towards putting her and the baby in a better house,car whatever. Not all women just want good sex. They want a free ride off the system. Watched it happen on my job about 20 years ago. So I know it can happen. You don't get your sex and paycheck in the same place unless you want to loose it all.
By leopoldij at 25,Dec,16 13:15 other posts of leopoldij 
Understood. But not everyone is in the US. Also, perhaps, it might be possible to evaluate the situation.

By #497672 at 20,Dec,16 17:37
Perhaps she has seen your SYC profile page. But, I admire your attitude though.
By #518816 at 20,Dec,16 23:18
Lol maybe I had actually thought about
By #497672 at 21,Dec,16 19:53
Your time will come when you met the right girl.
By #518816 at 22,Dec,16 02:48
Pft.. I'm not worried about it!
Women are too much trouble, work and too expensive. Plus I don't have time for one!
Between work and bodybuilding! And I'm not gonna stop bodybuilding for some girl!
She'll just have to deal with it or go.
By #497672 at 22,Dec,16 15:41
Yes, they are a pest (only joking, but they are worth it and we can't live without them. Happy Christmas

By leopoldij at 22,Dec,16 19:32 other posts of leopoldij 
But you haven't even tried....
By #518816 at 23,Dec,16 03:01
Maybe way down the road from now.
Right now I have no interest in women ;-)
By leopoldij at 23,Dec,16 07:40 other posts of leopoldij 
But you're on this site. So you are interested in something....

By leopoldij at 21,Dec,16 06:14 other posts of leopoldij 
The fact that you talk about it means that you want to do it. You're torturing yourself. Do it. Lix is right. Just let her see and touch your cock. The problem is that you don't know how to separate emotions from sex. She doesn't want your cock because she loves you but because she wants to please herself. If you could understand this, you could also please yourself without the emotional bag. The latter is an illusion. Men, in particular, don't know how to separate the two.
By #518816 at 22,Dec,16 02:50
Lol nah I'm not gonna do it.
Besides I think she's lost interest in that area and we're just friends now.
By leopoldij at 22,Dec,16 09:30 other posts of leopoldij 
Oh well, I guess you can masturbate thinking about her but keep in mind there's nothing wrong having sex with friends for the sake of having sex only. Is she attractive?

By chubbyloves at 21,Dec,16 21:46 other posts of chubbyloves 
send her to your profile on this site

By leopoldij at 21,Dec,16 21:30 other posts of leopoldij 
Just show her your cock.

By #485312 at 19,Dec,16 02:30
l say do it, lifes too short to regret, don't fuck her at work, take it somewhere else, stay out of her private life and keep it just a fuck...if you think you'll fall for her, don't touch her...but if you can just fuck her than do happens every day in the real world, we are not a monogamous creature, we do play the field in life and if you get caught, be prepared for the back lash, make sure the risk and reward are what you want...*lix*
By #518816 at 19,Dec,16 03:28
I'm not gonna do it
So crisis avoided !
By skinb at 20,Dec,16 04:11 other posts of skinb 
I don't mess around with married women but as far as coworkers as long as they don't work under me they are fair game. I have actually never worked anywhere that sex wasn't common between coworkers.

By leopoldij at 21,Dec,16 06:11 other posts of leopoldij 
That's the point: life's too short. Opportunities should not be missed.

By phart at 19,Dec,16 03:44 other posts of phart 
I was always told don't get your pussy and your paycheck at the same place.
With all the sexual harassment shit that gets played up nowadays 1 time that you offend her, she will use it against you.
Mark my words, the day will come that a man getting a obvious bulge in the work place will be grounds for harassment.

By #363802 at 18,Dec,16 19:26
Then you can certainly understand why she wants you! I mean when you see a nice BIG bulge, your mind wanders and you wonder just how BIG it really is! I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to grab a nice bulge when I see one!

By #363802 at 18,Dec,16 18:40
Just checked out your pics I can see why she's always grabbing your junk,she probably see's your bulge and knows your hung! Tough to hide something that big!

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