| There's a new girl at work who's all over me! She's said some crazy things to me and had even asked to see my dick!
The thing is though is that she's freshly married and with a k!d ! I also work with her! She's beautiful and I've got a semi pretty much all day, but I'm not that kind of guy!
I'm not the type to come in between a family like that. Over lust. I'd feel terrible!
Not only that but of we did do something at work and we got caught or she got upset over something and lied about me, I could get fired!
There's a saying; "don't shit on the table you eat at"
But damn it all I have to do is say the word and she'll grab it! This has been going on for 3 weeks! I've been so f-ing horny!
The struggle is real.. I'm also virgin so knowing I could get it that easy is killing me. I didn't know I had such dick control!
I don't think in gonna do it. Too many negatives outweigh the positives. Not worth it.
Just wanted to know what you guys think! |
Women are too much trouble, work and too expensive. Plus I don't have time for one!
Between work and bodybuilding! And I'm not gonna stop bodybuilding for some girl!
She'll just have to deal with it or go.
Right now I have no interest in women ;-)
Besides I think she's lost interest in that area and we're just friends now.
So crisis avoided !
With all the sexual harassment shit that gets played up nowadays 1 time that you offend her, she will use it against you.
Mark my words, the day will come that a man getting a obvious bulge in the work place will be grounds for harassment.