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female feet fetish ?

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Started by cherryd at 07,Jan,13 16:59  other posts of cherryd
anyone have a foot fetish?

Similar topics: female feet! feet   3.Like to cum on feet or have feet jizzed on??   4.I'm into foot, piss, fart fetish   5.Where do our fetishes come from ?  

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By biguyfunn at 09,Apr,24 03:38 other posts of biguyfunn 

By boc at 06,Apr,24 14:59 other posts of boc 
Yes. I do. I get really hard from touching a woman's feet. I don't know what it is. Maybe because they are noticeably different than men's feet.

By #675771 at 04,Apr,24 11:57
Love feet. At a guy's house after hooking up with him I met his daughter, she was sexy and asked if I liked her feet. I said they were gorgeous and she rubbed them on my crotch before I licked and sucked them

By Lvphose at 04,Apr,24 03:28 other posts of Lvphose 

By leopoldij at 20,May,21 21:33 other posts of leopoldij 
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Although I don't mind it if she wants to play with my dick using her feet.

[deleted image]

By DJS at 18,May,21 17:07 other posts of DJS 
Nope,doesn't do a thing for me,but a mate is into feet more than anything else,

By #536019 at 17,May,21 01:41
Definitely! I love licking and sucking my wife's toes.

By #upnorth6969 at 17,May,21 01:31 other posts of #upnorth6969 
Hell yes

By biguyfunn at 16,May,21 05:17 other posts of biguyfunn 
Yep sure do

By Lvphose at 14,May,21 11:03 other posts of Lvphose 
Absolutely, particularly women’s feet in pantyhose/nylon stockings! Had a gf who would indulge my turn on and wear nylons and stimulate my cock with here pantyhose/nylon stocking feet!
By cherryd at 15,May,21 06:23 other posts of cherryd 
Ye I love a good footjob and finish on the toes.

By #521478 at 07,Nov,16 16:20
I DO love everything about female feet,heels,nylons.nothing like a footjobs from sweaty nylon feet

By #307565 at 06,Mar,16 09:58
I myself like to see feet.

By #453487 at 27,Jun,15 23:12
I do!!!

By bigguy at 07,Jan,13 19:11 other posts of bigguy 
I would say I do, female feet that is. But i'm very selective they have to be neat and clean and well shaped.
I can name a few on SYC that have beautiful feet and toes
that I find real sexy.
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Here are 2 for example.
BuxomBliss and jennysweetfeet.

By hp80 at 07,Jan,13 18:44 other posts of hp80 
Yes, so it is!

By amateurmfeet at 07,Jan,13 18:40 other posts of amateurmfeet 
love feet

By iluvcox at 07,Jan,13 17:47 other posts of iluvcox 
Do I? !

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