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this points system is shit

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Started by #250899 at 10,Jan,13 12:22
I post a pic of myself front view with my dick bulging in my undies in the normal dicks catergory. -10 points WTF
please show me the underwear catergory and i will gladly place the pic there. The only thing this makes me want to do is not post anymore pics. so thank you who ever reported my pic
no more pics for the public only private. seems to be a flaw in this system. I would think people would be glad to see pics in public.

Similar topics: 1.POINTS SYSTEM   2.points.... ?   3.Rip Off??   4.Admin, please tell us about the points system?   5.POINTS SYSTEM  

New Comment

By #124665 at 11,Jan,13 09:39

By #250899 at 11,Jan,13 01:29
my normal dick was in underwear and is not anything other than that. so sorry, but the catergory is not normal dicks in the nude or normal dicks not covered by clothing. just normal dicks. thus left to my interpretation. Sarcastic:The use of irony to mock or convey contempt. I would call that rude. I guess thats just my interpretation,so feel free to deduct 10 points.
By #274357 at 11,Jan,13 01:37
Please do not attempt to act smart if you do not know how to spell a simple word such as "underwear".
By bella! at 11,Jan,13 02:06 other posts of bella! 
Underware!? Silverwear!? .
By #250899 at 11,Jan,13 02:30
such a nice lady you are! i would rather be a horrible at spelling, then be a horrible person. your parents must be proud! Oh your from Michigan that explains everthing.. nevermind. have a nice day
By bella! at 11,Jan,13 02:51 other posts of bella! 
Thank you and my parents are quite pleased with my accomplishments. BTW, you are an atrocious speller; "Oh YOUR from Michigan" Did ya put your underWARE on backwards? Could it be that the b lood flow to your brain is blocked? The word is you're......a simple contraction ( you + are ). And I bet your parents are so proud of you, not only can't you deduce what category to place your underWARE pic in, you can't spell either. Are you. smarter than a 5th grader........NOT!
By #250899 at 11,Jan,13 02:55
so much anger. does it feel good to belittle people. what a sad person you are. your not worth my energy. i hope you find some peace.

By #7976 at 11,Jan,13 02:48
The whole point system is supposedly to get folks to use the site and communicate. It's application though has often puzzled people so, do what I do - ignore it. If I get points, great. If I don't that's great too. Either way, if you don't let it bother you, it won't be an issue. Besides, if you really want to discuss the system, address your comments to Admin. He's the only one that can make a change to the system. Cheers.
By #250899 at 11,Jan,13 02:51
thanks dude for a real answer. and admin stats he could care less about catergory. cheers

By #250899 at 11,Jan,13 01:57
thanks for the spellcheck. you are just 2nice i
never said im smart maybe a smartass!

By #250899 at 11,Jan,13 00:23
thank you for your comments. first of all I'm not having a sissy fit. I just feel like if I wanted to see a guys dick bulging in his underwear, i would find it in a dick catergory. not miscellaneous where i find pics of skyscrapers and unicorns. just saying the this site is in need of some new catergories. there are enough people who like to show them selves off in some form of clothing or lack there of. please don't be so rude as to to belittle me with comments like " I suspect you have attended school." lets try to be adults here. thank you
By bella! at 11,Jan,13 00:54 other posts of bella! 
Rude? Me!? No, I'm sarcastic. Furthermore, I didn't say sissy fit, I said HISSY fit. C'mon you posted in the wrong category, undewear pics ARE NOT dick pics. Be for real, new categories for the member(s) that want to show themselves off in some state of undress? Those members need to post their bulging dicks under uncategorized heading ( their pics mixed in and right next to the skyscrapers and unicorns ) or risk being "evaluated" for posting incorrectly and having points deducted.

By #336682 at 10,Jan,13 13:23
They could also be placed in the uncategorised section, with no loss of points.
By bella! at 10,Jan,13 13:35 other posts of bella! 
Thank you! That is actually the name of the category that I should have mentioned. Good catch, again, thank you!

By bella! at 10,Jan,13 13:08 other posts of bella! 
Hmmmm.......... With all due respect, what's hard to figure out and why toss a hissy fit? You're 29 years old and I suspect you have attended school; there are several formal categories for dicks ( i.e. normal, tortured, pierced, modified ), then there are categories for asses, balls and MISCELLANEOUS. You have not posted a picture of your penis, you have not posted a picture of your ass and you have not posted a picture of your balls, you have only posted a picture of a bulge..... I believe 68Hangerz vented about this the other day, the guy wants to look at pussy pictures and what is he seeing on the pussy page; skyscrapes, tits and guys in frilly panties. Really, what's hard to understand, your picture is "miscellaneous".

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