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points.... ?

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Started by #14349 at 29,Jun,09 19:52
I do not understand the "system" of what it takes to get points. ? And how many ? Some days I got more than one-hundred points for my actions one the side.... ( with very little activity )... and other days I "work hard" to register "wrong category or bad quality", and end up with 23 points for spending hours with actions, comments etc. ????What IS THE SYSTEM and how excatly does it work. ?
Maybe somebody here knows ?

Similar topics: 1.Points log   2.Total Points?   3.FOR ADMIN - THOSE POINTS AGAIN   4.Small addition for paid members   5.Points Changes  

New Comment

By #5532 at 30,Jun,09 04:02
Explain how I went from 250 to 146 and my activity remained the same. I got purchased by someone (pretty hot someone at that), did that cost me points?
By admin at 30,Jun,09 12:39 other posts of admin 

By admin at 29,Jun,09 21:24 other posts of admin 
The thing is - you have too many points already.

After 250 you stop earning points for your actions, pics and from submissives and after 300 you stop earning points for "bad category" reports, you got them only from positive votes of other members for your pics.

You simply need to spent points and you will start getting them for your actions at decent rate again.

Adult Discussion Forum