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Should prostitution be legal?

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Started by #12853 at 02,Dec,09 01:28
In some countries and states, prostitution is legal in one form or another. In the U.S. State of Nevada, there are counties with legalized brothels. In the Canadian province of Ontario, escort service on an out-call basis is legal. So are full body massage establishments. I think that these activities should be legal. I don't like the government deciding what is sexually moral for me or anyone else. What do you think?

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By WristThick at 09,Dec,12 00:57 other posts of WristThick 
No. We need unlimited government and a policeman in every single bedroom on the continent to make sure that NO ONE is allowed to exchange sexual services for money. EVER.

Get it straight: prohibition didn't work for alcohol, doesn't work for drugs and sure as fuck doesn't work for sex!!!
By #316049 at 09,Dec,12 05:17
Who's saying let's prohibit sex? Paid sex, and whether it should be legalised is the topic of conversation - but you're right, prostitution has been around since the birth of humanity - it will never be completely gotten rid of. Where there is demand, someone will always be there to provide the supply
By #159671 at 10,Dec,12 01:43
It is ridiculous for any government to make any law about something that can't be enforced. That is just stupid. Just like you can't enforce laws about having sex, you can't keep people from "loaning" money to somebody who just had sex.

Is there going to be a law about committing suicide? How can you enforce that one? How about a law that prevents somebody from thinking about naked
By #159671 at 10,Dec,12 01:45
...people who are less than eighteen years old? How about a law that defines acceptable favorite colors?

Whether you believe in it or not, If you can't enforce a law, there is no good reason to make it a law. They have tried this forever and it just doesn't work.

And if you do believe in it - why should you be sticking your nose into somebody else's personal life? It is none of your business, and none of a governments business.

By slipper at 08,Dec,12 07:29 other posts of slipper 
...and taxed!!!

By #7976 at 08,Dec,12 03:38
If prostitutes are licensed & required to get weekly health clearances, I would back any legalization effort for prostitution. Safety would be my only concern with using their services.

By #164428 at 07,Dec,12 21:13
Yes. It would keep them protected. I saw a news story some years ago about a brothel in Reno, Nevada. The women are safe from abuse. They meet the johns in cozy rooms. If they are threatened, they can press a call button. They are regularly screened for disease.

I don't have any moral issue with it. For those who do, I wish they could realize: it's going to go on, no matter what, so the prostitutes should be kept safe. And the johns, too. I don't see anything wrong with paying to have sexual needs met. I don't think it should be criminalized.
By CreativeOne at 08,Dec,12 01:39 other posts of CreativeOne 
Very well said "Sunshine" ...

By #6568 at 02,Dec,09 12:10
I've never been with a prostitute or had the interest, but it makes sense for society that sex is available for men without partners, so, yes it should absolutely be legal!

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