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Does women also send private photos to men?

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Started by #343015 at 15,Jan,13 21:41
I just want to know if females here are also sending private photos to men?

Similar topics: 1.send me private pics   2.For those who hav bbm   3.Sending private messages   4.give me commands via private message or Skype   5.Another small addition  

New Comment

By t-rex at 18,Jan,13 02:47 other posts of t-rex 
I usually get some if I'm sincere and polite, plus it makes it better
By bella! at 18,Jan,13 03:11 other posts of bella! 
It makes it makes what better?

By bella! at 16,Jan,13 22:18 other posts of bella! 
To Strapo, I am curious, what type of private pic are you "hoping" for?

To the members that have received private pics, what type of pics do receive, are they that much different then what is posted on the senders home page?
By #316049 at 17,Jan,13 00:31
Pics that they have taken especially for you; pics that they wouldn't put on their page because they are too intimate or identity revealing; non-posting female members that become comfortable with you and decide to send you something; etc.
By bella! at 17,Jan,13 00:56 other posts of bella! 
Thank you for your response anon73.

A word to the wise for all men and women, if it is your intent to be and/or remain an anonymous dick or cooter, NEVER, I mean NEVER EVER EVER send anyone anything that you wouldn't mind the entire world to see. You never know when a psycho, vindictive *NastyMcAsshole* will upload pictures that were meant to be "private".
By #316049 at 17,Jan,13 01:07
Good rule bell
--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutes

...and I like the reference to *shady mcfuckstain*, king of the fucknuckles
By bella! at 17,Jan,13 01:49 other posts of bella! 
Oooooo....... *NastyMcAsshole* is merely a hypothetical person and name!

By #88520 at 16,Jan,13 22:56
Of course they do

By #164428 at 16,Jan,13 22:23
I receive requests for private photos, but what I have to give is already on my page.
By bella! at 16,Jan,13 22:31 other posts of bella! 
Thanks Steffi!

Adult Discussion Forum