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Another small addition

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by admin at 25,Oct,15 17:05  other posts of admin
I've noticed that many profiles set their private messages to "friends only" and other people can't contact them in any way. So I added "Send Friendship Request" to menu on the pages of those members so that you can send them the request and if they chose they can add you to their friends and then you can write to them.

The menu item won't appear on the profiles of members who did not close their private messages, because in this case you can obviously just send them a private message asking to be their friend if this is what you want. And it does not appear on pages of the members who closed down their private messages completely, since they are obviously do not want to communicate with anyone. It appears only if the member set their private messages to "From friends only".

The member who received such a request will have a noticeable notification on their profile page that disappears after the request has been accepted or declined.

If you encounter any errors in this functionality, please let me know.

Similar topics: 1.Small addition to the "Domination" game   2.under 35yrs old with small penises or likes small penise....   3.New addition to fourms   4.Small addition for paid members   5.A very small addition  

New Comment

By #499472 at 26,Oct,15 13:14
It'd be nice if we could delete private messages we don't want to see anymore.
By admin at 26,Oct,15 15:01 other posts of admin 
Again, explain me how to make it and I'll make it. I do not think that attaching delete button to every message is sound. And I do not think it's wise to delete old messages so that you do not have any point of reference when new messages arrive from the same person.

And you should understand that even if I make delete button for every message, the messages will still be there and seen by your correspondent, you won't be able to see them, that's all. Once you sent it, it belongs to both of you, not only to yourself.

So, what is it exactly that you do not want to see? Old threads on "Recent Private Messages" page? Pics of dicks sent to you in private against your desire bother you? You are aware that you can block private uploads from those that are not your friends or from all at all, are not you?

I can make old threads disappear from sight if this is what you want.
By #499472 at 26,Oct,15 17:01
You could make a check box by each PM in the PM list and then have a button to delete them like you do for your friends list...that also includes the messages that say "So and so added you as a friend"...

it's just a pain to scroll through PMs that are old to find someone and also scroll through friend addition notifications.

Can you do that?
By bella! at 26,Oct,15 17:36 other posts of bella! 
To 1Redhotswingercpl, I'm curious, when you open your private messages, do you have set on [New Style]?

Recent Private Messages:

Back to your member page   [Old Style]   Contact List  

When your messages are set to [New Style], all the messages from, let's say me, are all grouped together and all your messages from, let's say admin, are all grouped together. The Recent Private Messages page is set up by date/time, how could it be any simpler? The private message/conversation log is maintained for 30 days, unless you or the other member delete their profile. Personally, I don't understand your desire to delete a message.

You are relatively new and quite possibly the number of private messages received will taper down.
By #499472 at 26,Oct,15 17:56
yes it's on new style, but if you get a ton of PMs and friend addition notifications it stacks up fast...
By bella! at 26,Oct,15 17:58 other posts of bella! 

By admin at 26,Oct,15 23:58 other posts of admin 
Ok. I do not know if this is what you wanted but I made an option to hide old private message "threads". It should reset when new messages arrive from the same member. (though I'm not sure if the "reset" part really works).

But if you complain now "I accidentally hit hide and can't find the messages I need" I'm gonna be furious.
By bella! at 27,Oct,15 00:01 other posts of bella! 
You are so accomodating and so humorous!
By admin at 27,Oct,15 00:14 other posts of admin 
I'm sure people would be complaining exactly as I said, but after 15 seconds I realized what I can do about it and added "reset hidden" link on top.

By #499472 at 27,Oct,15 02:46
This works awesome!! Thank you SO much!!!

By #496814 at 27,Oct,15 10:34
Not really the place, but I like your profilepic Redhot!

By #498446 at 25,Oct,15 18:33
Thank you again Admin! Love your site.
By bella! at 25,Oct,15 22:21 other posts of bella! 
Do you like it better than
By #316057 at 26,Oct,15 03:32
Someone srew it up..
By bella! at 26,Oct,15 03:47 other posts of bella! 
Someone screwed up Damn! I hope that those people come to SYD and screw up this place up, too!
By #491031 at 26,Oct,15 16:12
When's owner took his own life, his family was left in charge of the site. They had no desire to run it and--after his estate was settled--they closed the site down.
Actually, it was a very nice place to hang-out. Not BETTER than SYD, just DIFFERENT. The attitude there was much more laid back and the membership was more--for lack of a better term--friendly.
By #499472 at 26,Oct,15 19:47
Well there were primarily (95% or more) guys on the site so it was just guys talking guy stuff and shit...I agree it was a lot more laid back.
By #491031 at 26,Oct,15 20:42
From the few posts that family members left in the forum there, I got the impression that they were not comfortable having anything to do with a sex site.

By admin at 26,Oct,15 20:07 other posts of admin 
I do not know how to make this place more friendly. It's people, not the site.

Yes, I admit it that I kinda converted it myself into a troll-fest since it was the only way to make people pay in that time period, I did not know it would bring worst of the worst forward, I know this now. But as you can see I kicked out most abusive trolls and still the site does not seem to be any friendlier.

Any ideas?
By #491031 at 26,Oct,15 20:21
I don't blame you for the atmosphere here, Admin. I didn't intend my comment to make it sound that way. Sorry.
By admin at 26,Oct,15 21:14 other posts of admin 
I was not offended.

I do want to know how I may change it.

So, any ideas?
By #491031 at 26,Oct,15 21:35
I small step might be to eliminate the "negative" gifts and only offer the more friendly options.
In the past, many squabbles have resulted from a member signing on to their page and seeing that someone left them a turd.
Eliminating the nasty gift option won't stop people from sending negative PMs or posting abusive comments, but making them available subtly implies that the site is okay with folks being publicly rude to each other.
Like I's a small step, but I think it might have a positive influence.
By admin at 26,Oct,15 22:27 other posts of admin 
Problem is that when I do not let people to pass their steam out they resort to more shady methods. Like register new account, pretend to be a friend of the victim, find out some private info and then start stalking them on facebook or some other site. It gets very ugly very fast. It's much worse than just a picture of a turd. And I have no way of protecting members from this.

By bella! at 27,Oct,15 00:07 other posts of bella! 
So is a done deal, bye-bye, gone, POOF!?

I visited a couple of times and actually did not like their forum. I'm not sure if it was after the owner's death that things went wild, wild west but the forum had some distasteful topics and/or responses.
By admin at 27,Oct,15 00:22 other posts of admin was so many times off and on again, that I would not be so sure.

And it will probably be purchased by some other party later, because such a domain is gold, you can't register anything like that today. It may be totally different site however, unless they buy all the scripts form the former owners. was purchased for 14 million dollars in 2010 and I do not already remember for how much, but it was sold several times before, in the beginning of 2000x. I'm sure though those also were some 6 zero figures. And first owner got it for free in 90es. may be worth hundreds of thousands just as a domain name, without anything else.

By #249167 at 26,Oct,15 07:45
Nice to see these new little additions being added

By CreativeOne at 25,Oct,15 22:10 other posts of CreativeOne 
Yeah ... I know , too many members here now show there pics to "Friends Only" and quite a few of those, don't even have friends added to there friends list ... Go figure !

None the less ... Thanks Admin
By bella! at 25,Oct,15 22:16 other posts of bella! 
I've noticed that too, CreativeOne and if you ask me, that's 100% cray-cray!

Adult Discussion Forum