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Men Kissing Men.

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Started by #265360 at 15,Jan,13 22:10
Why is it that some guys will suck a dick, but will not kiss man. The dick in not the most clean area of a men body, but some will suck his cock, but will neaver kiss him. I have sucked a few, but would never consider kissing a man on the lips. Why is that?

Similar topics: 1.Same Sex Kissing   2.kissing men kissing men   4.No kissing dudes for me!!   5.Cum kissing  

New Comment

By spermkiss at 16,Jan,13 19:00 other posts of spermkiss 
I made another Forum post on this subject almost two years ago and it generated a few interesting comments. Click on "Same Sex Kissing" above and have a look.

By #313150 at 15,Jan,13 22:26
Having sex with a man is about ---- sex. Just sex. A man can have sex with a man he doesn`t even like. It`s just physical sex.

Kissing is about romance, feelings, attraction, love.
By spermkiss at 15,Jan,13 23:01 other posts of spermkiss 
Man, you've hit the nail on the head.

"A man can have sex with a man he doesn't even like. It's just physical sex.

"Kissing is about romance, feelings, attraction, love."

That pretty much says it all. Perhaps kissing is indeed the most intimate thing two people can do.

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