| Mantei T'ao, a player for Notre Dame recently discovered that a "girl" he believed to be someone he considered his girlfriend (they had an internet relationship) and had died had not, and in fact was part of an internet hoax. That made me reflect a little, and think about all the "phonies" I've met on this site who portray themselves as someone they're not. We've all "met these people", and they're "losers and degenerates" for playing with people's emotions and acting like someone they're not. Many of them even want to connect with you outside of the site, etc. but when your "conscience and instincts" kick in and you begin to question who they are and what they're about, "you're the one with the problem/issues". I'd love to hear people's thoughts about this, and feel free to give examples. Please name names, because you'll be doing "a service" to many of us who have "been duped" by these fraudsters. I will tell my story after I get some comments, and "he/she" is obviously a phony and a fraud. Banned me in fact, and it's fairly transparent to me that they'll hurt someone else too with their lies if I don't expose them for who they really are. |
On that note, I still am going to name some actual members here who are fakes in a literal sense. They portray themselves as something they're not.
On that note, the "girl" I called out is "PirateQueen". I only questioned if they were a man because the personal Gmail e-mail account they gave me was associated on Google + with a man. That's all I have to say about that. If I have "doubts", and you don't relieve my doubts, then I can't trust you and I'm better off.