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About securing this WEB site on the internet and a cautionary note to those on this site.

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by Tiny_Cock at 16,Jan,19 19:17  other posts of Tiny_Cock
I very much enjoy this web site, however it is not a secured web site. Meaning anyone on the same home network can see what you post or look at. If you have a suspecting partner it is very easy for them to spy on your online activities.

If you are on this site at a coffee house, or any open WiFi location, then anyone in this place can also spy on you with very little effort.

Bottom line is be careful!

Ideally the administrator of this web site should implement https to at least keep things more private.

Similar topics: 1.Warning !!!   2.The 'nutters' on this site...   3.An Appeal for Civilized Conduct on the Forum   4.how did you find this site?   5.Is Tinder more than just a hookup spot?  

New Comment

By admin at 16,Jan,19 19:29 other posts of admin 
Yawn. It has https.It just does not redirect to it automatically.
By #551147 at 16,Jan,19 23:44

I always thought reading was fundamental...

By #539473 at 17,Jan,19 11:30
Came here to say this, but I’m glad you did. Is there any reason why you don’t redirect insecure requests?
By admin at 17,Jan,19 13:05 other posts of admin 
Mostly because if I forget to update the certificate in time it's gonna look ugly if all http requests are redirected automatically to https

For more than 20 years people used http on internet and did not care. Now suddenly everyone is preoccupied with security because media told them so. People still submit all their personal data to Facebook and lots of other companies. It does not matter if it's https or not, most of people are screwed anyway. Remember how that credit score agency leaked personal data of over 150 million of US citizens and delayed to release that information to public until ceo's dumped their stocks?

That being said, I still recommend to use https when connecting to this site.
By #539473 at 18,Jan,19 13:18
Of course! So you don’t have automatic renewals? Can’t use Let’sEncrypt/Certbot?

Might be against their TOS, maybe it’s harder to get a certificate for a site like this - I wouldn’t know.

Anyway, as long as people are careful where they access the site from, SSL is unecessary. Although I do use it when I log in myself!
By admin at 18,Jan,19 13:42 other posts of admin 
I simply lack necessary skills to automate it. One can't know everything and I'm not a devop, hardly even a programmer anymore. And the system is old and weirdly configured, most of people I asked can't figure it out either. Not for free anyway. So I have to update it manually.
By #539473 at 18,Jan,19 22:44
Ahh, I see. I’d be happy to have a look at it, but if it hasn’t been updated since 2008, I doubt I’d be able to do anything either! I mostly have experience with the newer iterations of webservers.

By Andthisisme at 18,Jan,19 21:02 other posts of Andthisisme 
On the login page you have the option to use https

By Sir-Skittles at 18,Jan,19 18:56 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
You should absolutely worry about those 1s and 0s... that black Suburban out of your residence is watching you!

By #460385 at 18,Jan,19 14:45
Who cares. You have a greater chance getting fucked by social media than you do by this site.

By #545468 at 17,Jan,19 03:30
Seeing that my boyfriend is beside me as I am on this site, I will take your message under advisement

By mr_blue at 16,Jan,19 19:26 other posts of mr_blue 
check the login page and you can see the sites use HTTPS

Adult Discussion Forum