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Your favorite finish method

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Started by #317908 at 18,Jan,13 19:08
Sometimes I like to watch hands free cumshots. I have tried it....edge till I have JUST crossed the point of no return and then I let go of my dick. It's OK, but I'd rather finish with hand stroking or oral, or vaginal or a toy. Maybe I'm missing something. they seem to concentrate, hands free, for minutes on getting there when i would have been stroking. In what way is my mindset different from theirs? These guys who upload clips of them cumming HF....is that their most gratifying finish?? what is your favorite finish?? HF? Stroke? Anal? Oral? Vaginal? contraption (toy)?
I might be a senior, but I'm intensely curious.

Similar topics: 1.cock exercise   2.Ladies what masturbation method is the best, sex toys or your hands?   3.Masturbation :)   4.Best consumption method?   5.MASTURBATION TECHNIQUES. .  

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By #289712 at 02,Sep,15 11:10
Hard to choose, I guess I am partial to blasting cum in my girlfriends ass.

By teetee at 02,Dec,14 16:29 other posts of teetee 
hands free you say?
By #485312 at 31,Aug,15 10:59
that's a talent you should share *lix*

By spermkiss at 08,Dec,14 20:57 other posts of spermkiss 
Sir, I think that you are confusing porn sex with real sex. Porn sex is NOT real sex; porn sex is not being done for the pleasure and satisfaction of the performers (though virtually of them DO get pleasure from performing), it is being done for the pleasure and satisfaction of the VIEWERS. Porn viewers want to see the ejaculation. That's the bottom line, they want to see the sperm shoot out of a hard cock. Obviously this is impossible if the cock is inside something or someone.

What's my own favorite way to climax? Inside my partner's mouth. What's my favorite way for my partner to climax? Inside my mouth. I guess you can tell I'm a gay man who's into oral sex.

By #455846 at 05,Dec,14 21:16
I like to finish by let it go in his or her mouth if they want it...i find a lot of girls and boys want it that way but sometimes a bit shy to ask

By #289712 at 05,Dec,14 20:39
[deleted image] Just like this! Although I do love to cum in my girlfriends pussy, my best orgasms are always in my own hands. It's the best! I absolutely love to masturbate, always have. Since my first orgasm over twenty years ago I'd say I've hardly gone a day without masturbating. Any opportunity I can get I will be losing my pants, lubing up and stroking my penis. I have given myself some monumental orgasms over the years, better than any sex I've had. On that note, I'm going to go masturbate right now!

By naked-porn at 02,Dec,14 19:57 other posts of naked-porn 
anal is the best

By #201155 at 18,Jan,13 19:50
Maybe they are using one of these

[deleted image]

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