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Let's go on a cruise...

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Started by #301038 at 20,Jan,13 01:07
Hello everyone, I'd love to go on a cruise all together... of course, if we can get some willing, able and sane people to join.

We can do a mix cruise or separate gay, bi, straight, and couples... Any thoughts? Or put everyone together, but color code the preference... have different hats, stickers on shirts, or bracelets...

It might take up to a year to put together, so everyone can get days off, save money for the tickets and fare. If we get a good turn out, maybe it can become an annual thing.

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New Comment

By #269409 at 25,Jan,13 13:14
Awesome idea i love it and mix is cool let me know when and where

By #315268 at 20,Jan,13 20:05
Love this idea. Hope some way we can get this to work
By #301038 at 20,Jan,13 20:54
Would you prefer the mixed cruise with colorcoding or separate cruises by sexual preference?
By #315268 at 25,Jan,13 12:22
Prob mixed would with color coding would be fine.

By #307792 at 21,Jan,13 16:20
I like that idea a lot! Not sure the cruise liner company would be that impressed when they realised that half the passengers were exhibitionist nymphomaniacs though! I'd be steering well clear of the jacuzzi after a couple of days!
By #301038 at 22,Jan,13 06:06
I think as long as we don't go on a disney cruise, we'll be alright.
By #23212 at 22,Jan,13 06:31
Put 'Nude Cruise' into a search engine, and you'll find dozens of cruises for 'this type' of people, including nude cruises on some major cruise lines.

By pifad at 21,Jan,13 16:07 other posts of pifad 
What a fabulous idea!

By gradurgaur at 20,Jan,13 21:06 other posts of gradurgaur 
I thing that is Great idea my Lady..
am all for that...
By #301038 at 21,Jan,13 03:26
Glad you liked it. Who would you like to bring with you? Would you mind flying to US for it?
By gradurgaur at 21,Jan,13 05:10 other posts of gradurgaur 
i wil love to come to us i thing i come alone from iceland but it wil be fun to have some one with me

Adult Discussion Forum