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Guys without pictures!!!

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #97178 at 04,Sep,10 11:22
In my opinion people who doesn't upload pictures shouldn't cruise around watching others pictures!
If they like to see our cocks we would like to see theirs! Am I right or not?

Similar topics: 1.Pictures of the flaccid cock.   2.A Challenge - how many "self suck" photos can we get here...   3.Does anyone masterbate to my pics?   4.Cum over my pictures   5.*** How many pictures do you have on your page ? ***  

New Comment

By 170cal at 25,Apr,14 18:51 other posts of 170cal 
I don't care who looks at my stuff. I just want people to get off looking at me
By routemaster at 26,Apr,14 06:54 other posts of routemaster 
Me too

By slipper at 09,Dec,12 04:28 other posts of slipper 
As some have told me, they don't have the tech and/or know how, but like to look... so, what's it hurt? I don't mind showing off to a few without pix.
By malecall4 at 22,Apr,14 23:11 other posts of malecall4 

By #140800 at 25,Apr,14 12:07
I got pics up loaded but how do I get 1 to show when my name is shown? Ima mechanic techy not 2 on internet etc Thanx luv the pics&check mine out

By **FlyingCum** at 23,Apr,14 11:01 other posts of **FlyingCum** 
I don't mind talking to members that only have a few pics, however it's when they start asking for me to send them more pics. I don't like that and think it's a bit unfair. But now I have changed my settings I don't get those requests much anymore.

By malecall4 at 23,Apr,14 07:54 other posts of malecall4 
i see your point however,speaking for myself,i don't give a rats ass if someone does not have any pictures to show. as for me i'm here to be seen and don't really care if others' have pics to share or not.

By #3997 at 16,Nov,10 19:01
If someone with out pics comments on my page I thank them for their comment but I usually don't chat with them to much I am interested in seeing their pics but this site doesnt require it

By #13898 at 16,Nov,10 17:38
No-pic ers are mildly irritating when they comment on my pics as I can't judge if they have an interesting cock that I might admire....but then, how would I know that a pic they posted is theirs anyway?
Multiple posters are more trustworthy in this regard as it's usually quite clear that the same cock is to be seen.
The very worst posters are those who have variety shots of different cocks with different women.
Posters in the "Meet up for sex" section who show no pictures are on a hiding to nothing
The clue is in the name:- Show YOUR dick!.

By #34386 at 02,Nov,10 02:50
Well personaly dont mind. I start without pics until decide to try and was fun so Im ok that anyone who visit my page have or not pics. Of course is good to see other pics but have good talks with people without pics too
By #106555 at 14,Nov,10 12:10
I agree.

By #28707 at 04,Sep,10 13:22
It is fine with me if they look at my pics. That is why I posted them. However, I generally do not respond to any comments they make and only very rarely have I added some one who has not posted their pics to my friends list. They can cruise to their heart's content but I do not considered them participants.
By #59855 at 04,Sep,10 15:10
From Matt's Wife: I have to agree with you dreason
By #5532 at 04,Sep,10 19:26
I agree with the both of you. No pics, no chat.
By #6568 at 04,Sep,10 19:33
....Count me in with that too!

By admin at 04,Sep,10 17:08 other posts of admin 
For gods sake, go here /editsettings.php select "Your Pages Can be Viewed: by members with pics only", hit "Change" and enjoy your solitude.

Adult Discussion Forum