Started by johnp at 23,Jan,13 18:19  other posts of johnp
Similar topics: 1.Relation between the size of ones diddle bopper and their brain. 2.I have my own SYD stalker! 3.Be glad your penis is not on your face. 4.Effects of Pornography on the brain 5.fdrsg7869,, who are you, bjuk? New CommentComments: |
I have an STD
I dropped out of school
My IQ doesn't make the chart at all
I make a lot of money, but have accomplished nothing
I can barely speak my native tongue
What's a book?
My dick works the way it should, but my brain is wonky
Wheel of Fortune is hard
I beat you up in high school, but I have never progressed mentally or emotionally
Brains is stoopid
I blame the government, again! For dumbing the nation... I think it all started in the 70's.... the were planning 9/11, but they were concerned that people would notice that it was all staged. So, instead of improving the plan, they decided to make the nation IQ drop to the point, where they would see a plane, if you tell them it's a plane, even though it was missile...
I would think that by age 37, you would have figured it out. So sad
Funny how you assume that having intelligence means that a guy is a punching bag with a useless pecker.
Or...even worse...that being smart is a BAD thing.
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Nice call on the inferiority complex tho...damn smart people
I don't think my intellect, or lack of, was part of the discussion, or was it? Please dont place me in a box, I don't like that.