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I have my own SYD stalker!

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Started by #303133 at 14,Sep,14 15:39
After years of posting here, I finally have my very own stalker!
Unfortunately, it's not as exciting as you might think.
As luck would have it, my stalker has the intellect of a brain damaged monkey.
No creativity, no snappy repartee...just the same half dozen memes repeated on all my posts.
Where's the challenge in that?
While its obsession with me is very creepy, it is like being pursued by a retarded squirrel.
My stalker is an embarrassment to stalkers everywhere.
Any possibility of exchanging it for one with a functioning brain?

Similar topics: 1.Welcome to the SYD Dumpster!   2.And people here complain about being blacklisted   3.Page Creepers   4.Ladyboy Crush.  

New Comment

By #303133 at 18,Sep,14 14:22
There are two people on my "blacklist". The "pee in my holes" guy and my stalker. Both were blacklisted for the same reason: they are boring and repetitive. I ban the boring!
Come to think of it, I am going to un-blacklist the "pee in my holes" guy. At least the words he uses are his own and not stuff stolen from the internet...
By johnp at 19,Sep,14 21:48 other posts of johnp 
Come on dont blacklist!! It's no fun
By #303133 at 19,Sep,14 22:26
I'm having a GREAT time with it!
By bella! at 20,Sep,14 00:41 other posts of bella! 
Well, 007 is having a great time with his thread too. He said you were stuck in Candyassland or Poop Chutes and Ladders and it was said without a meme. Don't you want to respond?
By #170523 at 20,Sep,14 02:35
Why,..Yes,. This is such great fun why not stir the pot,
By bella! at 20,Sep,14 03:18 other posts of bella! 
Bugger off, lime.

By #303133 at 20,Sep,14 10:48
Not really.
It still isn't doing anything interesting. I made a comment elsewhere about how I play Chess and it plays Candy Land. My stalker just repeated my own words back and laid claim to the idea. Much as it does with its memes. The stalker continues to display an astonishing lack of creativity. *yawn*
Pretty much an "I know you are, but what am I?" mentality.
Tedious and dull.
Has it resorted to personal insults yet?
By bella! at 20,Sep,14 12:56 other posts of bella! 
You're asking about personal insults being hurled at you? Oh no, am I being baited? No, no, no, not me, I'm going to let the new BFF respond to that.

By johnp at 20,Sep,14 15:35 other posts of johnp 
Ya come on to b chicken!!

By #491031 at 29,Aug,15 17:30
Whatever happened to the "pee in my holes" guy?
By #23212 at 15,Dec,16 06:28
I just heard from him--his standard message. I believe you are referring to 'peeslave4you'.
By #491031 at 15,Dec,16 16:48
That's the one.

I always wonder how many folks get that message and think: "Hot diggity-damn! That's a dream come true!"

By bella! at 01,Sep,16 21:37 other posts of bella! 
Woo! Someone is really confused! She publicly calls me a "fucking cunt" twice then blacklists me and you refer to me as a stalker? You can't wait to say something rude about me or my posts. And the only thing I ever did was to point out how you lied about being a RACIST!

I sure as frick wish I knew what wonderful upgrades admin put into place. I haven't the foggiest idea why you are still here!

Get that arm out of your twat and don't forget to take your medications.

By #485312 at 01,Sep,16 08:52
yeah l had a stalker, but now thanks to admins upgrades the cunt has disappeared forever *lix*

By #303133 at 17,Sep,14 03:05
Is my stalker still ranting?
Has it filled a thread with memes that say the same thing?lol
Has the Overlord joined its cause yet?
Has the Overlord learned to construct a sentence yet?
So damn predictable...
Even without talking to them, it is easy to make a monkey dance.
--------------------------------------- added after 17 hours

SHHHHHH! (I think it is reading this. Stalkers are spooky! Obviously, it can't go a day without creeping on me.)
By #247457 at 17,Sep,14 23:24
OMG you are brilliant how did you know it would start a thread full of memes! AND have the ERO join it's cause!? Maybe if I start defending you he'll stalk me instead. I mean unless you're enjoying it. in that case you can keep it... in a cage if you have to.
By #303133 at 17,Sep,14 23:40
By all means, you may have it! I will even send you the special stick I use to poke at it...
By #247457 at 17,Sep,14 23:58
I will need the cage it comes in also. I can't chance having it run loose and getting in cahoots with my man eating spider.

By #303133 at 15,Sep,14 02:35
I did not name my stalker in this thread.
If it has laid claim to that title elsewhere in the forum (as I suspect it has...that sort of low-functioning individual can not stand to be ignored!), that is its doing--not mine.
Congratulations, stalker! Admitting that you have a problem is the first step to recovery.
I would also like to point out that, by outing itself, it has also laid claim to the titles of Brain Damaged Monkey and Retarded Squirrel. there's that, too.
By #444014 at 15,Sep,14 09:32
Paranoia is a terrible thing,to sit and fester in your own bodily fluids punching buttons or tapping a screen furiously ,simply because you see something written and think it is about you.....

The degree of intelligence that is needed to understand your play on words,sarcasm,satire,irony etc is lost on far too many....

You debate the issue and not the person,but when someone makes it personal you correctly poke them with a stick...

These people seem to think you take pride in being right and proving them wrong,but Will,as you well know, and most people should realise ,there are just opinions in this world....

Logic,reason and understanding go out of the window when people make things personal....It makes people crazy....
By #303133 at 15,Sep,14 13:58
In the case of my stalker, I believe the "crazy" was there from the start. Its creepy behavior only highlights that.
Speaking of crazy:
Could someone tell the ASPCA that John is guilty of criminal donkey flogging?
By #23212 at 17,Sep,14 08:24
Whoops, JustWill, I think you mean 'RSPCA', eh non?
By #303133 at 17,Sep,14 08:52
Given my nationality, I am not sure that the RSPCA would be willing to house my stalker until such time as it needed to be put down...
By #23212 at 17,Sep,14 09:01
Did I misunderstand who the "John" is that you were talking about being "guilty of ... "? I thought you meant Mr. John S., who lives in OZ, stays in OZ, and therefore, if he does indeed flog donkeys, it would be where the RSPCA has jurisdiction, and where it should be reported.

By bella! at 15,Sep,14 01:29 other posts of bella! 
By seanconnery0072012 at 14,Sep,14 17:48 other posts 

Well he blocked me which obviously means he's a hypocrite and can't have his own game played against him. He can dish it out but he can't take it.

By MONTED at 14,Sep,14 20:47 other posts 

Some can't take what they dish out Sean  they just delete the truth on thier posts in blogs and black list is the best way to deal with site Idio**  I hope you black listed it too.

By MONTED at 19,Dec,13 17:10  other posts

For those who are tired of the random negativity in forum feel free to post wild sexy topics and no attacks on anyone...

New Comment         [I do not like this topic]

Similar topics: 1.Who are you trying to fool   2.Micettina-Piglet   3.admin...   4.RANDOM BULLSHIT   5.VERY SPECIFIC BULLSHIT  


By MONTED at 14,Sep,14 20:41 other posts 

By MONTED at 14,Sep,14 17:53 other posts Edit some idiots get what they deserve and some idiot will comment on this 

By bella! at 14,Sep,14 18:14 other posts this member is in your black list 

By bella! at 14,Sep,14 18:38 other posts this member is in your black list 

By bella! at 14,Sep,14 19:06 other posts this member is in your black list 

I have black listed many, I realy dont think many give a fuck what they say...

☝The funny thing about MONTED and his posts is that he has edited his response 3 or 4 times. In his prior to the last edit, he spoke about Detroit being in bankruptcy and questioned the quality of education. He suggested that I enroll in night school and learn "english". I don't know why he went back and removed it, other than he is very peculiar. Get your red pens out and circle all the spelling errors and you determine for yourself, who needs tutoring.

My closing thought, for someone who has blacklisted me, MONTED seems to have a very keen interest in what I have to say.

By bella! at 14,Sep,14 23:56 other posts of bella! 
I'm not sure if you are able to see this so for smiles and giggles, I going to post this here. Poor MONTED has edited his post so many times, I don't believe he has a clear thought.


By MONTED at 14,Sep,14 17:53 other posts 

   some idiots get what they deserve and some idiot will comment on this 


By bella! at 14,Sep,14 18:14 other posts  Edit  

Are you going to edit this response as well? WHATEVER! 
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

IF there ever comes the day that you say something of intelligence, I certainly hope I'm able to read it! 


By bella! at 14,Sep,14 18:38 other posts  Edit  

You not only edited your response, you called yourself an idiot. THAT WAS THE MOST SINCERE AND INTELLIGENT STATEMENT YOU'VE MADE!


By bella! at 14,Sep,14 19:06 other posts  Edit  

YOU are the "some idiot" that commented on the thread. 

Perhaps you should enroll in night school so that you can learn how to communicate in and/or write a complete thought.

By #472683 at 14,Sep,14 21:28
Welcome to the club, my friend! You will find literature near the coffee pot. lol

Their lives must be exceedingly dull if they have to spend their time obsessing about us.

And I don't think you'll be able to exchange your stalker for a more intelligent one. They all come from the same gene pool and receive the same edukashon! lol

By #358797 at 14,Sep,14 21:41
Demz is speshul.

Unfortunately I know the pain of having stalkers on here. It's no fun. Makes the invisible feature quite useful though.
By johnp at 14,Sep,14 22:19 other posts of johnp 
Oh I will always fiiind u.... 😏

By bella! at 14,Sep,14 16:48 other posts of bella! 
Geez, you think you have a stalker? I think it might be more like identity theft! seanconnery0072012 is now using Coyote Boy's avatar.

By bella! at 14,Sep,14 16:43 other posts of bella! 
Did duh king diss you in his RAND0M BULLSHIT thread?
--------------------------------------- added after 56 minutes

And duh king felt it necessary to edit his response. He removed the reference to "fat ass".

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