Started by #345209 at 29,Jan,13 21:36
Similar topics: 1.Circumcised or intact? 2.FORESKIN 3.2014 - Is having a foreskin (uncut) a fashion statement? 4.How do you meet uncircumcised guys? 5.Would you circumsize youre new born New CommentComments: |
I have worked with boys and girls who were beaten on a daily basis by the people who were supposed to protect them. I have seen the scars left behind.
I have worked with childr*n of both genders who were sexually used by family members or pimped out to earn a few bucks. The physical and psychological damage is heartbreaking and, often, irreparable.
I have met kids who have been demeaned, abus*d, neglected and subjugated. Emotionally damaged individuals who have difficulty simply functioning in everyday life.
Kids who see no hope for a future. Kids who have taken their own lives.
I know what ch1ld abus* looks like...and circumcision isn't it.
It's cool that you want to express your opposition to snipping a boy's foreskin,just be careful when tossing the ch1ld abuse concept around so casually.
It does a major disservice, and shows a lack of respect, for survivors of real abuse. It's like a guy who missed lunch complaining to an Ethiopian about starving.
When anti-circumcision people take the "ch1ld abuse" approach, it really pisses me off. Obviously, they have no idea what they are talking about.
I always want to ask them to compare these two scenarios:
"My father fucked me on a regular basis and made me give him oral sex through most of my youth. I was not a willing participant. Sometimes, he'd let his drinking buddies have a go. When I told my mother, hoping she would stop him,she called me a damn liar, beat me, and threatened to toss me out of the house if I ever told such stories again."
"My folks loved and supported me while I was growing up. They kept me clothed, fed and sheltered. Mom and Dad saw to it that I was educated and taught me to respect myself and others. However, when I was an infant, they had my foreskin removed without my consent."
Yeah, that second story is the one about ABUSE.