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"Uncut" or "Intact" cock??

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Started by #345209 at 29,Jan,13 21:36
Like most European males, I enjoy my foreskin and I am very glad to do so.
Generally, we are referred to as "uncut" guys. I think we should rather say "intact" or "natural", as the word "uncut" more or less implies that being circumcised is normality. To me, inflicting such a nasty treatment on a poor baby boy is not normality.
We are not un-anything, we just have the body we were born with!

Similar topics: 1.Circumcised or intact?   2.FORESKIN   3.2014 - Is having a foreskin (uncut) a fashion statement?   4.How do you meet uncircumcised guys?   5.Would you circumsize youre new born  

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By #711401 at 21,Apr,24 15:00
I'm intact. Totally agree with your logic.

By #688512 at 23,Feb,23 15:03
I use the terminology "intact" as well, for the same reason!

By #206678 at 28,May,16 20:51
I have to agree. 90% of kids in Australia are left intact these days. This is a complete reversal to what it was 40 years ago. I think it is around 80% of world population is intact. Only Jews, Muslims and Americans are obsessed with cutting off foreskins!! It is **** abuse - his dick / his choice.
By #491031 at 28,May,16 22:15
Look, man, I worked as a therapist in a group home for abus*d and dependent kids for seven years. I have SEEN actual ch1ld abuse and the horrible results which come from it.

I have worked with boys and girls who were beaten on a daily basis by the people who were supposed to protect them. I have seen the scars left behind.

I have worked with childr*n of both genders who were sexually used by family members or pimped out to earn a few bucks. The physical and psychological damage is heartbreaking and, often, irreparable.

I have met kids who have been demeaned, abus*d, neglected and subjugated. Emotionally damaged individuals who have difficulty simply functioning in everyday life.

Kids who see no hope for a future. Kids who have taken their own lives.

I know what ch1ld abus* looks like...and circumcision isn't it.

It's cool that you want to express your opposition to snipping a boy's foreskin,just be careful when tossing the ch1ld abuse concept around so casually.

It does a major disservice, and shows a lack of respect, for survivors of real abuse. It's like a guy who missed lunch complaining to an Ethiopian about starving.
By #23212 at 29,May,16 04:35
Thank you for this excellent reply!
By #491031 at 29,May,16 04:59
You are most welcome.

When anti-circumcision people take the "ch1ld abuse" approach, it really pisses me off. Obviously, they have no idea what they are talking about.

I always want to ask them to compare these two scenarios:

"My father fucked me on a regular basis and made me give him oral sex through most of my youth. I was not a willing participant. Sometimes, he'd let his drinking buddies have a go. When I told my mother, hoping she would stop him,she called me a damn liar, beat me, and threatened to toss me out of the house if I ever told such stories again."


"My folks loved and supported me while I was growing up. They kept me clothed, fed and sheltered. Mom and Dad saw to it that I was educated and taught me to respect myself and others. However, when I was an infant, they had my foreskin removed without my consent."

Yeah, that second story is the one about ABUSE.
By #688512 at 23,Feb,23 15:03
Both can be.

By wanka at 28,May,16 12:42 other posts of wanka 
I live in the UK and natural cocks are in the majority here.

By gradurgaur at 29,Jan,13 21:48 other posts of gradurgaur 
Am intact too..and i like my forskin alot..the forskin keeps my cockhead soft...and give extra feeling when wanking my cock

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