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how many times do you wash your dick/pussy?

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Started by #45420 at 26,May,10 19:08
i wash my dick twice a day

Similar topics: 1.Cleanup   2.dirty dick dick cheese smegma   3.Do you wash your partner before sex?   4.Pussy Juice   5.dick washing  

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By 4everanedger at 10,Dec,16 03:54 other posts of 4everanedger 
I wash it in the shower, which happens every 1-3 days but I usually give it a good scrub rinse and repeat. I'll also give it a courtesy rinse in the sink if I didn't have a chance to clean that say before sexual play time

By #220845 at 09,Dec,16 23:18

By #323075 at 09,Dec,16 08:48
Every day

By cumjohn at 08,Dec,16 14:22 other posts of cumjohn 
1-3 times a week usually.

By foreskinlover52 at 08,Dec,16 06:27 other posts of foreskinlover52 
If I am going to meet someone I wash my foreskin other wise I dont..When I pee thru my foreskin it cleans its self nicely..

By #23212 at 27,May,10 06:22
I believe that sucking/licking is the very best way to wash dicks and pussies, and try to make sure this happens, both ways, as often as possible.
By kebmo at 06,Dec,16 10:20 other posts of kebmo 
Your neighbour's dog's tongue is NOT a sanitary method of washing your cock!
By #23212 at 08,Dec,16 00:25
Dog? Hmmm, that's what you're thinking?
By kebmo at 08,Dec,16 00:58 other posts of kebmo 
Sorry, a bad attempt at humour. I should have just gone to bed instead.

By t-rex at 06,Dec,16 12:55 other posts of t-rex 
At least twice a year

By #281008 at 14,Jun,14 00:49
never too much hassle getting it out even wet my pants

By #423426 at 13,Jun,14 19:18
Every 3 months, whether it needs it or not.

By #124665 at 13,Jun,14 11:15
I wash my pussy after every use.

By #303133 at 12,Jun,14 17:49
You're supposed to WASH it?
Damn, I thought they were self-cleaning...
By #143536 at 12,Jun,14 23:43

By tomas1 at 09,May,14 11:38 other posts of tomas1 
Apart from a daily shower, where possible I like to wash my cock after taking a piss. It's much nicer than walking around all day with the inevitable last dribble in my pants - no matter how much you shake it. Girls always wipe it away, so why shouldn't I be as clean as possible down there. Too weird to dangle in the sink in an open area public toilet, but inside a locked toilet/basin cubicle there's no prob. I even like to dry it under the warm air blower which nearly always gives me an erection.

By MoeJoe at 26,May,10 19:49 other posts of MoeJoe 
I wash my cock once a month.....when I go to town....
By #281008 at 09,May,14 08:01
agree same here

By #136427 at 06,May,14 21:24
Tongue baths are great

By winnie at 04,Apr,14 09:32 other posts of winnie 
I wash my dick nearly every time i had pee

By CreativeOne at 03,Apr,14 06:36 other posts of CreativeOne 
Everyday !

[deleted image]

By Cutewilly at 03,Apr,14 06:14 other posts of Cutewilly 
I wash mine at least twice per day, often more and always with warm soapy water ensuring the foreskin area is cleaned thoroughly. Seems some do the same as me but others lack essential 'maintenance', perhaps they should take a leaf out of my book.

By #136196 at 10,Mar,13 01:31
Foam bath or a shower every day. Twice on some. Rubbing coconut or baby oil on your cock and balls daily keeps it clean and seals in moisture, improving girth by allowing g the skin to stretch when fully engorged.

By #201583 at 08,Mar,13 04:43
Theoretically, if a guy washes his hands before he urinated he would keep his cock much cleaner, much longer. I wash mine often.
By #23212 at 09,Mar,13 02:09

By #172995 at 10,Mar,13 01:01

By #359325 at 09,Mar,13 05:05
Everyday at home and when i'm at the gym.

By CreativeOne at 09,Mar,13 04:52 other posts of CreativeOne 
365 days a year !

By pifad at 08,Mar,13 14:12 other posts of pifad 
Once a day in the morning shower

By #78364 at 06,Jun,10 03:20
Why has Joanne been deleted again shes done nothing wrong except tell the truth, why hasen't oldbugle been deleted for using this site for preying on the underaged, I don't understand
By #3997 at 11,Jun,10 19:56
Give up

By #3997 at 11,Jun,10 13:50
Daily sometimes twice, I clean up after playtime too

By #38932 at 30,May,10 17:05

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