| After reading that "A guy has to wash his uncut cock, like every other day", it got me wondering... is every other day was too much for this lady? So what is normal for a circumcised guy? Once a week before church?
I shower twice a day, at least. Also, before and after working out. I noticed that if I shower before, and wash my stink of the day off, I don't stink nearly as bad after workout, as I would without a shower. I also shower before and after sex. Also, after cooking meals, cause it makes my body smell like food, and I don't like that. If I'm at home, I wash my butt every time I use the bathroom... I have a shover hose, so I don't even need to take all my clothes off, just the bottom.
I brush my teeth, floss and rinse after each meal, or at least twice a day. And wash my hair every other day if I don't workout, or every day after the workout...
The longest I went without a shower, was 48 hours. A flight with 5 layovers from Hawaii to Kiev, Ukraine. Another one, was 36 hours, our move from TX to NV... it was horrible. Now, whenever I drive to TX, I stop in Denver, or Albuquerque overnight...
To prevent my skin from drying from frequent washing, or chlorine in the pool, I always use Shea Moisture Organic Raw Shea Butter Baby Oil Rub, which is amazing... If you want to know how I smell, that would be it. Walgreens and Target carry that in US, look in Baby Bath aisle.
How often do you shower, wash your butt, hair, brush your teeth? What's normal for you? What was the longest you went without showering? |
Your village?
Do they have toilets in Pakistan?
According to the humanitarian-information portal Reliefweb, Pakistan is among the top 10 countries in the world with the worst sanitation, with 79 million of its 232 million people (34 percent) with no access to a “proper toilet.” That means not only heightened health risks for millions of the country's people, but ...Mar 24, 2023
And you are the stupid cunt that dragged up this tread from 2013 zainn122
yer bird needs her cunny washed up! Get on it!
Your comment on her pic:
By Zainn122 31,May,24 16:13
Love those meaty lips
If you would be kind enough to indulge me in a question or two. Thank you.
You mention that you shower 3 to 4 times per month and wear the same clothes and underwear until the next shower. A best, that means you bathe and/or shower as well as change your clothes every 7 days OR once every 10 days. Why is that? Is that a cultural standard? Is soap and water not available?
In the United States, we have Amish people that dress "plain & simple" because it is an expression of their values, their faith and it is a visual reflection of their differences with the "English" world. We have Jehovah's Witnesses that don't celebrate birthdays or Christmas and will not salute or stand for the flag of the United States because it's a form of idolatry. I've worked with Muslim pharmacists when at the appropriate time of the day will bring out their prayer mat and on their knees bow in the direction of Mecca. So.....thinking of an old saying that comes to mind; “Cleanliness is next to godliness”. I wondered whether there were people that didn't bath for a religious or cultural reason.
Kinda like a smoker is not bothered by the awful smell of thier smoke in curtains and furniture until they quit smoking, then they notice it.
Few of my hygienic friend also did say the same as ya when I told them I shower twice a week, they said “you should shower everyday but good thing ya don’t smell” I been ripped on for wearing cloths for a full week straight but never been told I stink
Have a wash you stinky Paki cunt, its called soap dickhead☝️ & fuck, really, showing pics here of your blown out ass hole & dehydrated dick, do you really think that's doing you any favors fuckwit & with your face in these images, delete now, this is your last warning cunt
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes
You were here for the Freddy vs Freddy wars, that was just my practice round, hell is about to rain down on you, delete now before its to late dickhead, you offend my friends & myself
yes I got told I have smelly feet on several occasion but I wash my feet with soap 3 times a day and wear 2/3 different socks daily but yet they still stink, not everybody is the same
Take your bath here:
stinky cunt
30,Jun,24 09:34 Sir-Skittles:
30,Jun,24 09:34 Sir-Skittles: your bath and water source to drink
30,Jun,24 01:03 Zainn122: Have ya smelled it? Guys love it
29,Jun,24 20:06 Sir-Skittles: your cunt stinks
29,Jun,24 20:06 Sir-Skittles: wash your rotten body
28,Jun,24 22:07 Sir-Skittles: Sir-Skittles has sent you the gift
26,Jun,24 22:12 Sir-Skittles: Sir-Skittles has sent you the gift
26,Jun,24 22:11 Sir-Skittles: Sir-Skittles has sent you the gift
23,Jun,24 23:44 Zainn122: Why?
23,Jun,24 20:05 Sir-Skittles: Sir-Skittles has sent you the
From this day forward, this scummy unwashed cunt page shall be the site toilet: zainn122
I just don't do nasty, sloppy people.
You never take a bath
Your nose it runs, you bust your buns
You always finish last
Sick (sick) of (of) you
I'm so sick, so sick of you
Sick (sick) of (of) you
I'm so sick, so sick of you
Your face is gross, you eat white toast
You don't know what to do
And just your luck, you really suck
That's all, I'm sick of you
Sick (sick) of (of) you, I'm so sick, so sick of you
Sick (sick) of (of) you, I'm so sick, so sick of you
Bring it down, I said bring it down
Thank you
Don't you know? So sick of you
Things you say and things you do
Don't you know? So sick of you
Things you say and things you do
Said don't you know, I am so sick of you?
Things you say and all the things you do
Said don't you know, I am so sick of you?
The things you said and all the things you do
Don't you know that I'm of you?
Yeah, the things you say and the things you do
Said, don't you know, I'm so sick of you?
With all the things you say and all the things you do
sick, I'm so sick of you
(I'm so sick of you) I'm such a sicko, yes, I'm sick of you
(Sick of you) sick, I'm so sick of you
(I'm so sick of you) you're such a sicko, yes, I'm sick of you
said I'm sick of you, said I'm sick of you
(I'm so sick of you) said I'm sick of you, said I'm sick of you
(Sick of you) said I'm sick of you, said I'm sick of you
(I'm so sick of you) said I'm sick of you, said I'm sick of you
said I'm sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick
(I'm so sick of you) sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick
(Sick of you) sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick
(I'm so sick of you) sick, sick, sick, sick, sick of you
Human filth
--------------------------------------- added after 15 hours
@zain122@ yer page is as dirty as you are... filthy mongrol
Before sex i usually take a shower, but thats because people expect to be clean.
Now that I'm very sick, there have been a few times when I went an extra day because I collapsed and couldn't move after a long trip. But that's unusual.
I have good oral care, too. OH! Not everyone knows this, so I want to mention it. When you floss, don't pull the floss through. Go down on each side of the tooth and make a sawing motion. That's the correct way.
Oh, I'll take extra showers at times, like if it's very humid and I've been sweating a lot, or if I have managed to work out....
The longest without was probably three days, due to the power outage situation. There was nowhere to go for a shower. Had to make due with the Wet Ones. I **** that! Blech....
There are differences in cultured re: bathing. Not all shower daily. Please don't feel embarrassed to say if you are one of these people.
A doc told me that skipping a day or so can be healthy so you don't strip the healthy bacteria on your skin much. But I can't stand myself if I don't shower!
Sometimes, I do clean my butt (extra) with wet toilet paper or a Wet Ones cloth. I only do that if, well, I have bleeding from 'roids and fissues (little tears). Don't want infection....
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
Sorry for any typos; won't let me edit! And that missing word is h a t e, of course.
As for your last question, once in Vietnam I went for about two weeks without a shower. I'd was my hands and face in a stream and occasionally dry brush my teeth but that was it. By the end of that patrol we all were pretty rank.
Cheers. And, good question by the way.