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Personal hygiene?

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Started by #301038 at 04,Feb,13 08:13
After reading that "A guy has to wash his uncut cock, like every other day", it got me wondering... is every other day was too much for this lady? So what is normal for a circumcised guy? Once a week before church?

I shower twice a day, at least. Also, before and after working out. I noticed that if I shower before, and wash my stink of the day off, I don't stink nearly as bad after workout, as I would without a shower. I also shower before and after sex. Also, after cooking meals, cause it makes my body smell like food, and I don't like that. If I'm at home, I wash my butt every time I use the bathroom... I have a shover hose, so I don't even need to take all my clothes off, just the bottom.

I brush my teeth, floss and rinse after each meal, or at least twice a day. And wash my hair every other day if I don't workout, or every day after the workout...

The longest I went without a shower, was 48 hours. A flight with 5 layovers from Hawaii to Kiev, Ukraine. Another one, was 36 hours, our move from TX to NV... it was horrible. Now, whenever I drive to TX, I stop in Denver, or Albuquerque overnight...

To prevent my skin from drying from frequent washing, or chlorine in the pool, I always use Shea Moisture Organic Raw Shea Butter Baby Oil Rub, which is amazing... If you want to know how I smell, that would be it. Walgreens and Target carry that in US, look in Baby Bath aisle.

How often do you shower, wash your butt, hair, brush your teeth? What's normal for you? What was the longest you went without showering?

Similar topics: 1.Request personal pics...   2.Can't get too personal on SYD   3.Personal hygiene question   4.What is your personal favorite pic of yourself?   5.Rate my own personal pix.mixed personal  

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By Zainn122 at 23,Jun,24 15:26 other posts of Zainn122 
I shower like 3/4 times a month and also wear the same boxers or cloths until I shower, but I don’t sweat much and I wipe with a wet tissue for my bum and penis when I use the toilet but the longest I gone without a shower was 6 weeks but I brush my teeth everyday
By Sir-Skittles at 23,Jun,24 15:43 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
filthy animal! lol

Your village?

Do they have toilets in Pakistan?

According to the humanitarian-information portal Reliefweb, Pakistan is among the top 10 countries in the world with the worst sanitation, with 79 million of its 232 million people (34 percent) with no access to a “proper toilet.” That means not only heightened health risks for millions of the country's people, but ...Mar 24, 2023

By PITBULL at 23,Jun,24 16:26 other posts of PITBULL 
You are a filthy pig.

By Zainn122 at 24,Jun,24 03:42 other posts of Zainn122 
Who cares and as a Muslim we wash down there but for me I use a wet tissue but Pakistani wash their genitals so it’s fine and from England not Pakistan
By Sir-Skittles at 24,Jun,24 11:12 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
A filthy mongrel that does not shower much. Stereotypes exist for a reason, dog!

And you are the stupid cunt that dragged up this tread from 2013 zainn122

By Zainn122 at 24,Jun,24 21:05 other posts of Zainn122 
What stereotypes is that? I’m not even from a village plus I still probably have a better tasting ass and cock than you I’m looking at all threads btw

By Sir-Skittles at 23,Jun,24 17:25 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

yer bird needs her cunny washed up! Get on it!

Your comment on her pic:

By Zainn122 31,May,24 16:13

Love those meaty lips

By Zainn122 at 24,Jun,24 03:59 other posts of Zainn122 
Looks clean to me so I wouldn’t mind

By bella! at 24,Jun,24 21:16 other posts of bella! 

If you would be kind enough to indulge me in a question or two. Thank you.

You mention that you shower 3 to 4 times per month and wear the same clothes and underwear until the next shower. A best, that means you bathe and/or shower as well as change your clothes every 7 days OR once every 10 days. Why is that? Is that a cultural standard? Is soap and water not available?
By Zainn122 at 24,Jun,24 21:34 other posts of Zainn122 
It’s s racist to assume it’s a cultural standard but I do shower once to maybe twice a week but mostly once a week and yes wear the same cloths but thing is, no one has brought it up during sex even when I mentioned “i haven’t showered “ but they get surprised as I don’t really smell
By bella! at 25,Jun,24 00:04 other posts of bella! 
I apologize if you felt my question was "racist", it surely was not intended as that.

In the United States, we have Amish people that dress "plain & simple" because it is an expression of their values, their faith and it is a visual reflection of their differences with the "English" world. We have Jehovah's Witnesses that don't celebrate birthdays or Christmas and will not salute or stand for the flag of the United States because it's a form of idolatry. I've worked with Muslim pharmacists when at the appropriate time of the day will bring out their prayer mat and on their knees bow in the direction of Mecca. So.....thinking of an old saying that comes to mind; “Cleanliness is next to godliness”. I wondered whether there were people that didn't bath for a religious or cultural reason.

By Sir-Skittles at 25,Jun,24 01:59 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Shut the fuck up rat- zainn122

By AngelofDeath at 25,Jun,24 02:07 other posts of AngelofDeath 
They can smell you, and you smell bad. 🤮
By Zainn122 at 25,Jun,24 02:12 other posts of Zainn122 
I don’t, I been around enough people who have told me
By Cody8789 at 25,Jun,24 03:03 other posts of Cody8789 
So your saying alot of people tell you, “ hey you dont smell bad” never in my life have i had someone tell me, hey cody, you dont smell.--------------------------------------- added after 96 secondsWhat I’m saying, I keep myself very clean, I’ve heard, hey Cody, you smell good and you keep yourself very clean.
By Zainn122 at 25,Jun,24 06:13 other posts of Zainn122 
I’ve only been told i smell of vodka and cigs.. that’s all. I don’t even sweat that often as I have never had a sweat patch in my life. I have a friend who showers day and night and can never go a day without a shower as he will start to smell.
By AngelofDeath at 25,Jun,24 17:48 other posts of AngelofDeath 
You stink, trust me. People probably are being nice and not telling you the truth because you get butthurt easily. Vodka and cigarettes is not a good smell. Wash your damn clothes and take a shower, with soap and water. Brush your teeth and put on deodorant.
By phart at 25,Jun,24 22:04 other posts of phart 
it is called nose blindness. once you are around a smell, any smell, for a long time you don't notice it anymore.
Kinda like a smoker is not bothered by the awful smell of thier smoke in curtains and furniture until they quit smoking, then they notice it.
By Cody8789 at 18,Oct,24 01:44 other posts of Cody8789 
It’s kinda like, a person that only takes a shower once a month making a comment to another person saying “wow, you smell good, you must take a lot of showers like TWICE A MONTH” so what I’m saying, you smell good to a person who stinks real bad and you don’t stink as bad as them. And that’s why they don’t notice your smell.--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutesI change my cloths three to four times a day with fresh cloths, not because I might stink, which I don’t, but because that’s how i was brought up.
By phart at 18,Oct,24 02:04 other posts of phart 
I put on a clean set of clothes everyday unless i am not going anywhere and I am going to do some really grimy work like changing oil or gardening. But if I need to go to town i will clean up before I go. I don't change clothes thru the day unless there is a reason to leave home.
By Cody8789 at 18,Oct,24 07:01 other posts of Cody8789 
I wake up, I take a shower get dressed and go to work, I come home, take a shower, put on my shorts and t shirt, eat dinner, change again to go out. Come home and take another shower because your body produces oils that will dirty your sheets and pillow case, put on underwear and go to bed. I guess I can say I’m a clean freak. I don’t take a shower because I might smell, which I don’t, I just like to be clean.

By johnp at 18,Oct,24 00:32 other posts of johnp 
What a stupid comment… she didn’t assume anything… she asked a question.. even if she did assume.. cultural is not a race..either way .. gross .. take a shower and wash your clothes 🤢🤮
By AngelofDeath at 18,Oct,24 01:48 other posts of AngelofDeath 
johnp Damn Hoff, your last post before this was 5 years ago.
By johnp at 18,Oct,24 15:23 other posts of johnp 
Thought I better make a come back .. keep u all forum folk in line 😉
By AngelofDeath at 18,Oct,24 16:09 other posts of AngelofDeath 
Haha. Forum needs some excitement.

By #701865 at 25,Jun,24 18:18
Zainn122 here your shower
By Zainn122 at 26,Jun,24 12:29 other posts of Zainn122 
If you been around me or knew me personally, I would have believed ya but how can ya smell me off the internet? I’ve only been told after boozing or smoking “u stink” but that’s after a night out..

Few of my hygienic friend also did say the same as ya when I told them I shower twice a week, they said “you should shower everyday but good thing ya don’t smell” I been ripped on for wearing cloths for a full week straight but never been told I stink
By #717506 at 26,Jun,24 13:05
[deleted image]

Have a wash you stinky Paki cunt, its called soap dickhead☝️ & fuck, really, showing pics here of your blown out ass hole & dehydrated dick, do you really think that's doing you any favors fuckwit & with your face in these images, delete now, this is your last warning cunt
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

You were here for the Freddy vs Freddy wars, that was just my practice round, hell is about to rain down on you, delete now before its to late dickhead, you offend my friends & myself
By Zainn122 at 26,Jun,24 13:40 other posts of Zainn122 
Final warning for what? If you don’t like the pics then don’t click on my profile

By Sir-Skittles at 28,Jun,24 20:07 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By Cody8789 at 24,Jun,24 05:32 other posts of Cody8789 
Wow, i dont smell and i shower at least two times a day up to four times a day depending on what i do, mowing the lawn, working on car, before work, after work, before i go to sleep in my clean bed. I have never gone a day without a shower.
By AngelofDeath at 25,Jun,24 17:51 other posts of AngelofDeath 
Same. Stinky people annoy me. I’ll tell a motherfucker or bitch they reek. I work with a stinky Sasquatch that makes excuses for not showering as he lives off grid no hot water or electricity or running water. We have showers here for employees. No excuse I tell him he stinks.
By bella! at 26,Jun,24 04:08 other posts of bella! 
At your place of work, won't supervision, management or Human Resource department get involved when there is an employee with hygiene issues? I take it that your area is not directly working with the public if the hygiene of your stinky Sasquatch has not yet been addressed.
By AngelofDeath at 26,Jun,24 08:52 other posts of AngelofDeath 
They have. We’ve gotten complaints from executives and public as well. I’ve had to talk to him and give counseling. We have showers, etc. We are federally and state funded so it complicates issues with our HR.
By Cody8789 at 16,Oct,24 15:19 other posts of Cody8789 
Angelofdeath.. you have showers where you work, wow… can I come take a shower with you at your work

By Zainn122 at 26,Jun,24 12:44 other posts of Zainn122 
Stinky people annoy me too as in my work place, a few people would literally get told to shower at the warehouse, as no one wants to be around them and my friends have also made fun on other friends face to face as some of them smell but claim to shower daily

yes I got told I have smelly feet on several occasion but I wash my feet with soap 3 times a day and wear 2/3 different socks daily but yet they still stink, not everybody is the same
By Sir-Skittles at 28,Jun,24 20:08 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
feet and whole body stink!

Take your bath here:

stinky cunt

By Sir-Skittles at 30,Jun,24 13:49 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
30,Jun,24 09:44 Zainn122: I still get my ass and dick sucked so it’s fine, never got a complaint

30,Jun,24 09:34 Sir-Skittles:

30,Jun,24 09:34 Sir-Skittles: your bath and water source to drink

30,Jun,24 01:03 Zainn122: Have ya smelled it? Guys love it

29,Jun,24 20:06 Sir-Skittles: your cunt stinks

29,Jun,24 20:06 Sir-Skittles: wash your rotten body

28,Jun,24 22:07 Sir-Skittles: Sir-Skittles has sent you the gift

26,Jun,24 22:12 Sir-Skittles: Sir-Skittles has sent you the gift

26,Jun,24 22:11 Sir-Skittles: Sir-Skittles has sent you the gift

23,Jun,24 23:44 Zainn122: Why?

23,Jun,24 20:05 Sir-Skittles: Sir-Skittles has sent you the

From this day forward, this scummy unwashed cunt page shall be the site toilet: zainn122

By Zainn122 at 15,Oct,24 07:26 other posts of Zainn122 

By ChicagoRed at 06,Jul,24 18:18 other posts of ChicagoRed 
Hygiene, self-care, grooming and fitness are top priorities for me. Likewise, I expect the same from my partners/lovers, male and female. I do not need or expect perfection but I come to bed with my shit together and if you either can't or don't reciprocate that....(in the voice of the Soup Nazi on Jerry Seinfeld), "No sex with YOU!!"

I just don't do nasty, sloppy people.
By AngelofDeath at 09,Jul,24 23:04 other posts of AngelofDeath 

By AngelofDeath at 27,Jun,24 00:59 other posts of AngelofDeath 
Your socks they smell, your feet they stink
You never take a bath
Your nose it runs, you bust your buns
You always finish last
Sick (sick) of (of) you
I'm so sick, so sick of you
Sick (sick) of (of) you
I'm so sick, so sick of you
Your face is gross, you eat white toast
You don't know what to do
And just your luck, you really suck
That's all, I'm sick of you
Sick (sick) of (of) you, I'm so sick, so sick of you
Sick (sick) of (of) you, I'm so sick, so sick of you
Bring it down, I said bring it down
Thank you
Don't you know? So sick of you
Things you say and things you do
Don't you know? So sick of you
Things you say and things you do
Said don't you know, I am so sick of you?
Things you say and all the things you do
Said don't you know, I am so sick of you?
The things you said and all the things you do
Don't you know that I'm of you?
Yeah, the things you say and the things you do
Said, don't you know, I'm so sick of you?
With all the things you say and all the things you do
sick, I'm so sick of you
(I'm so sick of you) I'm such a sicko, yes, I'm sick of you
(Sick of you) sick, I'm so sick of you
(I'm so sick of you) you're such a sicko, yes, I'm sick of you
said I'm sick of you, said I'm sick of you
(I'm so sick of you) said I'm sick of you, said I'm sick of you
(Sick of you) said I'm sick of you, said I'm sick of you
(I'm so sick of you) said I'm sick of you, said I'm sick of you
said I'm sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick
(I'm so sick of you) sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick
(Sick of you) sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, sick
(I'm so sick of you) sick, sick, sick, sick, sick of you
Human filth
By Sir-Skittles at 28,Jun,24 20:06 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

--------------------------------------- added after 15 hours

@zain122@ yer page is as dirty as you are... filthy mongrol

By cumjohn at 28,Apr,24 15:17 other posts of cumjohn 
Usually i take a shower once a day, but sometimes i might not take shower for 2 days. Depends abbout work and if i'm seeing someone. Brush my teeth once a day. Always wash my dick and ass while showering.

Before sex i usually take a shower, but thats because people expect to be clean.

By DarkMax at 28,Apr,24 14:34 other posts of DarkMax 
Oh, have you been in Ukraine? And what was the purpose of the visit?

By #201583 at 08,Mar,13 04:48
I shower 1 to 3 times a day. I love a steaming hot shower as much as sex.

By #164428 at 05,Feb,13 05:44
I shower daily; I cannot stand to not shower daily, personally. I have oily skin and hair. When we have power outages and no water, ugh! Only so much I can do with Wet Ones and dry shampoo! lol

Now that I'm very sick, there have been a few times when I went an extra day because I collapsed and couldn't move after a long trip. But that's unusual.

I have good oral care, too. OH! Not everyone knows this, so I want to mention it. When you floss, don't pull the floss through. Go down on each side of the tooth and make a sawing motion. That's the correct way.

Oh, I'll take extra showers at times, like if it's very humid and I've been sweating a lot, or if I have managed to work out....

The longest without was probably three days, due to the power outage situation. There was nowhere to go for a shower. Had to make due with the Wet Ones. I **** that! Blech....

There are differences in cultured re: bathing. Not all shower daily. Please don't feel embarrassed to say if you are one of these people. I knew a woman who moved to a rural part of Europe as she fell in love with a native; they had a very old house with no indoor plumbing, so they bathed once a week, I believe, in a tub in the kitchen, like in the show, "Little House On The Prairie".

A doc told me that skipping a day or so can be healthy so you don't strip the healthy bacteria on your skin much. But I can't stand myself if I don't shower!

Sometimes, I do clean my butt (extra) with wet toilet paper or a Wet Ones cloth. I only do that if, well, I have bleeding from 'roids and fissues (little tears). Don't want infection....

--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Sorry for any typos; won't let me edit! And that missing word is h a t e, of course.
By #301038 at 05,Feb,13 09:13
My grandma was born in this little village, where people still don't have water in their homes. I remember the tin tub that was pulled out every night for everyone to bathe... she would warm up a bucket of water on the stove and we had a big cup to poor water over ourselves. we had neighbors that smelled really really bed... imagine working all day in the field and taking care of the farm ****... they bathed at the river during the summer and waited for spring in winter... I don't think its a cultural thing, it's the way you were raised. My grandma thought that it's easier to wash your dirty feet, than to try to clean the dirt off the sheets... if you shower every day before going to bed, your sheets don't get super dirty and need just a soak in the soap and a rinse to be clean again...
By bella! at 08,Mar,13 03:00 other posts of bella! 
I follow the bathe before you go to bed rule. It's something we did as kidz and for the very same reason your grandma had. It works for me as an adult, I'm "fresca, fresca" when I slip into bed and I feel good, I smell great and I'm ready for amore or if I'm solo, I rest wonderfully......

By #201155 at 10,Feb,13 13:14

By slipper at 09,Feb,13 03:38 other posts of slipper 
I typically shower first thing when getting out of bed and last thing before retiring.

By #2331 at 07,Feb,13 14:22
Why dont you just boil yourself????
By #23212 at 08,Feb,13 00:50
But there are much less painful ways to treat OCD.

By #7976 at 05,Feb,13 00:26
As for me and my wife, a daily shower is mandatory. I can't imagine taking a shower without washing all of myself including my penis and my rear. After sweating all day in a pair of jeans there's no way my cock would be clean or refreshing to smell or taste. As for how, I have what's called a loose circumcision. I pull the foreskin back and wash it inside and out. For all practical purposes it's the same motion as masturbation only with soap and without an erection.

As for your last question, once in Vietnam I went for about two weeks without a shower. I'd was my hands and face in a stream and occasionally dry brush my teeth but that was it. By the end of that patrol we all were pretty rank.

Cheers. And, good question by the way.
By #301038 at 05,Feb,13 09:14
great answer! Thanks you!
By #7976 at 06,Feb,13 03:41
Your welcome Darlin...

By Ray10754 at 06,Feb,13 00:03 other posts of Ray10754 
I shower ATLEAST twice a day but mostly three times a day,Have a shower out on my deck that is used every day during warm weather to shower,Love showering out doors!I have shoulder length hair and a full beard, so they both get washed every time I shower. I work condtruction so I tend to get dirty at times and to be honest I **** it. Some times if it is available I will rince off with a hose at the customers house. I am not a big collogne type of person, I much rather use a good body lotion or Johnsons baby oil, Servers two porposes, Keep's my skin nice and smooth (as I shave my whole body) and it has a plesant aroma! A clean aroma!Cant stand being dirty at all!! Hell I even change my bed linnins every other day!

By #220845 at 05,Feb,13 09:20
Couple times a day

By #41858 at 04,Feb,13 23:11
Yeah, shower in the morning, sometimes at night, or always before sex... I like shower gels... Wash hair at same time... Brush and floss twice a day at least...

By #201155 at 04,Feb,13 10:08
Having read all of the above, Peach, I conclude that you must smell as wonderfully fragrant as you look in your photos. Me? I have a bath and wash my (remaining) hair at least once a day (we Brits aren't in to showers as much as we probably ought to be) and twice if I've been doing anything particularly physical. (Such as sex – but then sadly I don't get a lot of that at the moment.) Teeth twice a day – and I keep my backside squeaky-clean, too! Longest without showering/bathing? In recent memory, probably three days when on a camping trip in the wilds

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