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Gays in the Boy scouts

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Started by #112279 at 06,Feb,13 20:04
Just wondering what ya all think about the Boy Scouts changing their policy to allow Gays in the Org.???

Similar topics: 1.Do gays fantasise about cunts   2.Any gays in chico area?   3.Gays in utah   4.Do straight guys like cocks.?   5.A question for my fellow Bi's, Gays, and or Lesbians...  

New Comment

By #181785 at 12,Feb,13 05:49
Don't like it at all. The scouts are a private org. and have the right to exclude who they wish. As long as they do not receive ANY government monies or use government property for free, I have no problem with who they do or don't allow. If they do use government property or money then they lose that right. And just so you don't think I dislike gays, I don't believe that the government has the right to say who can and can not get married. Also I started sucking cock while I was a Boy Scout. If you say this org has to accept people they don't want then every private org must accept people they don't want. Back in the 70's I belonged to a van club there where certain things you had to have or do and you where voted into the club by the members. So now what has been done is like saying we have to let you in our VAN club even though you only own a motorcycle. The Scouts where pressured into allowing gays and thats wrong. If I don't want you in my club, church or org then that is my right. It is your right to form your own org that allows everyone and competes with the Boy Scouts, which gives parents a choice. Those of you not in the US may not understand my stance. This point of view is based on my beliefs as an American. I don't know the rules or policies of other countries in this matter so that must be taken into account. My policy for **** molesters is a tall tree and a short rope. Thanks for reading.

By #347085 at 09,Feb,13 15:36
You know reading through this post just reminds me how easy it is to vilify people who are a minority. Gay men are less likely to be **** abusers then Straight men, in fact, as I am sure most of you are aware, **** sexual abuse mostly happens behind the locked doors of family homes by men who identify as straight. Usually the childs own father, uncle, grandfather, male friend of the family. And sometimes, but rarely, female members, or female friends of the family.
Also I get so sick of hearing this gay conversion theory crap of chidren as well. I have a few gay, openly bi male friends who have chidren from previous "straight" marriges, just like myself. I have adult chidren, males, bought up by myself and my male partner, they are living with girlfrieds, working, happy, contributing members of society, just like my friends kids. My kids are not in gay relationships, not that that would matter, they grew up with two fathers that exhibited their love for each other and them. We worked hard, we cooked, we cleaned, we paid bills, we helped with homework and sport, we did everything that a family does together. We did not end up, any of us, with green eyed dysfunctional kids, confused about their sexual orientation, or converted to a homosexual lifestyle.
My kids were never lied to about my sexual orientation, if you want to pigeon hole me they always knew I was Bi, and for many years now exclusivly gay, because i live with a guy, and we as a society like to give everything a label in order for us to try to understand it more. Gay, bi,transgender, straight there are good and bad people who will do evil things from all societies and sexual orientations. But all people no matter what their sexual preference is, if it is between two, or more consenting adults, it is no bodies business but their own.
Child predetors are just that, they prey on the innocence of ****, they predate them, they are sick and society should find a better way to deal with them, but that's to hard for me to know what to do, even the experts have trouble with that decision because many of the abusers don't see anything wrong in their actions, so they repeat the abuse as soon as released, if they are caught and charged.
So yeah after all that gay, lesbian, transgender, bi, straight people should all have the same opportunities before them, so I think it's good that the Boy Scouts are changing their policy. Hope I haven't left anyone out, we should all be entitled to the same opportunities, idealistic I know but that's what I think. Thanks guy's, I better go find my armour now and be prepared for the bullets as some of you shoot me down.
By Ray10754 at 09,Feb,13 15:59 other posts of Ray10754 
Thank you for your input, thought I was the only one that felt that this post was unnessary! I will not continue discution with the origional poster any longer as he is only looking through blinding glasses and dances his way around specific questions. I agree with you 100 % and applaud you for your honesty with bringing up your c h i l d r e n,hopefully there are more like you out there doing that same thing.

By #350905 at 09,Feb,13 17:18
To tropics
Im glad things worked out good for you and your loved ones. I agree with some of what you say. Its my oppinion, and how I chose to handle things. I just see it being tougher on my kids at school and stuff if the other kids found out. And I do agree about everyone haveing the same oppurtunities, I just have a different view of certain aspects of it. Its not that I dont think I could be honest with my kids, I just chose not to be until they are adults. I chose not to even entertain the possibility of them haveing to deal with the ridicule of other people at this early stage in their lives. Like I have said everything is a choice. You sound way more reasonable then this other guy. He just wants to vilify me because my views dont jive with his.
By #303133 at 09,Feb,13 17:26
Ray is not vilifying you because you have different views, he is pointing out the huge flaws in what you are saying. You keep talking about protecting your c hildren from the horrors of homosexuality and insist that every gay/bi man or woman should hide who they if they need to be ashamed. (You keep using the term "dirty laundry". If it makes you feel so filthy, why do you still do it?) If you want to protect your k ids so much, why don't you give up being a bisexual until they are old enough to understand? That way, Daddy's "dirty laundry" can't harm them. The issue isn't with your expressing an opinion, it is with the fact that, because YOU are ashamed of your behavior, you feel that other people should feel like filthy perverts too...
By Ray10754 at 09,Feb,13 17:40 other posts of Ray10754 
Thanks for your input Justwill I glad that some one has enough intelegents to understand what is trying to be pointed out here,between you and Tropics you bothe seem to get it! I am through with this topic the man is in denial!and not worth my time anylonger!

By #23575 at 07,Feb,13 04:27
So if a grown man is openly interested in **** sex, which is his orientation by proclaiming such, we should accept that? Can straight men also be leaders of girl scout troops?
By #350905 at 08,Feb,13 05:35
If your comment says what I think the asteriks are blocking, thats fucked up. I may be wrong but I just know the only words I have seen get blocked out is anything ****. Read my comments up top.
--------------------------------------- added after 13 hours

My bad I see your point. No they are not. But just because someone chooses to be gay doesnt mean they are that. Just because someone is gay does not mean they are inappropriately attracted to kids. I just think there is too much risk do to people and their hatefulness of kids finding out if someone is unwilling to keep it in the closet. I dont think bi or hom sexuality is wrong I just think it is wrong to give chi1dren the idea that it is ok. Its an adult choice like drugs or alchohol.
By #179572 at 08,Feb,13 23:20
So you're saying its okay for a person to be gay but its not okay for **** to think its okay? That's fucked up. So basically you're saying who's already gay can stay gay, but there must be no more?

So much for moving forward.

And btw to all, homosexuality is NOT a choice. The only choice in the matter lies on your action upon your desires, not which desires you

By Ray10754 at 08,Feb,13 23:45 other posts of Ray10754 
So your saying that it is perfactly ok for the girscouts to have lesbians as counclers (as stated on the web if you do a serch)and both **** and parents are aware of the fact upon siging up! BUT it is not ok to have GAY men be incharge in the boy scouts!?Why is that? people talk about females around there kids also. BOY you need to get your shit together and figure out what the hell your talking about!
Just a little more information for you to ponder! Fact#1
The majority of **** **** that has been reported to date have been either Straight men or men that are BI Sexual and in the closet.
Fact # 2 Gay men as a rule have no interest in c h i l d r e n on a sexual basis.
Spend some of your free time reserching the facts brfore you open tour mouth and make a fool of yourself!

You ferther state being gay bisexual or streight is an ADULT CHOICE LIKE DRUGS AND ALCOHOL !! LOL That is so far from being the truth!Maby you shoul take up some night classes and learn some things that you obviously missed the first time around!! AGAIN I STATE RESERCH is a woundsrfull tool for learning
By #350905 at 09,Feb,13 02:39
I have given it plenty of thought. I believe everyone is bi-sexual, and everyone has homo erotic urges. Whether a person acts on them or not is up to them, but human nature is bisexual at the core. So it is a choice whether or not to act on those urges. So we agree about that part of it even though you tried to make it sound like we dont. This comes in varying degrees from person to person. It is all about choices. Your fact 1 and 2 are both things I already know to be true, never said they were not. I have done plenty of research on the matter thank you. Listen what I believe is pretty close to what Alfred Kinsay in 1948, and 1953 and now worthington and reynolds in 2009 continue to state. Kinsay came up with a seven point scale 0-6. I through life experience have a slight dif. take on 0and 6 0n the continuum scale of sexuality. Otherwise this is what I believe. 0=Exclusively heterosexual, 1= predominately heterosexual/bisexual ( this group wont admit they are bi/ they identify with being straight. Only incidenally have they experimented, and ingaged in homosexual BEHAVIOR. 2= Predominatly heterosexual/ more than incidentally homosexual(This means that this group also generally identifies with being straight but have had a few homosexual encounters in there life, and would only seek a long term relationship with the opposite sex. This group is more likely to only have a homosexual encounter randomly, and not really seek it out generaly. 3= Equally heterosexual and homosexual encounters.( this group is openly bi-sexual, and seeks out relationships with both genders.This group is likely to sway from 2 or 4 at some point in life. 4= Predominately homosexual more than incidentaly heterosexual(polar opposite of group 2. 5= Predominantly homosexual/only incidentaly heterosexual(polar opposite of group1 (This group identifies with being gay, but has had incidental heterosexual encounters. 6=Exclusively homosexual. The only part of this sexual behavior continuum of kinsey, worthington, and reynolds that I disagree with is this. Group 0,and 6 both in reality have had homoerotic urges, but have never acted on them, and probably never will. More so in group 0 than 6, but these polar extremes in my opinion would never admit it if they did have urges. Again I belive that to be more so in group0. That part is my modification to the kinsey sexuality continuum scale. I fall into group 2 personaly. I have read much research on the matter thank you, and this seems to be the most logical way of looking at it. I believe that when chi1dren are involved a dont ask dont tell policy should be in place. You never know what kind of mean things a hateful parent might pass on to their ****. Next thing you know your **** is haveing to deal with being picked on because of their parents sexual BEHAVIORS (CHOICES). Not fair to them, confuse them before they even have a clue. It is a parents job to protect from that. Another thing about science is this. It can be manipulated like anything else. Keep in mind. Same with religion. So I hope people will quit putting words in my mouth. Maybe you sir are the one who needs to do some research, and some rational thinking. Quote for you "I am not prepared to let my beliefs be determined by my desires or my needs" In fact I refuse to. So who is the fool. When one of those monsters say I cant help it I was born this way. Is just the same as you saying acting on gay urges is not a choice. Everything is a choice
By Ray10754 at 09,Feb,13 03:14 other posts of Ray10754 
WOW so you did a little reserch ! Congreaduations! But the matter still remains, that you neglected to answer the questions that have been asked of you by both myself and other posters here ! Lots of smoke and mirriors is what I see!
Good luck in your way of life, I along with many others I am sure,are glad that your not involved with law making or major decisions in the USA

End of discution for me on this one! The old saying (You cant help someone that dont want to help themself) IS SO TRUE
I congradulate you on your reserch and hope you continue to do so! The facts that you state are true. The problem arrises when you poke your two cents into the topic!
Basicly your saying that it is ok for YOU as a parent, (TO LIE) to your c h i l d due to the fact your Bisexual! GREAT PARENTING!!And you acknowlage that Lesbians are known to be troop leaders and thats ok with you also! (By the way, It is fine with me if gays and lesbians are involved in thes matters)But you are agains Gays (talk about wierd thinking)
Oh! and one other thing! you talk about dont ask dont tell,
If your c h i l d ever asked you what your sexuality is (due to something he may have heard from gossiping parents or in school) would you be man enough to tell him / her the truth??

By #350905 at 08,Feb,13 05:28
Im bisexual and I do not think someone who is openly gay should be a scout leader. This will probably stir everybody up, but its the way I feel. 100 percent gay men have no buisiness being a scout leader, its for family men who have kids in it. If someone is married to a women with kids, and does there own thing on the side discreetly, and on the dl then it would be ok for them to participate in the scouts if their kids do. If a father is completely in the closet and their kids want them to participate thats ok.I go that way and I still see it as a deviant behavior, not to be portrayed as ok and normal to kids, let them figure themselves out. To some degree everyone is bi to one degree or another. Your choice in behaviors determine who you are. I believe 100% that it is something that should be kept from your kids. I geuss to sum it up, if there is no chance that the kids will know the truth,a person has kids in the scout group they interact with, and they are not sex offenders or sickos who like kids that way then its ok. If a person does not have kids there than you got to ask why are they there? little weird.
By #326816 at 08,Feb,13 06:28
I agree completely that you are entitled to your opinion. But I disagree with everything else which you have stated and/or implied.

A person who is 'openly gay' does not walk around with a sign around their neck which states that they are 'gay'. It just means that they live their own life the way they want to live it and in the manner in which they were meant to live it. They do not hide who they are in order to conform to what society thinks is 'normal'. Additionally, a person who is gay does not spend every waking hour of the day trying to have sex with everyone within reach of their penis, or try to convert all heterosexuals to the wonderful life of gay, or pervert the morals of 'family values', or corrupt chi1dren with stories of their sexual exploits. If a gay man becomes a scout leader and is asked to teach chi1dren the principles of scouting, then that is exactly what he will do. The idea which you imply that a gay scout leader is just there to openly discuss his sexual orientation in front of chi1dren, who have no interest and/or understanding of sexual orientation, is a stretch to make him nothing more than a deviant. There is good and bad in the world and a person's sexual orientation does not create a barrier between these two realms. You can easily find stories of heterosexual family men who have caused terrible harm to chi1dren. You can also find similar stories were the offender was homosexual. But you can not remove an entire group of individuals from society based on the actions of a few.

Consider the following: Think of a person whom is close to you and your family. This person has had dinner with you and your family. This person has interacted with your chi1dren. You trust this person and have no worries about them being near your chi1dren or supervising your chi1dren. You have known this person for much of your life. You share the innermost feelings and thoughts of your own life with this person. Tomorrow, you will find out that he is gay. Does your attitude towards this person change? If so, why? He is still the same person. Who he is and was has not changed. The only thing which has changed is that you now know his sexual orientation. But an individual's sexual orientation does not define who they are as a person. They are far more than that, just as you are far more than just a heterosexual, or just a bisexual. You need to look beyond the labels and really get to know the person first before you even consider condemning them.

As to your question: 'If a person does not have kids there than [sic] you got to ask why are they there?' ... Some men can not have chi1dren or choose to not have chi1dren. But either scenario should not exclude them from imparting their knowledge to a chi1d.

By all means, protect chi1dren from individuals who would do them harm, but don't base this decision on just an individual's sexual orientation.
By #350905 at 08,Feb,13 19:09
Reading what I wrote I see that I did a very poor job at saying what I meant to. What made me reread it was the fact that I agree with alot of what you said here. All I really meant to get across was this. I believe that if there is achance of the chi1dren hearing rumors caused by chi1dren who over hear things their hateful parents say it is all around bad. Which would likely happen if a person was full on out publicly. People pass **** on to their kids. To protect kids from hearing these things and causing them unnecessary confusion, outways in my mind a persons personal liberties. Not only that but I believe it is a parent who is living a alternative lifestyles responsibility to keep it hidden at all costs from their kids, and their freinds until they are old enough to understand these things and make there own decisions. I do really believe that human nature is at its cor bi-sexual, and this scale goes from predominately straight (probably never acting on homosexual urges at all because of societys idea of acceptible, or personal moral standard) at one end of the scale, to the other end of the scale which is the polar opposite of that. 100 percent homsexual lifestyle. lifestyle being keyword. Gay is not contagious because there is a little bit of everything in everybody. This life boils down to choices. Obviously varying hormone levels and environmental factors contribute. But still ultimately a person choses behavior. Anyway I did not mean to come off the way that original post sounded. I wish I could rewrite it now. I certainly did not intend to imply that just because a scoutleader was gay they would be there to impose their sexuality. Not what I meant man. The part abou consider the following, I am that guy your talking about.
--------------------------------------- added after 72 seconds

asterick word rhymes with kate take way e it is hat
By Ray10754 at 08,Feb,13 19:54 other posts of Ray10754 
Think about this for a second! What you just posted can go for ANY sexuality !! Don't have to nessacarly be a gay person,Could be a bi sexual that parents Found out about and are talking dirt about, So do they need to be removed from the list also? I have been following this from the beginning and to be honest, I dont think you know what you ment to say from the start Some of it makes sence but the majority of it is so far off base it isnt funny!
And just for your information I have a friend that has two young boys from a marrage with a woman. He is divorced now due to his sexual preferances (long story not the issue at hand) They are HIS c h i l d r e n and he is openly Gay, So your telling us that he has no right to be a leader in the scouts?? Sounds to me that you have a problem with Gay people in general.

By #242452 at 08,Feb,13 18:44
Ah - boy scouts! My first exposure to hard core porn at the tender age of 10.

By pifad at 08,Feb,13 07:33 other posts of pifad 
About time. We are no different than anyone else.
--------------------------------------- added after 9 hours

Gay men do not seek out kids for pleasure. Those people are called ****philes. There's a BIG difference and until people realize that and understand that things will not change for the better. I'm so sick of being classed as an animal when all I want is what the rest of good society gets without having to hide.

By #222660 at 08,Feb,13 00:12
Gay kids should be allowed to join the boy scouts also ... shouldn't they?
As for the adult scout leaders, ANY leader or counsellor who openly shares their sexual thoughts, adventures or aspirations with an underaged person isn't worthy of the position and should be removed for inappropriate behaviour - male / female / gay or straight!

By #147052 at 07,Feb,13 15:26
I don't have a problem with it at all and they should be allowed in to the scouts. I was kicked out for drinking a beer at a meeting of scout masters which I thought then was just a bit severe.

By spermkiss at 06,Feb,13 20:11 other posts of spermkiss 
It's about time.

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