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a straight guys thoughts on having a gay experience

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Started by #349055 at 14,Feb,13 20:59
this is my opinion as a straight but curious guy, I believe a majority of straight men have had or want to have an experience with a dick other than theirs. weather they touched 1 at a young age fooling around with their buddy,it doesn't mean they're gay that's just curiosity. I believe Society is to blame straight men are too scared to be called gay when they really aren't and are too scared what people will think of them. when 2 girls are going at it that's considered hot and us guys supposedly get our jollies off watching it,so to society 2 girls is okay. if a room full of hot girls were egging on two guys to touch each other then that would be socially acceptable and be considered hot. so in conclusion I believe a majority of men are curious about other cocks size shape and what they would feel like in their hand in mouthbut Society will just not allow so that's why you find many of these man such as myself browsing the sites looking at other dicks. what are your thoughts friends of show your dick?

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By bella! at 14,Feb,13 22:32 other posts of bella! 
Society won't allow *OR* the constraints you place upon yourself won't allow YOU? I suggest that even YOU are not able to embrace the idea that you are not 100% straight....... You call yourself curious, I call you "bi".
By #343754 at 14,Feb,13 22:36
interesting reply and to a degree I think you are right as far as I am concerned. It is the thoughts of the repercussions and the fear of not being accepted by the group that you are in.
By bella! at 14,Feb,13 22:52 other posts of bella! 
Listen to what you've said, hear your very own words; repercussions, fear. You have labeled yourself and put yourself in a box. And as for not being accepted by "the group you're in", maybe, just maybe, you're in the wrong group.

By #301038 at 14,Feb,13 23:05
sexuality is a private matter and is not for everyone to see and judge, don't you think? I don't tell my friends over a cup of coffee that I like to be dp'd with my husbands cock and a huge dildo, while watching bdsm porn. Or that my husband and I fuck women together... Or to my ex-coworkers at daycare, that are 99% women, that I enjoy having sex with women, but I also like to indulge on a big black cock, once in a while. There is a time and place for everything, and broad day light and an overcrowded coffee house might not be the best setting. If you think you'd enjoy sexual interaction with another man, go to a gay bar, or to Craigslist and do it in the environment that is designed for that...

I think, you just like the idea, that whatever you're feeling is a taboo, something deviant and just that makes it more exciting.... if all men were free to grab and squeeze each other cocks instead of handshakes, it would loose it's charm, don't you think?
By #6568 at 15,Feb,13 08:33
Brilliant, well thought out post, of the best I have ever seen here

By dickisgreat at 15,Feb,13 00:25 other posts of dickisgreat 
This used to be my view - that people such as the original poster are just plain bi and need to deal with it. But now I think that can lead to 'bi' losing its meaning because it would apply to 99% of people - anyone who's ever had same-sex attraction.

So, now I'm kinda okay with guys who *openly* admit to being 'mostly straight' but like dick every now and then. I think very few people out there really, honestly carry this out.

What I'm *not* okay with is guys trying to have it both ways: passing as 100% straight when it's convenient then turning around and claiming how open-minded they are by also being into men, depending on who they're with.

That's hypocritical, despicable, and makes them an accessory to promoting homophobia.
By #301038 at 15,Feb,13 07:24
So, just because there are plenty of bi/bi-curious people, the "straight" must adopt the new meaning?
By dickisgreat at 16,Feb,13 01:47 other posts of dickisgreat 
I see it this way: a friend of mine is vegetarian but eats meat literally once or twice a year. Really - that's it.

I'm fine with that person being identified as a vegetarian in everyday conversation. When the discussion is more in-depth, they should be identified as "vegetarian but eats meat twice a year".

It's a philosophical question: if a guy sucks dick once a month, is he bi? Definitely. Once a year? Yes. Once in his entire life? Most people would call him straight. So then what about once every ten years, or five years?

My point is that the threshold is hard to define and I don't claim to have the answer.

By #134591 at 15,Feb,13 06:06
i think society is changing towards being less judgmental towards men curious about other men. the next generation of men won't be so hung up about it.

plus the internet and it's anonymity has made a big impact on removing this stigma. men realise more and more that they are not the only ones that feel like that.

some of my friends seem to believe subconsciously that experimenting with a guy will sort of 'turn' them, like a vampire or something. that they can never have sex with a girl again. weird.

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