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Confused about straight guys showing rosebuds!

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Started by #87279 at 29,Jul,10 18:51
I'm a little confused? I know there are a lot of members on this site who list themselves as straight only - but make some very 'non straight' comments or messages ... and that is fine. Who cares?
But why would someone who considers themselves straight, post a closeup picture of their rosebud for all to see - ass cheeks pulled wide open - on a site that is definitely got more gay and bi guys on it than straight - and not expect to get some crude comments about plugging it? And you guessed it - I got ranted at how many guys had offered to plug it for him, got deleted, and of course lost points for it! Oops!
But seriously - when I was straight I never even considered my rosebud had any other purpose than one! Definitely never considered it sexy or a feature I would show off in a photo. Not until I found the bi side of me did it become a source of pleasure or interest.

So my question is ...have things changed that much that rosebuds winking at you is now an attraction to straight guys and women?
Welcome your thoughts!

Similar topics: 1.confused   2.Straight female really wants to munch some box   3.Do straight guys like cocks.?   4.straight guys into men and women   5.Young, tough and athletic, but confused  

New Comment

By Walker at 08,Aug,13 20:03 other posts of Walker 
Well I do enjoy anal. I show off and have had many women lick me and use a vibrator on my ass stimulating my prostate to achieve a fantastic orgasm. I have even had a few women use a strap on in a femdom affair. A threesome session with two women double dong ass fucking. Their point was if I was going to fuck their ass they were going to fuck mine. So I show my ass and have attracted more women and for some less rude to grab a guys ass then reaching up his shorts and pulling his cock.

By #316255 at 04,Aug,13 08:58
I'm an anomaly then. I enjoy the view of a shaved rosebud being rimmed and plowed. Of course, it has to have been cleaned out.
By #23212 at 08,Aug,13 01:12
Yes, I would agree--an enjoyable 'view'. But also an enjoyable feeling, IMHO.
By #316255 at 08,Aug,13 03:05
I'll let you know as soon as I find a guinea pig (NO, not THAT kind... the human male kind!!!!) to test it out.
By #23212 at 08,Aug,13 05:35
ЎBuen provecho!

--------------------------------------- added after 2 hours

OK, per request, I'll add:

The shaved, very clean rosebud is FIRST rimmed--ЎBuen provecho!
THEN a nice lube is applied for the the so-called "plowing".

By #417547 at 07,Aug,13 21:13
I though that I agree with your question at Frist. But after reading
All the remarks. I have to change my mind a women was the Frist
To play with my ass if that did not happen I would not know how good
It feels and not be bi !

By #59855 at 28,Aug,10 21:55
From Matt's Wife: Ok I will weigh in on this, we have pics of Matt's because if we are going to post mine he is going to post his. Just like if he wants to fuck my ass I am going to fuck his ass. Simple. And as a woman I don't mind looking at a mans ass and am turned on by them, everyone has their own kicks and I will not put someone down for their like or dis-likes. Those of you who are calling people gross or name callingin general should be ashamed of yourselves. That is not what this site is supposed to be about.
By #69967 at 30,Aug,10 12:45
No offence but an arse that looks like its been blown apart by a shot gun is gross.. A tight looking clean one however isn't gross and one Like that I can appreciate on a female...but I would really struggle to understand how anyone could find that gaping vile bloody looking arse hole from Dildo boy attractive.. It just ain't and I have no shame in thinking that or saying it. After all, it's my true opinion and I don't do BS. Arse( ass) holes are attractive to me when they're female and tight and clean..but if I was gay I think I would hold the same standards of beauty. There are gross things in this world and to me, gaping wide bloody men's arse holes fit that description for me. We can all think what we like. That isn't winking, that's the evil eye
By #69967 at 30,Aug,10 12:49
p.s. I only want to show mine to females and I see nothing gay about that or having pictures for that purpose.. but if I had the gaping kind, I'd keep it well under wraps..as I really don't think many females would love that view..
By #59855 at 01,Sep,10 05:26
From Matt's Wife: I agree with giving your opinion to a point until you start to come across as mean and there really is no point to that other than to hurt other people and make yourself feel better. I feel that your better off not even saying it or that it is not your cup of tea, there are ways of saying you don't like something without being an ass. When people comment on our pics like you just did about his I will never have anything to do with them and will ban them from our page. But if they say I love these pics but I just can't get into those pics, I can respect that. Just some food for thought.
By #69967 at 01,Sep,10 16:46
Thanks Matt's Wife but I disagree with you and I'm sticking to my philosophy , you're welcome to stick to yours. If I see a revolting looking gaping bloody ass hole and it looks gross.. I'll say it. Live with it or ignore it, I don't care either way. I am honest and I am not trying to spare the feelings of someone who wants to exhibit themselves and be judged visually. Don't expect everyone to be cheezy false and full of BS about how much they like something..

Ask me something and I'll give you my truth. That's it. Not everything looks nice not everything smells nice not everything sounds nice not everything is nice to everyone..You probably don't think I'm nice now, but you can think what you want.

Some things are just plain gross to most people, I think gaping bloody ass holes may just be one of them. If you ask for opinions, then tough if it's not sparing the feelings of someone who wanted to show it off in public. I don't care who bans me, it won't stop me having opinions. I happen to still think the 3rd picture down in dildo boys thread is vile and completely unsexy and if I were gay I can't help feeling I'd think the same. Call it mean if you like. If you can't stand the truth of some views don't show yourself off, that's my view...as its pretty obvious everyone won't warm to all pictures and images and we all have different standards..more food for thought.
By #59855 at 02,Sep,10 04:55
From Matt's Wife: You are right that is rude, maybe you should think real life, people don't talk that way to peoples faces. If you walked up to someone that had their face disfigured in an automobile wreck or someone with a bad birth defect and started saying how hideous they look(cuz you call it like you see it) you would get your ass kicked. You can say it is not the same thing but the only difference to me in the anonimity of the computer. You should act the same on here as you would to someone in real life. Other than the occasional hot talk that goes on here but that is a different story. Some food for thought.
Please don't take my responses as hostile or picking a fight, like you I am opinionated and in the end you will have yours and I will have mine. In the end it doesn't really matter
By #69967 at 02,Sep,10 16:41
You're right you have drawn a ridiculous comparison and it's absolutely unrelated to my thoughts and comments on the matter. Just to let you know in real life I say what I think without fear and I do it under my real name. Also in real life I don't have near collapsed bloody looking arse holes waved in my face for critique, weirdly enough. The only reason I don't comment under my real name here is fairly obvious.

I don't go around insulting people who are disabled or ugly or who can not help the way they look. It's not my point and that's not my style. And by the way, I've never got my arse kicked for giving my honest critique and I am no pushover if anyone tried. If you put yourself up to be viewed and you want to exhibit yourself, expect critique. Mine Hardly relates to disrespecting someone with disfigured face.

My view is that there are sexually attractive tasteful horny photos and tasteless photos. Arses (asses) looking like they've been blown apart and abused fall under the category of tasteless as far as I am concerned. In fact the picture I commented on is near obscene in my book. It made me want to puke. That's my opinion, I'm sticking with it And if the exhibitor can't stand the hurt then don't flash you're rotten looking "A" hole is my advice. . I won't comment on the fat.
By #59855 at 03,Sep,10 19:27
From Matt's Wife: Cool, nice chat
By #69967 at 03,Sep,10 20:33
Yeah Loved every minute .. Matt52 doesn't say much, never read him comment...any reason for that..?
By #59855 at 03,Sep,10 20:50
From Matt's Wife: Well right now he is at work, but when he is here I run the page he likes watching me play on here
By #69967 at 08,Sep,10 18:25
what do you mean by play on here? You mean he likes watching you type on the forum?
By #59855 at 08,Sep,10 19:28
From Matt's Wife: That is only a small part of it, We have many private chats

By Oralanus at 02,Sep,10 06:42 other posts of Oralanus 
Hi, i am straight to, but i like to play with my arse, and look nice but pics, that it. i never had a dick in my arse.

By spermkiss at 28,Aug,10 18:52 other posts of spermkiss 
There are still precious few comments from men who identify as straight who have posted photos of their ass holes. There are thousands of ass pictures posted here, many by straight guys, so come on guys, why do you like to do it?

By #87279 at 14,Aug,10 19:50
Ok ... not a big porn movie watcher for some time now so thank you routemaster for your comment - that does make a little more sense to the act of exposing rosebuds.

I can easily understand all guys - whether straight or not - like to check things out in the locker room. It's great to compare ... intriguing to see all the different shapes and sizes, etc. You don't have to be bi or gay to appreciate the beauty. That is fine. I can even buy the ego booster concept even thought there is no intend to have follow through.

But the comment from SpermKiss and dildo boy are even more confusing to me now!!! I don't understand how the thought of sticking a cock up your ass - real or fake - is a straight activity??? That doesn't make any sense. Straight - as I always understood it - is when you have only an interest in the opposite sex ... period! Taking the step to participate in the act of sexual activities with another member of the same sex moves well out of the realm of straight anything. You are taking pleasure in another man (or fake man) and that is very bi based - not straight. How can it be anything else?

Fantasies are one thing ... but when you cross the border to anything more than experimentation or curiosity ... it is no longer straight. What is the big hangup about calling it what is ... a bisexual activity? Is this because you consider being bisexual makes you a lesser person? I just do not understand where this thought process comes from .... someone please help me understand ... seriously!!!!!
By spermkiss at 14,Aug,10 21:43 other posts of spermkiss 
First to address your question about what makes a man straight, bisexual or gay, please see my reply to jerseyboy on July 29 for further discussion on this.

Now to your question about why a straight man would want to be anally penetrated, the quick answer is that it feels good. For many men, prostate stimulation thru anal penetration is very pleasurable. Some men can even reach sexual climax and ejaculate ths way without any stimulation to the penis.

And this has nothing to do with whether he is straight or gay. I'm as gay as they come and the physical pleasure I get from anal penetration is so slight that it is almost non-existant. Again, see my previous comments from July 29.

There are also a significant number of straight men who are anally penetrated by their wives/girlfriends with a dildo, either handheld or a strap-on. Sex advice columnist Dan Savage has addressed this very subject in his column on a few occasions. His verdict is that activity between a man and a woman, even if the man is taking it in the ass with a dildo, is heterosexual.
By spermkiss at 15,Aug,10 00:37 other posts of spermkiss 
See also Fantasy's comment below and my reply to her.

By #96728 at 14,Aug,10 20:34
"have things changed that much that rosebuds winking at you is now an attraction to straight guys and women? "

I'm as straight as it gets, am a woman, love to show off my ass including my "rose" I love a great assfuck once in a while, but beside my mans asshole I'm not at all attracted to men who show their assholes. My ex was fingerfucking himself in his ass and wanted me to fuck him up the ass with a strap-on dildo. I never did and was wondering big time if he was gay or bi. He's my ex so that's not my concern anymore, but I'm happy to have found an all straight man with a great appetite for sex.
By spermkiss at 14,Aug,10 21:48 other posts of spermkiss 
To answer your question about whether your ex was gay or bi, maybe he was and maybe he wasn't. Please see my reply to Horny4u69 above for further discussion on this.

By #88504 at 14,Aug,10 17:21
I'm straight and I am totally atracted to female assholes. I've got a couple asspics from myself on this site and I sometimes imagine to get fucked by a good looking male with a beautiful and big cock. But never got through with it. So it's just a fantasie.
By spermkiss at 14,Aug,10 17:28 other posts of spermkiss 
Hey man, do it! It won't make you any less straight or any less of a man. And you might find that your really like it. See my comments above.

By #86039 at 14,Aug,10 17:10
I'm a REAL straight, but i like play with anal toys, alone and with my horny GF
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By spermkiss at 14,Aug,10 17:24 other posts of spermkiss 
Here we go. As I said in my first post back in July, a LOT OF STRAIGHT MEN like to take it in the ass.

By #5532 at 13,Aug,10 06:32
I agree, if you are straight, why would you be so inclined?
By #23212 at 13,Aug,10 06:46
So your lady friend can find the right spot for the strap-on.

By spermkiss at 11,Aug,10 23:34 other posts of spermkiss 
Conspicuously absent from this question are posts from men who identify as straight and who have posted photos of their ass holes.

Come on guys, I know that there are a lot of you out there. Why do straight men like to show off their asses, including their treasure hole?

By slipper at 02,Aug,10 22:05 other posts of slipper 
Can you say, "Safe flirting?"
By spermkiss at 02,Aug,10 23:13 other posts of spermkiss 
Excellent point! EVERYONE likes to think that he is sexy and desirable. If a man can turn on another man, even if he has no interest in pursuing something with that other man, it's a feather in his cap.

By #46862 at 02,Aug,10 19:54
Thanks and you said a lot of very good things too.
That is why I posted pcitres and find it fun and interesting to see what comments one gets. It is also a fun way to find out what the other men have as packages.
Because heaven forbid we al not to check out another man in the restroom. lockers or changing rooms at the beach or pool!
By spermkiss at 02,Aug,10 23:08 other posts of spermkiss 
You're absolutely right about men checking each other out in locker rooms and changing rooms. ALL MEN, gay and straight, like to look at other men's dicks. It's a guy thing. And I suspect that all men like to look at other men's asses, including their ass holes.

Which brings us back to the original topic of this Forum question about why straight men expose their ass holes. They do it because it's fun and because others like to look at them.

By spermkiss at 02,Aug,10 17:42 other posts of spermkiss 
Some further thoughts about why straight men like to expose their butt holes. They're doing it because it's fun. Why is it fun? Because it is forbidden and it's almost always fun to do what is forbidden.

Just as exposing one's dick and balls is something we are not supposed to do, so is exposing one's ass hole. Perhaps even more so because it's harder to do.

By #46862 at 29,Jul,10 22:38
I wondered that too, I can see posting a few ass pictures like full body shots but the anal hole. no way as a straight man. I always thought if a man is straight they only have sex with women and if he does both that you are Bisexual. A Gay man would be with other men. Sometime I feel odd in doing a comment but when I do comments I always try to be postive and not rude. I may answer questions why certain men tried these dicks up with ropes or clains or put things in their glans. I could never understand any one sucking or licking the anal part of a women or man. I guess it is just me. What do you guys say? Mind you I am not being judgemental here, it just the way of my thoughts.
By spermkiss at 30,Jul,10 04:33 other posts of spermkiss 
We could get into a deep discussion about what makes a man gay, bisexual or straight. There are those that say that any man who has ever had sex with people of both sexes is bisexual, and that is certainly a valid position. But I do not agree with it.

To my way of thinking, how a man lives his life and how he self-identifies are far more important criteria. Look at me, for example. I identify as gay, I live my life as gay and I'm married to another man. (It was legal for five and a half months here in California, and eventually will be legal again nationwide.) When I was younger, wilder and single I had sex with two or three thousand men. I also had sex with three women. Does that make me bisexual? I don't think so.

Turning that around, how about a man who identifies as straight and lives as straight but who has an occasional fling with another man? Is he bisexual? Again, I don't think so.

Finally, I don't think that you are being rude or judgemental. You're just being curious and that's a good thing. Without intellectual curiousity there would be no inquiry into anything. I hope that my remarks are useful to you. Warmest regards.
By #46862 at 30,Jul,10 21:21
spermkiss, first great screen name. What you said is perfectly on target. I agree with what you said. and is very true. When you come down to it one or two man on man action would not make one gay. Its in your DNA for I am sure if any gay man or woman could change how they feel they would because of what they still have to go through. It's not fair everyone should have equal rights. One of my twin sons is gay and has a wonderful loving relationship in Canada. I am so proud of both men and are very happy for my son that he has a loving relationship these past 10 years. I have my daugther's husband as a son in law and my son's as a son in love!
By spermkiss at 02,Aug,10 17:29 other posts of spermkiss 
You're a good man. There is nothing like having a gay person in the family to advance the cause of civil rights for gay people.

As I alluded to in my previous message, full civil rights for gays and lesbians, including the right to marry, is the civil right movement of the twenty-first century. And it is impossible to stop an idea whose time has come. The Bible thumpers and hate mongers may imede things a bit and have their small victories, but their efforts are like trying to turn back the tide.

By spermkiss at 29,Jul,10 20:51 other posts of spermkiss 
I certainly cannot speak for every straight man who has posted photos of his ass hole (I'm not even straight), but it has been my experience as a gay man who has over the years been with a lot of men who self-identified as straight that a LOT OF STRAIGHT MEN like to be fucked in the ass.

For many men, anal penetration is very pleasurable and some men can even reach a climax and ejaculate just from prostate stimulation thru anal penetration. And this has nothing to do with sexual orientation. I'm as gay as they come and for me the physical pleasure of being fucked is so small that it is almost non-existant. But I've fucked a lot of straight men in the ass and some of them even came while I was doing it.

By #88663 at 29,Jul,10 20:47
They just want to get a reaction!

By #17000 at 29,Jul,10 20:08
Personally, a "rosebud" is an opening to a one-way street. I am NOT attracted to buttholes on a woman, and for sure not on a man. As to the OP's question, no.

By #22155 at 29,Jul,10 19:29
Well, I don't know what the appeal is for a straight guy posting a picture of his ass with cheeks spread open....I have posted one picture of my balls from below that happened to show some of my ass, and made a comment to specifically tell people that i didn't want comments on my butt, and i haven't had a single problem with it.

On the other hand, if they want to delete your posts and call you out, it's their right to do so. I think a good rule of thumb for you is that straight guys probably don't want to hear about you plugging their ass if you know damn well that they are straight, regardless of how suggestive their pic might be. That's sort of a matter of common respect, but apparently it needs to be stated publicly...

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