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Meeting people to suck, How?

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Started by #301114 at 20,Feb,13 00:25
From my perspective, and I'm no recluse, but even when I go out to stores and places, how would you ever get into a situation where you could suck dick? I'm NOT gay and don't frequent "gay" areas, so it seems nearly impossible. There should be a nice online forum of "like-minded" guys that want to suck cock, but aren't gay either. Does this world exist?

Similar topics: 1.UK people message board   2.New people   3.Meeting Up For Sex   4.Who's in va and wants to meet some cool new people and have some fun   5.Surrey guy like to suck some dick.  

New Comment

By probowler298 at 20,Jan,23 18:39 other posts of probowler298 
I want to learn how to suck dick.
By #463848 at 21,Jan,23 09:12
If you have had an ice lolly, then you have made a start

By thebeewolf at 21,Jan,23 19:08 other posts of thebeewolf 
What you need is a friend who's willing to get naked and let you get some practice time in.
By probowler298 at 21,Jan,23 19:23 other posts of probowler298 
That would be great 👍. I wish you were closer.
By thebeewolf at 21,Jan,23 19:34 other posts of thebeewolf 
That would be good, yes. You could drop by once a week, like Friday after work or Saturday afternoon, and I would put on some porn and get naked. Then you could get down on your knees and do whatever you feel like doing while I watch an endless stream of hot babes slurping on big dicks and taking huge facials. Who knows what might happen?

By thebeewolf at 21,Jan,23 19:08 other posts of thebeewolf 
I'm straight and I've been having guys service my penis for years. Back in the day, you could use Craig's List. Nowadays you use sites like or and There are guys like me out there. Guys who just want enthusiastic oral service with no reciprocation.

By 3fdfd at 07,Apr,19 20:52 other posts of 3fdfd 
Silver Daddies. I met a great guy & from him I have met some other guys. Never had a cock in my mouth before
By knewbi at 08,Apr,19 15:24 other posts of knewbi 
Yes, this site really works. I have met a number of guys and couples there. Unfortunately, 1 out of every 6 or so contacts work out in the end but it is still my best chance.

By #535695 at 07,Apr,19 11:27
Adam4Adam, Manhunt, Doublelist

By spermkiss at 20,Feb,13 06:27 other posts of spermkiss 
This site is a good place to start. Yes, this world exists. There are tens of thousands, probably millions worldwide, of men who identify as straight, who live as straight and who could never have a romantic relationship with another man, but who like to suck cocks.

By #145304 at 20,Feb,13 03:10
no they dont, those hook up sites are obviously for gay.I thought the perfect scenario would be a massage parlor where you can have women give you massages with happy ending but once inside they have a room with a straight male masseuse in there to service women or men.

By #79498 at 20,Feb,13 01:08
Yes, they're called hook up sites. manhunt, adam4adam, scruff...

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