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Wearing a wrist watch everyday

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Started by #360671 at 09,Mar,13 12:10
Does anyone wear a watch daily n it starts to smell

Similar topics: 1.Wrist watch smells....   2.Who wears s watch everyday n it smells   3.Wrist watch is smelly wrist watch smells   5.Wrist-thick dick ?  

New Comment

By #124665 at 09,Mar,13 14:19
I had a pm and the guy said big manly sweaty smelly feet turn him on Who the fuck needs a wrist watch these days anyway, do we not almost all have a cellphone by now that we are constantly using anyway? The only thing I need on my wrist is a spiked leather band to backhand Fucktards with
By #360973 at 09,Mar,13 14:34
My big, heavy, chunky, angular watch would fuck your spiked leather band up Decelol. Backhanding-off?
By #124665 at 09,Mar,13 15:16
Don't be so sure mate, I bring knives to a fist fight and you bring knives to a gun fight

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By #360973 at 09,Mar,13 15:55
Back-handing challenge rescinded. Anything to get me to touch your dicklol...and those spikes are more serious than I pictured - turn it inside out and get wood ...
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

P.S.: I'm an Aussie, not an American - we bring fists, knees and elbows to every fight, Americans do tend to opt for guns and knived, don't know why that is
By bella! at 09,Mar,13 21:09 other posts of bella! 
Oh HELL NOOOOOOO..........!!!!! So you think that an American brings a gun or a knife to every fight? You need a good bitch slap, buster!

By #274357 at 09,Mar,13 14:05
[deleted image]
By #40556 at 09,Mar,13 20:12
I will have ten cans please

By bella! at 09,Mar,13 13:20 other posts of bella! 
What? You didn't get a response within 2 hours on your "my wrist and watch smell" so you open a new thread? For real? C'mon, dig deep, use some common sense, you just might be unique with regard to this issue.
By #360973 at 09,Mar,13 13:33
To be honest, i've always wanted to put in a smartarse comment to all ofthose "love the smell of uncut cock" threads, saying "how is it any different to wrist smell from your watch on a long, hot day...does that turn you on too"
By bella! at 09,Mar,13 14:30 other posts of bella! 
I may be wrong but I suspect that the poster wears his watch 24/7, snoozes in it, showers in it, etc. The watch will trap moisture, bacteria will grow and cause an odor. If poster is wearing a watch with a leather band, the leather will absorb the odor.

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