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Started by bella! at 15,Mar,13 17:17  other posts of bella!
Is there a better reason to drink beer and act wild then on St. Patrick's Day? Do you "celebrate" and if so, what time fo the festivities start?

Similar topics: 1.Phonewank   2.100% irish beef   3.Happy St. Patrick's Day.   4.Denial   5.Luck of the Irish: Good or Bad?  

New Comment

By #345984 at 18,Mar,13 18:58
She's n=%Irish /member.php?w=69815 we celebrate year-round!
By bella! at 18,Mar,13 19:18 other posts of bella! 
Nothing wrong with that!

By bella! at 17,Mar,13 14:16 other posts of bella! 
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

Isn't anyone going to post a gratuitous pic of their dick?

By #323005 at 16,Mar,13 09:57
god no
By bella! at 16,Mar,13 15:08 other posts of bella! 
No? Are you a bit self conscious of your shillelagh?

By CreativeOne at 16,Mar,13 08:23 other posts of CreativeOne 
Don't forget to wear something "Green" On St.Patrick's day !!!

By #102374 at 15,Mar,13 18:26
A toast. May you live as long as you want and may you never want as long as you live.
By bella! at 15,Mar,13 20:22 other posts of bella! 
Thanks for your post and that's a great toast!

By pifad at 15,Mar,13 18:52 other posts of pifad 
I'm Irish through and through. 2:00pm

Adult Discussion Forum