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First time cumming

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Started by #351773 at 19,Mar,13 01:27
It was fifth grade, just turned 12 years old and was older for my grade, and one of my friends was over spending the night, he just turned 11. I had been shy that year because I had a good amount of pubes for my age and my dick was the size it is now. The year before i was all about showing my dick off to anyone.I was a skinny **** so it looked huge. Now im only 6.5 hard but im happy with my size. Anyway we started daring each other and eventually he showed me his dick, no pubes but I knew he would be huge one day and he is 8.5 because he showed me again when we were sophomores in high school and it was huge, just like I remembered but hairy.. I pulled down my pants and he was amazed and just stared for a minute. i was hard as a rock and he asked if I had just peed, looking back that was precum.. He asked to touch my pubes because he hadnt even started puberty except for dick growing a lot and I said ok. He ran his fingers through by pubes for about a minute and i was nervous as hell and tingling all over. i had never masturbated to this point so didn't have a clue. He then asked to touch my dick to see what it felt like. He put his hand around the base and started going up and down. He didnt know what he was doing but said this is huge i hope im this big one day. what he didnt know is that he already was bigger but was amazed by my pubes. After three or four puls I shot my first time. So much and he thought I had fainted ha. Stuff was everywhere. Lets just say he touched my pubes a few more times. What's your story?

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By pifad at 19,Mar,13 03:59 other posts of pifad 
I'm pushing 65. I don't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday and you want me to remember the first time I cummed? ha ha ha
By #147052 at 19,Mar,13 14:53
me too!

By nekekal at 20,Mar,13 19:05 other posts of nekekal 
I am 65 and my problem was that I played with my cock for as long as I can remember. It just felt good. Although the technique changed over the years, I enjoyed it whenever I could. I don't remember when the first time I produced cum, all I know is that felt even better and I played with it more. I was probably in the fifth grade, 10 maybe, when it happened. After that I really could not leave it alone. My cock was huge by 6th grade. I took a lot of crap about it in Gym class.

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