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Started by #53962 at 31,Mar,13 21:03
Why hide your pics on this site when you won't to show your self off

Similar topics: your spot   2.Invitation to any of the cowards who hide behind "anonymous" & post negative/slanderous comments etc to intro themselves to me   3.Small addition for paid members   4.If you secretly own sex toys, where do you hide them?   5.What kind of toys do you have and where do you hide them?  

New Comment

By sweetslit at 28,Apr,13 15:49 other posts of sweetslit 
I have started posting 90% of my pics “friends only” (I would switch my older pics over if it was not 5 points a piece to do so) and my page is “members only”… I am a true exhibitionist, which any of my friends can attest to… my pics and my page started out public, and I would have left it that way if not for the horribly explicit and degrading PM’s I received, and the Hello every 30 sec, if I did not respond the first time you said Hello what makes you think resending this message 15 over the next 5 min will change my mind… I LOVE to show myself off and do not consider restricting who sees me as hiding

By #360973 at 01,Apr,13 03:00
I was here for 3mths and my pictures were public to everyone (non-members included), then I met my my girlfriend here & we left...i missed some of my friends here and wasting time in the forum, so I returned - since my gf and I are not true exhibitionists, are commited to each other and because we've had our fill of being on the front page of either side of this site, we decided that i'd set my pics to friends only with my new profiles. My gf, in fact, merely privately uploaded a pic to me so that she could communicate with our friends that have their settings set to only receiving communications from people who have pictures, because she has no interest in starting to post again. Good enough reason for you, bud? If not, have a look at my profile and tell me that i'm not utilising the site properly - i've been back 3wks - how long have you been here?
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

Then there are the women who choose to set their pics to "4friends only" because they are fed up with being constantly harassed - this ameliorates the problem a little but doesn't solve the problem, but at least being harassed by guys trying to friend them and begging to see their pics is favourable to the "i want to fuck that ass, you dirty slut..." messages and comments every 2 seconds from 95% of the straight/bi guys on the site
By bella! at 01,Apr,13 10:25 other posts of bella! 
L_F, Mr. bluebutt's member number is 53962 and I checked, his first upload was 06, Feb, 2010.

By bella! at 31,Mar,13 21:40 other posts of bella! 
In my humble opinion, there's a number of members that just like to look and there's a number of profiles that are shells/fake.

Adult Discussion Forum