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If you secretly own sex toys, where do you hide them?

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Started by #64328 at 23,May,20 20:17
Where do you put them and have you had someone find them before? Tell me who and what they said

Similar topics: 1.Secretly watching someone masturbate   2.Guys who live a st8 lifestyle that have secretly sucked a cock...tell your story   3.My wife just found my bag of ‘other’ toys   4.What kind of toys do you have and where do you hide them?   5.Toys. Sex toys  

New Comment

By #608810 at 11,Aug,20 16:19
In a bucket with a very tight lid

By SluttySarah069 at 02,Aug,20 17:23 other posts of SluttySarah069 
My wife knows that I have a stock of women's. clothes, shoes, boots etc. I'm not sure if she even looks at them - my dildo is hidden in on of the bedroom drwas - to which she obviously has acccess - she has never commented about it.

By #622870 at 02,Aug,20 10:13
Growing up I had all kinds of homemade sex toys.Loved fucking homemade pocket pussy every week.

By #275407 at 17,Jul,20 21:53
In my girlfriends room

By wycowboy at 02,Jun,20 11:51 other posts of wycowboy 
Top drawer of my dresser under the socks/underwear. If my wife has found them she hasn't said anything.

By leopoldij at 01,Jun,20 23:17 other posts of leopoldij 
Some men hide them in their ass. Women have an extra hole to hide them in.

By SluttySarah069 at 01,Jun,20 19:54 other posts of SluttySarah069 
Whilst my wife does not approve of me being Bi and a CD, I leave my vibrating dick in a drawer in our bedroom. She's diplomatic enough not to mention such matters.

By spermkiss at 01,Jun,20 15:32 other posts of spermkiss 
Hide them in your ass.

By #513416 at 01,Jun,20 08:34
Behind the hot water tank.

Adult Discussion Forum