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Started by #303133 at 04,Apr,13 21:39
There seems to be a bit of confusion over my use of the nickname “Skippy” in the forum, and I would like to take a moment to clear things up.
When I was growing up, there was a mentally defective (as in stupid and bat-shit crazy) boy who lived in my neighborhood. Everyone, including his family, called him Skippy. I have no idea why, nor did I ever bother to ask. He was not Australian. Skippy was a booger eater (usually his own, but he wasn't always that particular) and often peed his pants (when he remembered to wear pants) in public. He once brought a snowman sculpture made from his own poop, a handful of raisins and two pencils to Show-and-Tell. Skippy was not very bright and did not do well in school, dropping out when he was of legal age to do so…in the 9th grade, which he had repeated…twice.
As he grew older, his favorite hobbies were terrorizing the elderly, stealing mail and torturing neighborhood pets. At age 21, he was imprisoned for having unlawful carnal knowledge of a local farmer’s sheep…in broad daylight. Four months into serving his sentence, Skippy died as a result of his cell-mate stuffing him into an industrial clothes washing machine and running him through two rinse cycles. (On a positive note, mourners at his funeral commented that it was the cleanest they had ever seen him, but that a bit of fabric softener would have helped with the wrinkles and static-cling.)
As a tribute to him, I and most of the people I grew up with began to refer to any idiot we encountered as “Skippy”…just to keep his memory alive. And because Skippy just feels like the perfect thing to call your average moron.

I understand that “Skippy” is a nickname that the people of Australia use for each other, but was not aware of this until very recently. If they had ever met the Skippy I grew up with, they would stop insulting each other in that fashion.
So, if I happen to call you Skippy in the forum, rest assured that I am not referring to where you live…nor am I trying to insult the good folk of the Land Down Under (most of whom, I have been informed, are rather fine people…and I have never been given cause to doubt that.). I am calling you a booger-eating, sheep-shagging moron.

Thank you for your time…

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New Comment

By #274357 at 04,Apr,13 22:19

You realize that after your fifth word the fucktards will inevitably become bored, they cannot be bothered with complete sentences.

So many sentences....
By #201583 at 05,Apr,13 03:17
That thought crossed my mind, and I tested the text. It scored at a high eight grade. Most articles in periodicals are written in sixth and seventh-grade levels. I think we need to revert to hieroglyphics in order to communicate with the cro-magnons. All we would need is a emoticon of a cave man clubbing another cave man.
By #372406 at 05,Apr,13 03:35
By #201583 at 05,Apr,13 03:39
Oh my. Try letting go of your dick. That way, you can type with two hands and not have to use the caps lock key.

By #274357 at 04,Apr,13 21:52
Thanks, Skippy.
By #303133 at 04,Apr,13 21:56
Any time
By Ray10754 at 04,Apr,13 22:03 other posts of Ray10754 
Thanks for the detailed explination! Although I am positive that some will still not understand !!
By #303133 at 04,Apr,13 22:08
I can only do so much, Ray.
By Ray10754 at 04,Apr,13 22:14 other posts of Ray10754 
Totaly understandable! It is just a total shame that there are so many idiots in the world.
I have decided that I will no longer lower myself to their caliber and engage in their antics,it just is not worth it!!

Adult Discussion Forum