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Your Stupid Forum Topic

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Started by #303133 at 13,Apr,13 18:26
Hi, Folks! JustWill here.
You might know me from my work in other SYD Forum threads such as:
“Not attracted to pigs, but love eating ham!”
“I understand that you have a penis”
“How to pick up women...SYD style”
“Please, don’t toss peanuts at the Dancing Monkey” (out of print)
And my newest release, “Rat My Dick!” (Coming to a theater near you this July!)
So, you know that I have some experience in the Forum.
I also have a Master’s Degree in Stupidology, which means that I am well trained in spotting all things moronic.
I’m here to make you an exciting, free offer!

Are you:
TIRED of posting a new topic, only to have other members tell you how stupid it is?
FRUSTRATED that what you thought was a brilliant question was actually idiotic?
EMBARASSED because your tenuous grasp of the language made you look like a babbling, ninny-hammer?
DELETED due to the fact that your topic was posted by a raving pervert?

Fear not; help is now here!
Before spending your twenty points on a new topic which is only going to embarrass you, make you look like an utter Skippy, or get your account deleted---post it HERE!*
I’ll let you know what an idiot you are before you shame yourself in front of other SYD members.
Why make yourself the butt of every member’s jokes, when I can do it for you on a one on one basis?
This service is absolutely FREE and your satisfaction is GUARANTEED!
ACT NOW, and save yourself from humiliation.
(Offer void where prohibited by law)

*The posters of “Am I big enough”, “Rate my cock” and similar topics need not apply. You already know how stupid those subjects are…right?

Similar topics: 1.About sex with dead body.   2.I Do Not Like This Topic...   3.All this damn silliness...   4.Don't Bring Main Chat Room Fight into Forum!   5.A Forum Topic  

New Comment

By Ray10754 at 28,Apr,13 18:28 other posts of Ray10754 
I thought it was Time to be brought back into the loop!
By #491031 at 16,Jun,15 20:37

By just16cm at 13,Apr,13 20:07 other posts of just16cm 

it's very nice of you, that you offer this service to the ...ummm... "less smart" people.

There is just one thing I don't really get: how did you manage to get this thread being "similar" to "About sex with dead body."

Inquiring minds (probably just me) want to know.

By gradurgaur at 13,Apr,13 18:52 other posts of gradurgaur 
Amen JustWill...
only one thing my i replay to this post or one of those manny hit sellers that have made you famus...
By #303133 at 13,Apr,13 18:57
All applicants should apply to this thread, kind sir.

"Amen, JustWill" would make an EXCELLENT forum topic, btw. I am surprised that no one has thought of it before.
By gradurgaur at 13,Apr,13 19:32 other posts of gradurgaur 
glad i can help out friend...and please feel free to use the Amen JustWill ani-time...

By #285812 at 13,Apr,13 19:27
Good Grief
By #303133 at 13,Apr,13 19:42
Unless you are Charlie Brown, this would also make a poor forum topic.
Don't give up! You are bound to come up with a good idea... sooner or later.
By #285812 at 13,Apr,13 19:53
My cover is blown.....It's me....Charlie Brown....

By #285812 at 13,Apr,13 18:44
" I totally agree ", and " I agree on the whole ", with
your post. Damn, now I'm confused...which one should I
use ?? What's the difference between the two ?? Now I
have a headache.....(no replies)...I'm talking to myself....

By #303133 at 13,Apr,13 18:59
Because "totally" and "the whole" are the same thing, there is no difference between the two.
This would make a terrible forum topic.
However, starting a thread which talks about how you completely agree with me would be a grand idea.

Glad that you stopped by...
By #285812 at 13,Apr,13 19:04
When you totally agree, you wholeheartedly
agree with what's being said.
If you agree on the whole then the majority
of the statement you agree with, but there
might be certain elements you disagree with
according to context.
Notwithstanding, I don't completely agree with you.
Glad I stopped by too.....
By #303133 at 13,Apr,13 19:07
I agree for the most part, but not on the whole.
You are confusing common USAGE with literal MEANING.
By #285812 at 13,Apr,13 19:26
Literal meaning, is a commonsense concept.
I concur, this would make a dire forum topic.

Adult Discussion Forum