| Though forum-folks may be familiar with dark creatures like the Pissy Rant-Fairy (who spreads insult and sanctimony at the mere mention of anal sex) or Skippy (the Illiterate Insult Goblin) which dwell in the dank underbelly of SYD, few are aware of the existence of a hideous being much more vile than any sub-human fiend haunting the bowels of this forum. Legend refers to this loathsome, venom-spewing, troll-like critter only as He Who Must Not Be Named, and it has been known to torment, harass and bully innocent SYD members for the sheer pleasure of being an odious douche nozzle. The b east also tosses around poop and bad grammar like a rabid, brain damaged monkey.
Arcane lore suggests that He Who Must Not Be Named did, in fact, once have a name…but merely uttering those profane syllables could inflict the speaker with point-burning, horrid Private Messages, barely literate forum rants and a painful, itching ass rash. It is a creature to be shunned by all intelligent beings.
If you do encounter HWMNBN, do not…under any circumstances…make contact with it! Any attempt to interact with this fell and monstrous troll-kin will lead to your undoing or, quite possibly, a gift of poop. Be warned…though HWMNBN is quick to speak what passes for its mind, it is also equally quick to cry “foul” to the Powers That Be if you retaliate in kind.
May all that is Good and Holy protect you from the dreaded clutches of He Who Must Not Be Named! |
You had a damn good run, "Random Bullshit"!
HWMNBN created at least two profiles today. They lasted only long enough for him to post a couple of typically crappy comments before he got booted.
How the mighty have fallen.
HWMNBN blacklisted me again
I said some rude things to HWMNBN in the forum.
HWMNBN blacklisted me and then reported me to Admin.
Admin sent me a PM stating he would ban me from the forum if I didn't stop.
I said some rude things to Bella.
HWMNBN un-blacklisted me.
--------------------------------------- added after 47 hours
John down-voted me because I asked people not to break the forum?
WTF is this guy's problem?
Hmm. I think I need to reorganize the forum...
I'm blacklisted, I'm not blacklisted, I'm blacklisted, I'm not blacklisted.....! What the heck is going on? I'm getting dizzy from all this activity. I'm not certain if I need to be medicated or if he does!
When I pull my classic sports car out on fine sunny days and I call my insurance company to say I want full coverage, I'm not permitted to drop the insurance down ( or vice versa ) for a period of 30 days. Admin should consider a no flip flopping rule for these types of situations.
Rather than reach out and ask him to un-blacklist me, why not tell him how you feel about him publicly calling me names?
At one time, I received a message from a friend that mentioned that he destroyed a negative gift I had received. I'm sure I caught him off guard when I said I preferred to keep them as a reminder(s) of why I think that the sender(s) is a pathetic and cowardly human being.
Regardless of whether I'm blacklisted OR NOT, it doesn't change my opinion of him. I prefer people to be straight forward; don't smile at me to my face and stab me in the back.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours
MONTED, keep it real and do what you want..... put me back on your blacklist.
Most likely, he only Un-blacklisted so that he could see posts to down-vote.
No great loss either way...
Are you serious?
Or what?
You'll make me "eat pavement"?
I didn't ASK you to mediate for me, nor have you done me any great favor...
Let's see how long it takes for him to hop onto this.....
He has such a fragile ego.
If you care to see if you have been blacklisted by other members, you click on your "SOCIAL" setting then click on the option titled something like; members that have blacklisted you.
For what it's worth, it was just a typical:
Since I can see it, I guess I am not blacklisted...
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
Did you notice that MONTED's thread, The Members You Don't Miss is *POOF!* gone?
I guess that admin DOES have limits on how much of a dick he will let that guy be around here...
Still, given that he was so cocky about "not caring" in that thread, and flaunting that admin lets him get away with so much, it IS very enjoyable to see him get bitch-slapped by the Powers That Be now and then.
So, check out this bit of douche-nozzlish behavior...
HWMNBN created a fake account so that it could become a member of the VICTIMS OF HWMNBN group. (In "real" life, the creature is, like, S ecret Squirrel or something.) The twisted critter then left over a dozen semi-literate, barely cogent messages to further abuse the people it had already been harassing! (In "real" life, the creature is, like, Captain Asshat or something.) Kinda stands as an example of why the group was formed in the first place, no? Not only is such behavior borderline sociopathic, it is also down right creepy...
Not sure what that bit of information has to do with THIS thread, but I didn't want to spend 20 points on a new one to share the good news.
(Now, if only thingamadude's other 40 profiles would go Bye-bye...)
No Drama here we are just having a little fun amongst our selfs! Dont have to read it if it bothers you!
Have a good day!
The VICTIMS OF HWMNBN Support Group will be meeting this Thursday evening. Parking is limited, so be sure to arrive early. Donations of pie will be accepted at the door...
You're so vain,
You probably think this thread is about YOU!
You're so vain,
I'll bet you think this thread is about YOU,
Don't YOU? Don't YOU?
violets are red
my clitoris is red
holy shit the garden and my vagina are on fire!!!