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How do you slееp with your partner?

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Started by #301038 at 09,Apr,13 07:52
Before we go to slееp, we always hug and kiss and kiss each other, then move to our respective sides of the bed and fall aslееp while our legs or butts are touching.

Sometimes, my husband hugs me in his slееp or grabs my breasts or ass. Or like right now, he hugged me from behind, wrapped his hand and leg around me, and puts his dick between my legs. It's a great way to warm up, when it's cold, but when it's so warm, I can feel a puddle of sweat forming between us.

How do act when your partner is next to you slееping?

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By Ravioli_Max at 07,Aug,15 17:00 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
I am total Hell to s l e e p next to. I'm violent in my s l e e p and will injure the other person. My girl is safe out in my living room on her foam bed on the floor, away from me, but on vacation she slept next to me and it was no good for her at all. Just look at that picture. That's a room in the Motel 6 in downtown San Diego to be exact...apparently they don't have any rooms that have more than one bed in them and she asked if they have any cots, and they said no.

Look at all the pillows she put, to the right of me. My girl managed to get a big bunch of pillows from the employees there at the motel but they still didn't save her. She tried to build a wall between us with them to protect herself. Look at the two pillows up by the face area. See all that bulk under the blanket? Those are more pillows.

So there she was to the right of me every night for two weeks, with uncomfortable earplugs in because of my snoring, trying with her Pillow Wall she built to protect herself from my brutal ways when I s l e e p. It didn't work. She still got kicked repeatedly, I -think- I hit her in the back with my knee, and I definitely hurt her breast with my elbow...hit her breast hard because my elbow went under her Pillow Wall. I feel horrible about it...poor girl.

When we go back there, I'm not sure what we'll do. All the other hotels are too expensive and surely bringing along a rolled-up foam bed or an inflatable mattress would be too big and heavy to deal with on the bus, train, and plane...but maybe I'll buy a single-sized air mattress and bring it, and try that next time. We have an expensive inflatable mattress for two people but I kept flopping on it hard and it sprung a leak.

So, "how do I act when my partner is next to me s l e e p i n g"? Like a dangerous brute. I wish I knew how to change that. Hypnosis therapy, maybe?
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

And here is the picture! It didn't stay with my post, when I edited my post so I could show the word, "s l e e p".

By #485312 at 07,Aug,15 11:37
in the bed with my eyes shut, *lix*

By #390287 at 30,Nov,14 16:35
usually one wraps an arm around the other's chest. I love to **** burying my face against his side. I think the weirdest time was when we fell asleep right after a 69 during a very long session...and it's not as sexy as it sounds, I was expecting to wake up with his beautiful morning wood against my face...and instead got a kick during his ****.

By teetee at 29,Nov,14 01:16 other posts of teetee 
who can **** with this nearby?
[deleted image]

By leopoldij at 29,Nov,14 00:04 other posts of leopoldij 
Exactly the same!

By CreativeOne at 10,Apr,13 00:17 other posts of CreativeOne 
I really enjoy "Spooning" ... especially , because I can keep her warm at night with my body heat !

By john12 at 09,Apr,13 11:35 other posts of john12 
I loved to spoon with partner.both naked my dick right in the crack of his butt. And yes we did sweat alot .

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