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Size Queens bashing!!!

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Started by #301038 at 20,Feb,13 20:37
Cocks come in all shapes and sizes, and there are a taker for every size there is out there...To me, size is just one of the preferences...

I not a small girl, I'm 5'11 and prefer my men to be taller than me, which leaves a huge chunk of men out of equation...

I love a nice size cock as well... simply because I want to enjoy the ride...Нave a breathtaking orgasm and be fucked till I can't take no more... and I'm a horny little creature, who brought some men to the brink of exhaustion...

I prefer my men fit as well, not only because they are nice to look at, but also because I want them to be able to handle me... pick me up, put my legs on their shoulder and fuck, as if I was 5'1 or smaller...

I like my men smart and educated, or I get bored... and the guy would start feeling like a retard...

I prefer my men to be able to perform simple tasks, that men do... like change a tire, if we got a flat in the middle of nowhere with no phone reception. Or change a dripping faucet, instead of waiting for plumber to get here, and make a huge mess, cause those fuckers don't take their shoes off... Or change oil and filters in the car, cause it's fun! Or build me a shelf out of piece of wood to fit the space perfect... Cause I can do all of that, but a real men, won't let me... and after changing a tire for a NYC firefighter, I know there are strong, sexy men, who are useless in some situations...

I like my men to be handsome and a good match for me, cause I want my kids to look great and for people not to wonder, why on Earth those two got married...

I want my men, to be around my age... cause I don't want to look for a new husband in my sixties, cause the old fart passed away before me...

I know, that my preferences probably leave me with less than 1% of the worlds male population, but guess what? It's still 33 and a half millions, at least... so, stop fucking whining about size queens and stock up females, but step your game up, cause all what most women need is 1 real men next to them to feel truly happy! And if you don't make a change and do something different, it's not going to be you!

And if there are no real men left, there are always 33 and a half millions of women to seduce, win and love!

I know that I won't marry every single men, I slеер with, but what if the condom rips and I'll end up with his baby and will be forced to be connected for the rest of our lives? And I'm pro life, that's why I choose to be pro choice, when it comes to choosing men...

Similar topics: 1.Any size queens on this site?   2.Size Queens!!!!!!   3.Closet Queen & Size Queens   4.Are most gay/bi guys size queens?   5.would my cock satisfy size queen?  

New Comment

By nekekal at 18,Apr,13 19:49 other posts of nekekal 
LOL, they say one should know oneself. You seem to have that part figured out. And I like that in a person. Understanding what they want, and acting on it. Not allowing someone else to dictate something to them.

Alas, I am too old and two short to ever dream of fucking you, but I certainly envy those who do.

Have a good day.

By #364688 at 14,Apr,13 04:07
say something nice!

By DarkMax at 12,Apr,13 17:11 other posts of DarkMax 
It was interesting to read. Thank you

By #35449 at 10,Apr,13 04:30
all your sentences start with the word "i". a little ego centric, are we?
By #301038 at 10,Apr,13 06:22
well, I'm writing about my own opinion, about my own point of view, you think me, myself and I should have use "We" instead?
By #360973 at 10,Apr,13 06:26
How is it "egocentric"? It's opinionated...and it's a discussion forum...kind of an appropriate tone for such a place, i'd say
By #301038 at 10,Apr,13 06:31
We think it is actually better this way.
By #303133 at 10,Apr,13 14:26
Will thinks that was funny.
Will also thinks that you should be pleased that Will commented here.
Will is also amused by the fact that stamf's last "are we?" also implies that he, too, is egocentric.
Will likes to play with words.
By #201583 at 10,Apr,13 14:46
Words are mightier than the sword.

By #364688 at 10,Apr,13 05:50
no reply from you, Peach?

By #364688 at 10,Apr,13 01:32
women who strive to be equal to men have no ambition in life.....

By #364688 at 10,Apr,13 01:31
your spelling and punctuation in your opening statement is shocking. i hope you fuck better that that?

By bigone21 at 08,Mar,13 22:51 other posts of bigone21 
in discussions like these, i'm so glad to be gay and in a sound relationship for 20 years!! heterosexuals will fight over all the same stuff untill the next century! you guys this and you women that!

can't you see it's about PERSONS?? more sex or less, be nice and considerate or be a b-e-a-s-t in bed, change a tire or make a nice diner, it can be ALL in the same person.

what a waste of time to battle!!

By #77918 at 21,Feb,13 21:01
Everyone is entitled to what they prefer, granted. But I'm sick and tired of women trying to tell men how to be men. Enough already please.

You wanted equal rights women? Learn how to change your own fucking tires and fix your faucets. Stop trying to eat your cake AND get it too. Believe me when I say that it REALLY turns men off. And I don't care how hot you are. What comes out of your mouth makes WAY more difference to me than how you look. Any man worth anything thinks the same way.

And for you men who follow pussy like it's gold, I suggest you try to put a reign on that, as women use it against us every chance they get. I don't know about you, but I won't live in a world like that. Stand up for yourselves men! Pussy just isn't that important. Sure, it's hot and wet and very enjoyable, but I don't let it dictate how I live my life. Men MUST stop doing that or we're finished. Think on that for a while.

By skinb at 21,Feb,13 15:40 other posts of skinb 
I can rebuild your car, put wild meat on the table, and am the reason you have electricity(i mine coal). But were the same height got the age part about right though!

By bella! at 20,Feb,13 22:27 other posts of bella! 
You are one unique and interesting woman. Brava! You know who you are!

Adult Discussion Forum