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When did you first take photos of your dick etc

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Started by #33101 at 14,Dec,09 16:43
I first took photos of myself naked in about 1981 ? on old-fashioned black and white film so that for obvious reasons I could develop them myself. Sadly, I think I must have chucked them out a few years later. Did some more in the mid-1980s ? which I do still have; there are a few on my page ? and then began videoing myself masturbating in all sorts of kinky ways in the early 1990s. And I've still got all of those clips, so when I've time to select the good bits (and delete faces etc) I'll start posting them up here. They're quite nice period pieces now, I think!!

So, when did you all start this absorbing pastime...?

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By #54774 at 12,Mar,10 12:32
First time I took pictures of my dick when I got my first phone with a built in camera in 2004. I did my first video with it as well of me masterbating and cumming into my hand. No, unfortunately I don't have the video anymore.

By #41483 at 18,Dec,09 01:04
As a teenager with a polaroid. With digital cameras now I've often wondered just what percentage of the population has a nude picture someplace on the internet.

By #39913 at 15,Dec,09 11:53
I never liked the idea of sending naked pics of myself off for developing - I always had nightmares of those photo developing places where they had the pictures coming off the machine in the front window. And while I'm an exhibitionist, I've got my limits (plus, I've always thought that there's a time and a place for such things, and the front window of Walgreens ain't it)!

I held off on nude pictures until I got my first digital camera in 1998 or so. I've been having a ball ever since!
By MoeJoe at 15,Dec,09 16:16 other posts of MoeJoe 
I took my film to a place like Walmart that sends out the film to a central film developing site, which is not a retail store. Walmart and other places like that will develop film if you want it right now, but for regular developing they used to send it's been a long time since I did that, so I'm not sure what the procedure is now and do not care.

By MoeJoe at 15,Dec,09 10:57 other posts of MoeJoe 
I started taking pics of myself in the 1980's using my 35MM film camera. I would take the film to one of those large department store film drop off places, that would in turn send it out with thousands of others to one of those film developing centers and when the pics would return they were already packaged up and sealed, so it was all anonymous. Obviously due to cost, I was limited in how many I took, but nonetheless I still took hundreds. I still have a few of the prints, but I destroyed most of them as they were too bulky to conceal and had to be scanned in order to post on a site. Some of the quality was lost in the early days of scanning. When digital cameras came out, I was on board right away. I have taken so many digital pics that I have worn out at least 3 or 4 digital cameras, or upgraded to newer technology. I have probably taken well over 100,000 pics of I crazy?
By #33101 at 15,Dec,09 14:31
No, just enthusiastic! And why not when you've such a fantastic cock? How do you rate my photos ? OK, I hope
By MoeJoe at 15,Dec,09 16:13 other posts of MoeJoe 
Your pics are have a great looking cock and a nice variety of poses....nice ass too!

By slipper at 14,Dec,09 18:11 other posts of slipper 
Only after getting my first digicam about the turn of the Millenium... and have taken thousands since, never looking back--so to speak!!!

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