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When You Take Photos Of Yourself , Do you Keep Them After Posting

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Started by #126975 at 04,Jul,11 07:28
No doubt those of us who are posting pictures here on SYD/SYC are taking photos of themselves. The question is do you keep the photos on your computer, phone, etc? If you do, is there a security software that you are using so that others may not have access, or do you not worry about it? Also do you keep others from the site as well, or do you post them in your favorites? Thought this would be an interesting topic to see what all of us were doing with pics, mainly your own. I do keep most of all of my photos on secured secondary hard drive.

Similar topics: 1.fourm picture posting   2.comments on photos of gallery pictures   4.Are you addicted to posting pictures.   5.Of Interest to Mature Men (Like Me)  

New Comment

By Jamie at 22,Mar,25 20:42 other posts of Jamie 
Yes on my phone and hard drive. My daughter got a hold of my phone and saw all my cock pictures

By bostonspdo at 22,Mar,25 19:50 other posts of bostonspdo 
I keep photos and vids of myself on an external hard dive.

By Lvphose at 24,Oct,23 03:13 other posts of Lvphose 

By probowler298 at 20,Oct,23 00:07 other posts of probowler298 
I save all of my naked pics on my phone and pc. No password needed. Lol.

By Cody8789 at 29,Aug,23 22:34 other posts of Cody8789 
Some pictures, but most of them I don’t save.

By randm58 at 29,Aug,23 21:09 other posts of randm58 
Separate flash drive.

By Jamie at 29,Aug,23 20:33 other posts of Jamie 
Still on my phone I'm sure my wife and daughter knows cause they saw once

By Ananas2xLekker at 29,Aug,23 20:09 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I just hide anything very humiliating in a hidden folder that is almost impossible to find.
That's just my own photos. My PC is also full of hardcore porn that is pretty humiliating,
but I care about that less. People are just not allowed to touch my PC unsupervised.

By #694891 at 27,Aug,23 14:00

By #275407 at 13,Oct,18 17:52
No way jose

By probowler298 at 13,Oct,18 16:56 other posts of probowler298 
I keep all of my pics and add to them almost everyday..i have over 1000 saved.i am addicted to posting naked pics of myself

By #485312 at 10,Aug,17 03:30
most of mine are on the 'naughty drive', l keep a few of the recent vids and the cut and watermarked shots on the computer .. *lix*

By #204766 at 10,Aug,17 02:10
On my memory Card in my phone

By #516354 at 05,Aug,17 01:25
I keep mine on 'Flickr'

By #535408 at 04,Aug,17 20:08
Yes, but I keep them all on a separate removable hard drive so I know they won't be accidentally discovered

By #479831 at 04,Aug,17 20:03
I use to keep my photos on my phone until one day i accidentally sent a dick pick to the wrong person. So embarrassing, i wanted to leave town.

By #514308 at 23,Dec,16 05:50
For your phone, there's an app called "Keepsafe"

By #510842 at 23,Dec,16 05:04
I use my phone to take all my pictures but I transfer them to my laptop afterwards. I keep them all in their own folder with the rest of my pictures. I don't worry about anyone seeing them and honestly if someone did I'd probably just ask them what they thought.

By #61033 at 22,Dec,16 15:32
I keep all my pics in an encrypted folder.

By #316057 at 22,Dec,16 07:45

By kebmo at 22,Dec,16 07:17 other posts of kebmo 
I have about 90 of my favourite photos saved on my laptop. When I meet a guy on Craigslist we get to exchanging photos and I have some of every type: boner, panties, soft, pissing, multiple cocks or any combination of those. The reason I save them is twofold. One reason is that they are the best photos and the other is because I crop off the "Kebmo/" identifier on the bottom of the page. I don't want these guys having access to my entire gallery. I do have three friends who do know about it and have seen all of the photos.

Because I am the only user of the laptop, I live alone and I'm single, security isn't such a big deal for me.

Right now I have only two photos of my cock on my phone but of course my SYD app is also on my phone and goes right to my page.

All other photos that I post on SYD get deleted from my laptop.

By slipper at 06,Jul,11 19:12 other posts of slipper 
I keep them encrypted.

By #106949 at 06,Jul,11 02:34
I keep my pics in a folder within a folder. Only reason they're like that is if someone happens to be over my shoulder when im showing them something else in my pictures. Deleting them woefully is never enough...safest you'll get is not ever having saved them to begin with.

By pifad at 05,Jul,11 17:09 other posts of pifad 
I delete mine from my hard drive. Take no chances here

By #7976 at 04,Jul,11 20:51
We keep all our files on a separate flash drive. Only a few of them are posted and sometimes we give someone a private photo from our gallery - not often though. Cheers. .

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