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We have broken the space/time continuum...

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #303133 at 15,Apr,13 20:31
...and huge chunks of Forum threads are vanishing!
And my avatar keeps changing...rat,penguin,rat,penguin.

Similar topics: 1.My Love --Broken Heart private chat seems to be broken? help   3.Broken nipples   4.Broken bathroom stall locks   5.multi-dimensional beings/entities?  

New Comment

By Ray10754 at 28,Apr,13 18:25 other posts of Ray10754 
Not only chunks of the threads are missing But all the decent threads are becoming fewer and fewer evey day
By #303133 at 30,Apr,13 13:54
Don't tell me you are bored with all of the FEET and MEN IN PANTIES threads that have appeared lately.
What could be more exciting?
You know, other than watching paint dry...
By #23212 at 30,Apr,13 19:56
Yes, watching baseball, or ... maybe watching grass grow.

By bella! at 15,Apr,13 22:37 other posts of bella! 
Well for heaven's sake! YOU'RE absolutely spot on! The disparaging remarks that were made then changed are now gone. And gone is the thead that was authored by you know who, that was titled; ASSHOLES ON THE SITE. What do you suspect happened?
By #375416 at 16,Apr,13 06:17
Wuslo members cried out???
By #303133 at 17,Apr,13 14:11
I'll tell you what, Skippy...I'll make you a deal:
Start a new forum thread (using your actual account name...just to prove you have the balls), and state that you are looking for other members who agree that my forum threads are "boring".
If, by April 30, 2013, you can get fifty (50) verified, non-shell members to agree with you, I will stop creating new forum topics for the rest of the year. Every verified, non-shell vote that disagrees with you will remove one (1) vote from your total.
If you don't reach fifty (50) total votes by the 4/30/13 deadline, you have to start a new thread (again, under your actual account name) and apologize to the SYD forum for being a huge fucktard.
Do you have the balls?
By #360973 at 17,Apr,13 14:37
Fuck yeah, Will
By #274357 at 17,Apr,13 16:19
Double Fuck Yeah!!!
By Ray10754 at 17,Apr,13 16:25 other posts of Ray10754 
Bet it don't happen!!!

By #201583 at 16,Apr,13 00:08
Damn it! Now we have to go back to November 5, 1955. Biff's a butthead!

Adult Discussion Forum