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sex while woman is on her period

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Started by #82616 at 22,Jun,10 08:22
your thoughts?

Similar topics: 1.Men are more accepting to their woman being bi then she to he   2.Who likes likes having sex during a girls period?   3.Longest period of time without sex or wanking   4.Have you ever fucked a girlfriend when she is having her period?   5.fucking a woman on her period  

New Comment

By #87034 at 08,Jul,10 18:09
ass week!!!!

By Walker at 07,Jul,10 02:38 other posts of Walker 
I was dating a girl and she had to shower all the time. I showed up and we showered and I got a boner and began rubbing her lit as I washer her cunt. I had her going and found the string of her tampon. I began pulling and she grabbed my hand and pulled it out and threw it into the toilet. A few seconds later she slammed her cunt down on my cock. She Fucked my brains out in the shower. Her well lubes cunt was fantastic, and I pumped loads of cum in her cunt, until it hurt.

I should have marrier that girl! She sucked me off everytime I got a woodie. She believed I had to be relieved by shooting my load every time.
At a pizza dinner she jacked my cock onto a slice and gave it to a girl she was fucking with. I watched the girl eat my cum as my girlfriend squeezed my cock. A friend of her's took a picture as I unloaded my cum. She sent the picture and the video of the girl eating the pizza. Well, I don't have that girlfriend any more, but I do miss her. I married the girl who ate my cum on her pizza. Sad to say she rarely eats my cum any more.

By #5531 at 25,Jun,10 14:25
I surely don't mind. If she minds, well if the front porch is painted, go around back.
By #82616 at 28,Jun,10 15:44
Never heard that one nice

By #82616 at 25,Jun,10 14:24
I don't mind it but it can get messy

By COCKSUCKERSLUT at 24,Jun,10 09:06 other posts of COCKSUCKERSLUT 

By #17000 at 22,Jun,10 12:19
about the only time i like a red dick

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