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Interested in bondage..

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Started by #384256 at 02,May,13 04:25
Hey. This is just something i have been curiously thinking about .. Something i might enjoy .. I am not positive and don't know much about it. Just wondering about everyones view or opinion on it.

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By sweetslit at 03,May,13 01:01 other posts of sweetslit 
There are so many sides to bondage… are you interested in having yourself tied up but not to a stationary object… or are you more interested in being restrained… I practice both, and being restrained leaves you completely venerable, and if it is not something you are prepared for or comfortable with, it can be a very unsettling and sometimes scary feeling… the most important aspect of bondage is trust and respect between yourself and your partner… if you are truly interested, talk to your partner about your expectation and what you might think you limits are (you will figure out more of your limits as you try different things)… start with something simple like one hand tied or cuffed and see how you feel then gradually move up to both hand or both ankles… if you ever do not feel comfortable with what is happening then stop and try something different… make sure you look into the safety side of what you chose to do… I have been doing it for some time now, took me a while to figure out what I was doing, and what I like have done… with the right person in the right environment bondage can be very satisfying

By #166058 at 02,May,13 18:53
if ya wanna try abit of self cbt bondage first try tieing up ya self up or buying an estim. clit pump... chasity cage...all fun toys you can use solo or with some one else

By #201155 at 02,May,13 17:28
I have long been interested in it, too. I love being tied up and cock-teased to the point of torture. Gagged and hooded, too. And I would love to do the same – within safe limits – to you. Shame we are so far apart

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