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cruel comments on rowina's pictures

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Started by #29815 at 16,Dec,09 21:46
hi everyone, i'm mike..have you seen some of the comments written about rowina, she has posted these pictures of herself on here for us all to see, she is obviously very comfortable with her size and i think comments like she has received are really cruel, every one has the option to move on if they do not like someone, i don't care to see men with objects jammed down their cocks, but who am i to comment about them, i know you can turn off annonymous comments, but come on people lets stick together on this one...thanks for reading this

Similar topics: 1.Cruel Remarks Intended to Inflict Pain   2.?Posting Pictures in response to questions   3.Negative comments.   4.Comments or lack there of!   5.Pics without any comments  

New Comment

By #7976 at 19,Dec,09 04:10
I haven't seen the comments but it is rude to be cruel and inconsiderate to anyone - period. If one really doesn't have anything good or at least complementary to say, keep it to your self. At least that way one doesn't look like the jerk he or she is.

By #6568 at 17,Dec,09 09:43
I hear and understand both angles of the argument, however, i feel someone should point out that these sites are 'Show Your Dick' and 'Show Your Cunt',..they are NOT 'Show Your Body' or 'Show your Arse' or 'Show your Anus' or 'Show Your Freakiness' or 'Show to shock' or 'Show something else' etc etc...just add your particular kink...

........The internet has sites for just about everything that has a human interest and then some, so why not take your particular interest and go and look for a specialist site?....

By #38799 at 17,Dec,09 12:22
Yeah, you are 100 % right, BUT! You miss the point. It's not about posting pics of "wrong" body parts, it's about comments. If you don't like what you see, just tell exactly that, or report that stuff to the Admin, but you don't have to insult someone who's member of this site just like you are, doing exactly what you're doing. Especially if posting pics are the only "crime" that person is committed.
By #6568 at 17,Dec,09 12:51
I don't disagree that all comments should be respectful,..and I personally would never post such things,....but, if things were kept specific to what this site is about then this situation simply would not have occurred.

By #41885 at 18,Dec,09 09:29
so why have you posted a picture of yourself with silly block goggles on then..to me thats freaky
By #6568 at 18,Dec,09 10:16
It's one pic out of 27 to basically show the rest of me,..therre IS a cock in the pic although I'll admit you have to look for it""

By slipper at 18,Dec,09 01:40 other posts of slipper 
There are always such "people" everywhere. Hey, let it go and move on. NONE of this is really real for YOU... unless you (or, Rowina) define it that way!!! All the best. Attend to the fun parts and ignore the rest.

By #20664 at 17,Dec,09 14:59
No doubt, to each his own and I for one think rowina rocks! But if you don't like that sort of thing don't click on the link.
By #6568 at 17,Dec,09 15:56
Er,...how about if we "don't like that sort of thing" we take steps to keep this site to what it's supposed to be about....Or, 'admin' changes the title and subject matter and the rest of us accept that we are a minority and just fade away....??

By boy at 16,Dec,09 22:13 other posts of boy 
I basically agree with what you say, but on the other hand I think that somebody who publishes pics like those must be prepared to get quite controversial comments.

Adult Discussion Forum