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Cruel Remarks Intended to Inflict Pain

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Started by #9482 at 23,May,09 17:37
Individuals that make cruel remarks should be called to task. A guy named ?thickdick?, no longer on the site, has made several cruel statements. He commented on a beautiful pic: ?good rack but you could stand to lose 20-30 pounds? (she did not like his dick). I called him a cruel ass hole that enjoyed inflicting pain. His response:?if the truth hurts?. My response: "Most men would disagree with your opinion but even if that were true it does not give you the right to use truth as a club".

Similar topics: 1.cruel comments on rowina's pictures   2.pain on your cock and balls   3.Cbt master   4.Caught in a zipper   5.Testicle pain  

New Comment

By probowler298 at 02,Feb,24 10:36 other posts of probowler298 
Say what you want to about my pics.

By #699038 at 27,Oct,23 13:55
I think if someone sais somthing nasty to me well thats there freedom of speach i supose but i think if you have got something nice to say well maybe have consideration for other peoples feelings
By #610414 at 27,Oct,23 14:21

By SexyboytoyzMtl at 18,Oct,23 16:16 other posts of SexyboytoyzMtl 
You can say everything you want about me i love that

By Trekkk at 17,Mar,13 07:49 other posts of Trekkk 
As long as the comments are honest ones on my pics I'm not to fussed

By admin at 14,Oct,09 14:38 other posts of admin 
You all should consider that people who abuse others are mostly very unhappy. If everything is OK you do not feel a need to be rude. It appears only when you are screwed up by your life in some way. So, when someone trying to abuse you, you should rather feel sorry for them, than be abused.

By #22008 at 14,Oct,09 11:51
[ HAVE DISCOVERED THAT SOMETIMES IF YOU CLICK ON "anonymous on a message you will get a "name" or real identity of so-called anonymous.
By admin at 14,Oct,09 14:36 other posts of admin 
That was made by me intentionally like at least a year ago. But most of people do not seem to be curious enough to hit the links

By #9210 at 23,May,09 23:36
This site appears to be an anything goes kind of place. We have to accept that we are open to praise or insults, all kinds of people use this site so be ready for anything. Unfortunately this means having to put up with the rude and unbearable, but there are easy going and nice individuals too.

By #1501 at 23,May,09 21:23
There are some real arseholes on this site... and all over the net... they think it is anonymous and so it's okay to kisk shit over people... forgetting that people ARE people and have feelings!

Adult Discussion Forum